
First timer, tren+equipoise

Yea, something isn't adding up here. Anyone who eats this:

pastas, fruits, advocados, a lot of sandwich meats, somtimes sausages, cheeses, and cerea

Is probably not going to look like the guy in the pictures.
Yea, something isn't adding up here. Anyone who eats this:

pastas, fruits, advocados, a lot of sandwich meats, somtimes sausages, cheeses, and cerea

Is probably not going to look like the guy in the pictures.
Yep you got that right. High fat, sugar, dairy and sodium content is not going to put your physique in a favorable place

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Others will chime in, but dude, couple things quickly:

Tren is the strongest, most anabolic steroid known to man. It's like trying to juggle chainsaws on your first day at the circus. Definitely NOT for a first timer.

Why would the strongest anabolic known to man, not require a PCT when ANY external anabolic you put in your body will, always? Your neighbour is a foolish mong so you'd do well to disregard any of his advice.

Regardless of the above and the tren, it doesn't sound like you are anywhere near ready to do any steroids. Serious permanent lifelong damage can be done by carelessly doing any of this. And they aren't magic. Unless you build up a good base with diet and training and experience, you not only won't have the knowledge to maximize your steroid use, but you'll be wasting your money and risking your health for nothing.

It's not a 'get big and lean' instantly thing. Steroid use only maximizes what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen. Makes it work better than is humanly possible. Is only supposed to be used when your diet and training is so fucking on point that your hormonal functioning becomes the weakest link holding you back and you can't gain anymore. You're nowhere near that.

If you're not putting in the effort, there's nothing to make better. Steroids maximize hard work. They don't replace it.

Very well said bro.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
He said he doesnt eat processed food but almost everything he mentioned he eats is processed lmao this us an accident waiting to happen so bad its gotta b false. 1 tren shot a couple times a yr?
Thanks for all the great info guys, I will try to give you the best description of what I've been doing, eating, and for how long. I've not done tren except one shot at completely different times of the year so I am hoping that won't cause any shutdowns just yet? I am making sure we will have the proper PCT and stackers. What is the main stack I should use if and when I do begin a test cycle to keep myself away from the bad sides? HCG and or Sustanon?

Ok so I have been training off and on at a mid intensity for about 3 years but not a solid 3. I have as a result gained a good lean definition and have almost no fat, I am not sure my % but it may be around 7-8. I prefer eating pastas, fruits, advocados, a lot of sandwich meats, somtimes sausages, cheeses, and cereal. I avoid sweets and too much sugar, and all processed foods. I am trying to get more food in the house because I am used to only having just enough around. I have been known to eat sparsely trying to keep thin in almost an anorexic fashion but I don't believe I have any body dysmorphia. I'm wondering how many calories I should be taking in if I get back to hitting it 5 days a week again. I think my dieting is definitely holding me back and is something I need to address. Chest has been the last thing for me to pay attention to and even though I've done a lot of biking last year I almost never do lower body workouts. What do you guys recommend? I am looking at this workout.. 871v0L72View attachment 2084View attachment 2085

dude you have a diet of a 6 year old
Surely this is a troll... ?

You anorexically eat just sparsely to try stay thin, but wanted to run tren?

One of your pics is dated 2013...

The only thing you need to stack is a fork into a mound of chicken and brown rice.

I still look like that , basically with a bit more abs that's all lol. Just goes to show I need to be making better progress. Also not a troll, I was speaking about past habits.
He said he doesnt eat processed food but almost everything he mentioned he eats is processed lmao this us an accident waiting to happen so bad its gotta b false. 1 tren shot a couple times a yr?
I try to eat these things, I can't recall every single thing I eat. But I mean unprocessed as in unbleached essentially. I don't do one tren shot a year I just had been introduced to it and hadn't done it more than twice this year because I needed more information and had to do some travel in the meantime. I appreciate all the flames but I appreciate the good advice more. So what I got from this is bulk up on my own and make sure my routine is on point then when I'm ready start with test. What blockers do I need to stack with that ?
I try to eat these things, I can't recall every single thing I eat. But I mean unprocessed as in unbleached essentially. I don't do one tren shot a year I just had been introduced to it and hadn't done it more than twice this year because I needed more information and had to do some travel in the meantime. I appreciate all the flames but I appreciate the good advice more. So what I got from this is bulk up on my own and make sure my routine is on point then when I'm ready start with test. What blockers do I need to stack with that ?

You got it. Focus on learning your body. Focus on optimizing nutrition and training to make yourself grow. You have plenty of room to grow dude. It's not a short process, you can't expect to boom put on 40 lbs in 3 months. Its going to take some time. You cant be in a rush with this. Definitely stick around so you can learn for when you want to take it to the next level but right now, you are far from it. You really need to have the basics down in regards to nutrition and training otherwise anything you do, you'll just be wasting money and time since you won't understand how to keep gains. Read this thread if you haven't already:

Phurious Pharma Rep
Contact: [email protected]
Use Code: MP5 For 5% Discount
I try to eat these things, I can't recall every single thing I eat. But I mean unprocessed as in unbleached essentially. I don't do one tren shot a year I just had been introduced to it and hadn't done it more than twice this year because I needed more information and had to do some travel in the meantime. I appreciate all the flames but I appreciate the good advice more. So what I got from this is bulk up on my own and make sure my routine is on point then when I'm ready start with test. What blockers do I need to stack with that ?
Ok ur posts are very unclear and show u are very uninformed which is why you have the stats you have. You need to start eating lean meat. Chicken breast, fish, tuna, some steak. Complex carbs like oatmeal, whole grains, rice, sweet potatoes, green veggies etc. Cook everything fresh. If its microwave or comes in a box you dont want. Start eating more meals everyday. Not big meals but preplanned weighed out meals. Im eating 5 meals a day. When i go on cycle it goes up to 6-7. You need to quit thinking about steroids at this point. Get ur meals in order and do this like clockwork. Get a training schedule and stick to it regardless if u feel like it or not. Its not easy and sometimes its not fun. Some days i wonder if its all worth it. Then i find my motivation and hit it twice as hard. Find ur motivation. It all takes time it wont happen in 1 yr or 2 yrs. It takes years and yrs. The pros you see have been training 20-25 yrs to get to the point they at. Perhaps look at sarms. I started with them and used them to basically get my feet wet without a large amount of risk compared to aas. See if this lifestyle is for you and if you can continue to make the sacrifices necessary to make that step into the world of aas. My friends think im crazy b coz of how much i eat and what i eat and im always at the gym but they always ask how i made the progress i did. Hopefully this helps u
Ok aside from those stand points on why you dont run tren on your first cycle or run a cycle period when your not ready . there are plataue points in our training where we have too back off and then come back harder in a differant way the first one is after that magic first year in the gym where we learn a bunch of bad habbits and think they work because we got great results but in reality we could have beat our head against the mirror in the gym and got results that first year then over the next couple years you will make some more gains they will come slower . a hormone called myostatin limits our muscle growth and it and other factors are only going too let you go so far in increments . you hit your natural wall first then add a cycle if this cycle is 500 mg of test or test deca tren dbol and eq your gonna hit the same wall at close too the same point . if you do just test the take a break come back at it with a higher dose of test or add some deca or eq . but if your fisrt one you dropped and atomic bomb what in gods name do you do now drop a couple of them . end of story each cycle your going too see about the same amount of progress the idea is too get that progress from the least amount possible and increase as needed
I try to eat these things, I can't recall every single thing I eat. But I mean unprocessed as in unbleached essentially. I don't do one tren shot a year I just had been introduced to it and hadn't done it more than twice this year because I needed more information and had to do some travel in the meantime. I appreciate all the flames but I appreciate the good advice more. So what I got from this is bulk up on my own and make sure my routine is on point then when I'm ready start with test. What blockers do I need to stack with that ?

You're just not ready for steroids right now bud. You need to get your diet lined out and in check. Once you have that taken care of, I think a good first step for you would be to run a sarms stack to help with gains. A good protocol for you to follow would be this stack

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
Bump the last 3 posts, well said by all 3.

And guys; let's not beat him up too bad...he came here to learn, at least he's on a better track than some of the other new guys we've been getting lately...

digaldj; stick around and we'll help you get to the next level.
Bump the last 3 posts, well said by all 3.

And guys; let's not beat him up too bad...he came here to learn, at least he's on a better track than some of the other new guys we've been getting lately...

digaldj; stick around and we'll help you get to the next level.

absolutely... beating him up is not whats going to help... there were some things said that required tough love and thats all been said... now lets change things... clearly he's receptive and knows he was doing wrong, so lets help him fix it and also teach him why listening to fucktards is not advisable!
the main thing here is to drop steroid talk... thats completely out of the question right now... you have to have so many years of consistent diet and training and you really dont have any in terms of diet... you can gain so much naturally at this point or with sarms and peptides but first you need to get your diet squared away... you need to post a full days diet... also your exact goals, which i would assume to be to add some size being your so undersized but please be precise on the goal... this way all can be fixed...
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