
Formal introduction


New member
Hello ISAMRs family.
Found this awesome site in an attempt to educate myself in an area that is sometimes difficult to get good info. I welcome any constructive advice.

I went to a Men’s Health Clinic May, 2017 and got on TRT. Started At 244# got down to 205#. In the last 2 months, I have now put back on 10# of lean muscle. Details below.

So this is me
Age. 52
Height. 5’08”
Weight. 215
Body fat %. 25% according to body tracker app.
Years of training. Steady for last year. Always had good physique dispite not exploiting it.
Complete cycle history (I wouldn’t call it a cycle but I guess you could) Currently on 220mg Test C weekly Arimidex 1mg twice weekly 4 Weeks on 30mg DBol on workout days only.
PCT for each cycle none planned.
Goals lose more fat and bulk up.
Supplements (if any) multi vitamin, magnesium & Potassium, vitamin D3, glucosamine and chondrotin, milk thistle daily,
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) Keto diet.
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) ACL surgery and still suffer with Meniscus issues, rotator cuff repair and a tear in other but getting better.

So, a year ago I was feeling my age, but since I having lost fat and gained muscle I’m motivated for more and that’s how I got here. Been on the TRT almost a year. Started at 275 total and 38.9 free and last lab I was at 1120 total and 236 free. I talked with the Doc about steps to improving my gains in the gym. She didn’t wanna discuss it. She is strictly a Low T Doc. But I’ve got access to one of the most important parts to making gains and that’s the Test C and Arimidex. When my labs came back last time she wanted me to back off 20mg to only 200mg of Test C weekly. So I’ve just found another Doc. This one wasn’t concerned and said go back up the where I was. On my next visit I plan to have a conversation about SARMs, Peptides, anabolics etc. and just get a feel for their limits.

So talking with others in the know, I gained access to DBol 10mg. I was told 30mg daily wasn’t really enough to worry about toxicity, and several places I read 30mg was beneficial. Since I started on it 4 weeks ago I’ve made noticeable improvements over the same dedication to hitting the iron the previous 10 months. I would still like to cut fat and gain muscle. I’ve found a stationary bike isn’t too hard on my bad knee and have began adding it in. BP has been great and as of last lab cholesterol was fine. I’ve always had low cholesterol. LDL are ideal but they always say HDL need to go up. Next scheduled lab will be 4-10-18. I figured that would be far enough out to run a short moderate cycle of DBol and be off before the draw.
I’m also told I don’t need to worry about a PCT since I’ll stay on the TRT. I’m on Test C for life it won’t stop.

So,....recommendations on SARMs for my lab rat? They intrigue me.

Sorry for the long introduction

Thanks all, now lay it on me!
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good lord man, seriously good lord... why on the planet earth would you use steroids at your body fat and then to make it worse, DBOL? omg!! this is so so bad... im not going to lay it on you... fuck, i dont even know where to begin... i cant do it tonight... this is beyond frustrating
Don’t sugar coat it bro. Shoot me strait. I got that BF% from an app that you simply plug in some specs. I feel like it’s lower than that, but unless a person does a Dexa scan it’s all guess. But bottom line, that’s the kind of advise I’m seeking. It’s been hard to find an reliable honest answer especially on forums. Last one I was on they would slam guys that were 6’ 160# because “He doesn’t have the size to start AAS.” But guys my size were fairly common.
So,...I’m simply asking for recommendations to gain more mass and shed more fat.
Looked at the numbers in the body tracker app. I didn’t have my updated specs. Took all new measurements and I’ve actually dropped 4% BF in the last 4 weeks. I’m not a CrossFit poster boy by no stretch at 21% and never plan to be, but I’m a damn sight better than a year ago.
can you just post a pic so that way i can assess and help you properly bro... also, thanks for not being one of these kids that if you hello to them wrong, they fucking cry... i love that... the only way to actually help is to just tell it like it is.. i dont have time to fucking hold hands so its refreshing to have someone that actually wants real help
Goals lose more fat and bulk up.

If this was possible I think everyone would want this. It's either or... can't accomplish this at the level of bf% that you are at. You need to cut down to at least 12% then bulk.

There is a such thing as a recomp where you gain lean muscle and burn fat at the same time but it's very hard and you have to already be at a low bf%.
@DylanGememelli, PM sent

If this was possible I think everyone would want this. It's either or... can't accomplish this at the level of bf% that you are at. You need to cut down to at least 12% then bulk.

There is a such thing as a recomp where you gain lean muscle and burn fat at the same time but it's very hard and you have to already be at a low bf%.

If this was possible I think everyone would want this. It's either or... can't accomplish this at the level of bf% that you are at. You need to cut down to at least 12% then bulk.

There is a such thing as a recomp where you gain lean muscle and burn fat at the same time but it's very hard and you have to already be at a low bf%.

Gotcha. Now just gotta figure out the best path to get there. Thanks!
Gotcha. Now just gotta figure out the best path to get there. Thanks!

Cutting and getting into better shape needs to be the primary focus right now. A good right diet in a proper caloric defecit is what you need. Check out this thread for help in that area

Sarms would also be a great option to help expedite your fat burning. They help tremendously with fat loss as well as building and retaining lean muscle mass. Let me know and I'll help,you set up a stack
cardio will be your friend for sure.. i would do 4-5 days a week, 30-45 minutes per day mixing in both steady state and HIIT... you need to eat a deficit as cbbram pointed out... minimum 250 to start but likely a bit higher and just develop consistency throughout... life higher reps with a lower weight and minimal rest in between sets while incorporating super sets as well
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