
First SARM cycle *GW & SR*


Hey Everyone,

I'm new here and so far appreciate all the information on this forum and videos Dylan has provided which have been very helpful. SARMs are pretty new to me but the info I have gathered seems to point that these would be great to cycle without the sides. I'm looking to shred up in the coming weeks/months and I have ordered 1 bottle of GW (Sarms1) and 1 bottle SR (Sarmsx) along with an appetite suppressant (I get insanely hungry!). How should I dose this stack? Stats for me currently are 33, 6' tall, 175lbs (I do not know my current body fat percentage) But here's my current starting physique for my GW/SR cycle run...

Quick background on me, I used to be a very skinny kid as I always played basketball and ride bike but over time I Ballooned to 265lbs. My life went to shit pretty much when the ex fiance left for another guy (called me a fat ass when she left too) I had lost my job around the same time and my car. I was a fat slob but My friend in the Navy would bring me to his base gym and all i was doing was working out & running almost every day. I went from 265lbs to 169lbs in less than a year. I was slim but lean. Over 2 years I began some PH cycles and i gained some decent mass, Now want to shed the fat back off. Do you guys think GW/SR stack can provide some solid results from this starting base? Also, Those with much more experience than I, take a guess at my BF%?. I have to stop being lazy and go get a proper measurement lol. Anyway, Look forward to further great info from everyone here. My SARMs are in the mail and looking forward to getting started and bring forth my best shape ever.
Hey Everyone,

I'm new here and so far appreciate all the information on this forum and videos Dylan has provided which have been very helpful. SARMs are pretty new to me but the info I have gathered seems to point that these would be great to cycle without the sides. I'm looking to shred up in the coming weeks/months and I have ordered 1 bottle of GW (Sarms1) and 1 bottle SR (Sarmsx) along with an appetite suppressant (I get insanely hungry!). How should I dose this stack? Stats for me currently are 33, 6' tall, 175lbs (I do not know my current body fat percentage) But here's my current starting physique for my GW/SR cycle run...

Quick background on me, I used to be a very skinny kid as I always played basketball and ride bike but over time I Ballooned to 265lbs. My life went to shit pretty much when the ex fiance left for another guy (called me a fat ass when she left too) I had lost my job around the same time and my car. I was a fat slob but My friend in the Navy would bring me to his base gym and all i was doing was working out & running almost every day. I went from 265lbs to 169lbs in less than a year. I was slim but lean. Over 2 years I began some PH cycles and i gained some decent mass, Now want to shed the fat back off. Do you guys think GW/SR stack can provide some solid results from this starting base? Also, Those with much more experience than I, take a guess at my BF%?. I have to stop being lazy and go get a proper measurement lol. Anyway, Look forward to further great info from everyone here. My SARMs are in the mail and looking forward to getting started and bring forth my best shape ever.

hey brother, you have a nice base... probably around 13% but you could easily get into single digits... one thing you need to be warned about is that your GW is likely not good at all... its probably highly underdosed and very poor quality coming from sarms1... just so your aware if your not getting the type of results you should from gw... the stack itself is great, although i would highly consider adding s4 to the stack to really amp it up to a much higher level... here's the cycle i would recommend and make sure you go to

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
hey brother, you have a nice base... probably around 13% but you could easily get into single digits... one thing you need to be warned about is that your GW is likely not good at all... its probably highly underdosed and very poor quality coming from sarms1... just so your aware if your not getting the type of results you should from gw... the stack itself is great, although i would highly consider adding s4 to the stack to really amp it up to a much higher level... here's the cycle i would recommend and make sure you go to

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

Thanks Dylan!, I will look to get my next GW elswhere but for now will have to do and see how it runs. May even run a log on how the stack turns out. The S4 sounds awesome however the vision thing kind of puts me off but may consider it. I guess it depends on how each individual responds to it and how much the dosage.
Thanks Dylan!, I will look to get my next GW elswhere but for now will have to do and see how it runs. May even run a log on how the stack turns out. The S4 sounds awesome however the vision thing kind of puts me off but may consider it. I guess it depends on how each individual responds to it and how much the dosage.

you definitely want to keep s4... watch my video on how to properly dose it...
Congratulations on the big transformation you made. That's pretty impressive. You have a solid base, and are in pretty good shape right now. I'd put your bodyfat probably at around 12-13% myself, possibly even 11% but I'd have to see other pics to give a better answer on that.

I do agree with Dylan on having S4 into your stack if you can. It is a really great addition to a sarms stack. I really like Dylan's layout a lot, but I'm going to give you another setup that I think would suit you really well. It will be just as excellent for fat loss, but replacing LGD instead of MK-2866 and adding in RAD-140 which both will give phenomenal gains by adding the two best sarms for mass and strength. I really like this stack for ultimate recomp

Here is the protocol

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout… p
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thank you both Dylan and RickRock for your great responses and recommendations. I will definitely consider looking into these great stacks and guides to run.
First let me say my body responds to anything I take very quickly (Could be a good or bad thing in some cases) When i first took a PH or when i first took Anavar, I felt them fast. The PH I felt in 1 day. Now, Today I took GW for the first time this afternoon at a 20mg dose in one shot. I did not feel anything nor did i expect to however 2 hours later i felt warm and vascular especially in my forearms or you could say a feeling of being "tight", if that makes any sense. Anyway i chalked it up to being placebo or maybe just a slight body reaction. I hadnt eaten yet and i was just drinking water for most of the day as my Diet style for cutting is IF. I had my first meal and relaxed a bit then I went to a different gym i used to go to since it was more of your bodybuilding type of gyms, instead of the more known ones like Crunch, LA Fitness, etc... Reason being is the other gym is packed and a few girls that like me would just distract me by coming up to talk to me my whole workout lol so i wanted to have a nice serious session, especially to see if i felt any different with GW...

So.... I get on the treadmill to warm up and 5 minutes in of fast walking, I felt like i wasnt really doing anything so began jogging and again... I felt like nothing in terms of fatigue. I started running and I felt like i could run for F*cking ever. The very first thing i noticed is my enhanced breathing ability. I deal with asthma on occasions and i do get winded more so than your average person but today while i was running, i felt like i could take a huge breath without feeling winded whatsoever. In fact when i slowed down on the running and went back to walking... I was able to quickly breath at a normal pace and I wanted to run again! so i did and i felt "in a zone". From the logs ive read so far, when they talk about being able to keep going, That's what i felt like. I got off from running and jumped on the hack squat. I felt good! rep after rep without that tired feeling. After that i jumped into leg press and was able to get through again rep after rep. I was pouring sweat also. I havent had a workout that good in a while. This was only day 1 on GW. Im also waiting on my Sarmsx SR-9009 in the mail. The USPS shipping info hasnt changed unfortunately from Friday's order and still says pre-Shipment. Hopefully the SR comes very soon. I cant imagine what GW and SR will do if i felt this on day 1. I will update if things improve further, especially when i begin stacking GW and SR. Awesome stuff.

BTW, Anyone know why I cannot add my Avatar?
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First let me say my body responds to anything I take very quickly (Could be a good or bad thing in some cases) When i first took a PH or when i first took Anavar, I felt them fast. The PH I felt in 1 day. Now, Today I took GW for the first time this afternoon at a 20mg dose in one shot. I did not feel anything nor did i expect to however 2 hours later i felt warm and vascular especially in my forearms or you could say a feeling of being "tight", if that makes any sense. Anyway i chalked it up to being placebo or maybe just a slight body reaction. I hadnt eaten yet and i was just drinking water for most of the day as my Diet style for cutting is IF. I had my first meal and relaxed a bit then I went to a different gym i used to go to since it was more of your bodybuilding type of gyms, instead of the more known ones like Crunch, LA Fitness, etc... Reason being is the other gym is packed and a few girls that like me would just distract me by coming up to talk to me my whole workout lol so i wanted to have a nice serious session, especially to see if i felt any different with GW...

So.... I get on the treadmill to warm up and 5 minutes in of fast walking, I felt like i wasnt really doing anything so began jogging and again... I felt like nothing in terms of fatigue. I started running and I felt like i could run for F*cking ever. The very first thing i noticed is my enhanced breathing ability. I deal with asthma on occasions and i do get winded more so than your average person but today while i was running, i felt like i could take a huge breath without feeling winded whatsoever. In fact when i slowed down on the running and went back to walking... I was able to quickly breath at a normal pace and I wanted to run again! so i did and i felt "in a zone". From the logs ive read so far, when they talk about being able to keep going, That's what i felt like. I got off from running and jumped on the hack squat. I felt good! rep after rep without that tired feeling. After that i jumped into leg press and was able to get through again rep after rep. I was pouring sweat also. I havent had a workout that good in a while. This was only day 1 on GW. Im also waiting on my Sarmsx SR-9009 in the mail. The USPS shipping info hasnt changed unfortunately from Friday's order and still says pre-Shipment. Hopefully the SR comes very soon. I cant imagine what GW and SR will do if i felt this on day 1. I will update if things improve further, especially when i begin stacking GW and SR. Awesome stuff.

BTW, Anyone know why I cannot add my Avatar?

Damn that is pretty awesome this early on bro! Keep us updated on what you think because it gets WAY BETTER from here going forward.

You should be able to add your avatar under your profile settings. Do not change profile picture, change avatar. You can pick to upload from computer or from a web address

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Damn that is pretty awesome this early on bro! Keep us updated on what you think because it gets WAY BETTER from here going forward.

You should be able to add your avatar under your profile settings. Do not change profile picture, change avatar. You can pick to upload from computer or from a web address

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Thanks Bro. Im hyped up about today's workout lol Even more so now that I checked on my SR9009 package and will be delivered today. Will report back soon on how i feel running both.
First let me say my body responds to anything I take very quickly (Could be a good or bad thing in some cases) When i first took a PH or when i first took Anavar, I felt them fast. The PH I felt in 1 day. Now, Today I took GW for the first time this afternoon at a 20mg dose in one shot. I did not feel anything nor did i expect to however 2 hours later i felt warm and vascular especially in my forearms or you could say a feeling of being "tight", if that makes any sense. Anyway i chalked it up to being placebo or maybe just a slight body reaction. I hadnt eaten yet and i was just drinking water for most of the day as my Diet style for cutting is IF. I had my first meal and relaxed a bit then I went to a different gym i used to go to since it was more of your bodybuilding type of gyms, instead of the more known ones like Crunch, LA Fitness, etc... Reason being is the other gym is packed and a few girls that like me would just distract me by coming up to talk to me my whole workout lol so i wanted to have a nice serious session, especially to see if i felt any different with GW...

So.... I get on the treadmill to warm up and 5 minutes in of fast walking, I felt like i wasnt really doing anything so began jogging and again... I felt like nothing in terms of fatigue. I started running and I felt like i could run for F*cking ever. The very first thing i noticed is my enhanced breathing ability. I deal with asthma on occasions and i do get winded more so than your average person but today while i was running, i felt like i could take a huge breath without feeling winded whatsoever. In fact when i slowed down on the running and went back to walking... I was able to quickly breath at a normal pace and I wanted to run again! so i did and i felt "in a zone". From the logs ive read so far, when they talk about being able to keep going, That's what i felt like. I got off from running and jumped on the hack squat. I felt good! rep after rep without that tired feeling. After that i jumped into leg press and was able to get through again rep after rep. I was pouring sweat also. I havent had a workout that good in a while. This was only day 1 on GW. Im also waiting on my Sarmsx SR-9009 in the mail. The USPS shipping info hasnt changed unfortunately from Friday's order and still says pre-Shipment. Hopefully the SR comes very soon. I cant imagine what GW and SR will do if i felt this on day 1. I will update if things improve further, especially when i begin stacking GW and SR. Awesome stuff.

BTW, Anyone know why I cannot add my Avatar?

absolutey awesome bro... gw, sr and s4 are very fast acting... so i would fully expect you to do extremely well especially if your a fast responder... keep us updated throughout bro
I was going to wait till maybe Sunday to report an update however after tonight's gym session, I have to say, it was fucking tremendous. I took GW in the afternoon again at a full dose 20mg and the SR-9009 was delivered today so i took it in 3 doses. 10mg each = 30mg. I started out again on the treadmill to warm up but once again when I began jogging I felt like running and I was breezing through run on high incline. I would stop and walk then run again without a problem. The real show started when i began hitting back. The amount of clean energy was extreme and it doesn't feel like i took caffeine but more like i could keep going rep after rep non stop. This gym plays loud EDM music lol and i felt like i was zoned in pushing harder and harder. Like i mentioned in my previous post I have not felt a workout like this in a long time because i felt like i didnt want to stop. Amazingly I am currently taking a hunger suppressant to help with my cut and I was able to train like an animal with just a Banana all day. Im currently having my first big meal of the day with Grilled Chicken and egg whites. I dont know if its the GW and SR or because i had a great workout but im def in a great mood as well. So far on day 2 of GW and first day on GW & SR, I look forward to the days/weeks ahead and i will keep updating once in a while until i finish my cycle run. One question though... Should i dose SR at 40mg/Day? Ive read that was mostly recommended? Thanks again Dylan for your great help and advice.
I was going to wait till maybe Sunday to report an update however after tonight's gym session, I have to say, it was fucking tremendous. I took GW in the afternoon again at a full dose 20mg and the SR-9009 was delivered today so i took it in 3 doses. 10mg each = 30mg. I started out again on the treadmill to warm up but once again when I began jogging I felt like running and I was breezing through run on high incline. I would stop and walk then run again without a problem. The real show started when i began hitting back. The amount of clean energy was extreme and it doesn't feel like i took caffeine but more like i could keep going rep after rep non stop. This gym plays loud EDM music lol and i felt like i was zoned in pushing harder and harder. Like i mentioned in my previous post I have not felt a workout like this in a long time because i felt like i didnt want to stop. Amazingly I am currently taking a hunger suppressant to help with my cut and I was able to train like an animal with just a Banana all day. Im currently having my first big meal of the day with Grilled Chicken and egg whites. I dont know if its the GW and SR or because i had a great workout but im def in a great mood as well. So far on day 2 of GW and first day on GW & SR, I look forward to the days/weeks ahead and i will keep updating once in a while until i finish my cycle run. One question though... Should i dose SR at 40mg/Day? Ive read that was mostly recommended? Thanks again Dylan for your great help and advice.

You are responding extremely well to these compounds at a very early stage, so I can't wait to see what the coming weeks bring you! Looking forward to more updates bro!

SR9009 is definitely best and most optimal at the 40mg per day dose, so if you have the means to run it at that dose with enough to get you through your cycle, I'd highly recommend it. Obviously your bottles won't last as long, but the results are undeniable

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
damn man that is crazy that you responded so quickly to these usually takes a week or so for it to kick in

Yeah Bro, I'm surprised yet not that surprised that im responding so quickly because my body has always reacted quickly to anything I take. However the reaction im getting from the GW and SR is something i didnt expect to be so drastic. So far 2 days in and im feeling awesome. Tonight im planning on hitting the gym once again. I'll report back with further results in a few days and see how my fat loss is going.
With just a week and a half in on my GW and SR stack, I've had nothing but great things happen in such a short amount of time. Granted im not going to lie, I bumped up the Dosages a bit to see how my body would react and things got crazy lol. First thing, like others have mentioned is the endurance is noticeable right away and gets better and better but the mass im keeping while dropping body fat is fucking awesome. I'm definitely going to order another bottle of GW and SR again. my GW was from Sarms1 and SR from Sarmsx but i just going to get both from Sarmsx next round. Im thinking of running RAD140 during the summer as I've read great things about it thus far. Here are my progress pics so far with a week and a half in on GW/SR. *Pics are shitty since i had to zoom in and the lighting sucked!* Im still using a Galaxy S3 lol I need a new phone for a better cam but anyway.... Muscle mass is there while bodyfat dropping. As far as side effects, I have not experienced any and I am not sure if this has anything to do with these sarms but my right shoulder always aches when I first wake up in the morning and since Ive began taking the SR I dont experience this as much when i wake up. Is this possibly SR helping? I just dont feel sore at all.
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First SARM cycle *GW & SR*

With just a week and a half in on my GW and SR stack, I've had nothing but great things happen in such a short amount of time. Granted im not going to lie, I bumped up the Dosages a bit to see how my body would react and things got crazy lol. First thing, like others have mentioned is the endurance is noticeable right away and gets better and better but the mass im keeping while dropping body fat is fucking awesome. I'm definitely going to order another bottle of GW and SR again. my GW was from Sarms1 and SR from Sarmsx but i just going to get both from Sarmsx next round. Im thinking of running RAD140 during the summer as I've read great things about it thus far. Here are my progress pics so far with a week and a half in on GW/SR. *Pics are shitty since i had to zoom in and the lighting sucked!* Im still using a Galaxy S3 lol I need a new phone for a better cam but anyway.... Muscle mass is there while bodyfat dropping. As far as side effects, I have not experienced any and I am not sure if this has anything to do with these sarms but my right shoulder always aches when I first wake up in the morning and since Ive began taking the SR I dont experience this as much when i wake up. Is this possibly SR helping? I just dont feel sore at all.

Amazing progress already bro. You look more defined and noticeably tighter with much better fullness. That's incredible for such a short amount of time

With the increased nutrient uptake from GW and SR, you are going to get much better recovery and anabolism than before, so that is probably what is contributing to your decrease in shoulder pain.

Keep up the great work. Looking forward to more updates as they come my friend!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the great encouragement guys. I'll try to keep progress pics going as I see more definition coming in. Plus I'm probably going to try for a better phone/cam with also better lighting. If i flex i can see striations across my shoulders and chest and Vascularity has greatly increased in my arms, legs and even a bit on my chest but for some reason I look "softer" than i actually am in the pictures. Again, i'll try better lighting next time. I know that GW and SR increases metabolism at a great rate and that's key when trying to cut down but do they do anything for joints because i swear, my right shoulder and my right Knee always bothered me but since taking these, I feel no more aching which is phenomenal. Another thing I was to point out and keep it honest is that few days ago i fucked up on my diet and ate a ton however when i woke up, i looked even more defined and weighed less on the scale. i usually wake up looking/feeling bloated. On Friday, I went to a party and i ended up drinking more than i should have, I normally wake up puffy face/eyes and just shitty in general but I woke up like a new man lol I swear its either the GW or SR making this happen but im not sure which one. From my personal experience so far, This is pretty incredible.
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