
First post For my TRT away from the joke of a medical industry.


New member
Hey! I wanted to start by saying thanks to pharma lady for awesome service and great shipping time ( as I was being robbed every week I was going to the doctor). I started my TRT and a local "men's clinic" where they worked me up to 1 200mg shot a week, and after a few weeks had to proscribe me anastrozole. With a 200 mg shot once a week, my test were coming back in the 300's. I had to stop and ask why? That was when I came to the conclusion they wanted the test low... it was not about treating you, just a cash cow. So a friend and I started doing some research. Which landed me here!! THANKFULLY! So I am on week 6 of 100mg twice a week, of platinum biotech cyp. I feel great, and have my first labs scheduled for this Saturday, I know 100mg twice a week maybe a bit much for TRT but did not want to change the dose much from where I was just level it out. Will make adjustments after my labs!! Will post results!!

A little bit more about me, I'm 5'10" and started this at 320lbs! I am down to 295. And looking to lose around 25 more lbs. before I do anything more that trt. I have been lifting most of my life, i used to run... hahaha yea I had to I was an infantrymen. But after I got out I had messed around with some Ganeza pharm and no cardio (how I got to this point)... and I have to say I am way happier with pharma lady and platinum biotech!

My current diet is only 3 meals a day, I buy meals mad by a local company that is really good deal and it combined with the trt seems to be working well to get me back in fighting shape. And my lady likes the trt
results!! Hahaha thanks for reading and any positive feed back is welcome, have a great day!!
Awesome job on the weight loss brotha. My TRT clinic was the exact same. They wouldn't budge on me not coming in weekly until I told them I'd go elsewhere for treatement then they were OK with every 3 months. I'm not past that and doing every 6 months. With a lot of help on this board and research a fella could run his own TRT program pretty easily. Labs are fairly cheap and test is easy to find. Good luck on the weight loss and keep at it.
Most guys run, 50-60 mg twice a week of cyp, or eth, get blood work at 6 weeks to see where your levels are. Some one will correct me if I'm wrong but <1000 is considered TRT
Up to 1100 is ok for trt. Some can handle once a week. Some need twice. MOST fall below 200mg per week however.
Bold. Congrats on the weight loss brother. Keep that shit up.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
What do you do fighting wise OP? I'm a BJJ guy myself. Also, you weren't impressed with Geneva?
Congrats on the weight loss and welcome to the board!

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Hey! I wanted to start by saying thanks to pharma lady for awesome service and great shipping time ( as I was being robbed every week I was going to the doctor). I started my TRT and a local "men's clinic" where they worked me up to 1 200mg shot a week, and after a few weeks had to proscribe me anastrozole. With a 200 mg shot once a week, my test were coming back in the 300's. I had to stop and ask why? That was when I came to the conclusion they wanted the test low... it was not about treating you, just a cash cow. So a friend and I started doing some research. Which landed me here!! THANKFULLY! So I am on week 6 of 100mg twice a week, of platinum biotech cyp. I feel great, and have my first labs scheduled for this Saturday, I know 100mg twice a week maybe a bit much for TRT but did not want to change the dose much from where I was just level it out. Will make adjustments after my labs!! Will post results!!

A little bit more about me, I'm 5'10" and started this at 320lbs! I am down to 295. And looking to lose around 25 more lbs. before I do anything more that trt. I have been lifting most of my life, i used to run... hahaha yea I had to I was an infantrymen. But after I got out I had messed around with some Ganeza pharm and no cardio (how I got to this point)... and I have to say I am way happier with pharma lady and platinum biotech!

My current diet is only 3 meals a day, I buy meals mad by a local company that is really good deal and it combined with the trt seems to be working well to get me back in fighting shape. And my lady likes the trt
results!! Hahaha thanks for reading and any positive feed back is welcome, have a great day!!

Hey Bold Great job man, How many calories your taking in daily? brother I too was 320lbs my highest on a 5'7 frame and worked to get to 198lbs, a lot of work but it feels great I bet you.
What do you do fighting wise OP? I'm a BJJ guy myself. Also, you weren't impressed with Geneva?
Congrats on the weight loss and welcome to the board!

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Fiend, I don't fight any more, i just mean the weight I was when I was a war fighter. When I had to do or every morning and be stronger than the enemy! BJJ that is really cool man! Between the normal gym and work, I don't think I have time for another hobby!
Tyson! Thanks man yea it does feel good! Every day is a fight! I'm taking in about 1800 cals. A day. I should be eating more meals. But just trying to stay cal deficient!
My TRT dose is 200 mg's/weekly. I'd pin twice a week but that shit gets old. I was told once that insurance will only cover your to 200mgs and that's why most docs and clinics won't go over it.

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1> MAX trt dose is 200mg.
2> a bonafide trt dr will target you for around 700, maybe 800, but no higher. Higher than that long term there are issues.
My TRT dose is 200 mg's/weekly. I'd pin twice a week but that shit gets old. I was told once that insurance will only cover your to 200mgs and that's why most docs and clinics won't go over it.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk guys kill me

It has NOTHING to do with insurance !

The Dr's dont usually prescribe more than 200mg per week...because if that dose doesn't raise your serum testosterone level into normal have other issues going on that need to be addressed...just adding more test won't solve those problems
Yea, when I was at the local me clinic, 200mg once a week, and the test right befor you weekly shot, so at the lowest point. Now I am doing 100mg twice a week, and just got my blood drawn the day befor I pin.

I was at 300, and that was what made me seek out a better way, 1 shot a week doe snot work for me as it does some, I was haveing to much highs and lows
Got my blood work back today. This is on 100mg platinum biotech cyp x2 a week and pharma lady aromasin 1/4 pill EOD


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I've been on TRT for about six months. I agree with the previous posts. These TRT clinics are just about getting as much cash out of your pockets as possible. They have me on 200ml of test cyp per week and my blood is coming in at just under 400. It's very expensive and not very effective. Higher doses and more frequent directions seems to be the way to go. Just make sure you get your blood work done.
I've been on TRT for about six months. I agree with the previous posts. These TRT clinics are just about getting as much cash out of your pockets as possible. They have me on 200ml of test cyp per week and my blood is coming in at just under 400. It's very expensive and not very effective. Higher doses and more frequent directions seems to be the way to go. Just make sure you get your blood work done.

if you are on 200mg and test at 400, you have other issues that need to be looked at.
if you are on 200mg and test at 400, you have other issues that need to be looked at.

Not necessarily. I was on the same dose at the clinic once a week and I would still come back 280 day of injection. Left the clinic and started 100 every 3.5 days and I came back over 1500 day of injection. Had to back down to 120 per week to be high 800's. once a week doesn't work for some people.
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