
First ever cycle of Anavar


New member
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance
I would bump that dosage up to 60mg (30mg twice a day) and you're going to want to run at least a TRT dosage of Test along with that or at least a SARMS stack.

Welcome to AR!

Also can you give us a little more information about yourself (stats)?
Thanks a ton for your quick response team AR.. Well my stats would be i am 6 ft 2 currently weighing 183 pounds and 12%bf.
Is it necessary that i need trt in my cycle? I dont want to get into the needle thing that is why just wanted to stick with anavar..what wud be a sarms stack? Dont have any info about it..wont clomid and nolva help me in pct if i take only anavar that to as suggested by at 60mg ed?
Thanks in advance for sharing valuable information

cbbram said:
I would bump that dosage up to 60mg (30mg twice a day) and you're going to want to run at least a TRT dosage of Test along with that or at least a SARMS stack.

Welcome to AR!

Also can you give us a little more information about yourself (stats)?
Well any steroid can and most likely will shut you down. Anybody here will recommend a test base for any cycle. It's just much safer for your health. And much better for gains.

I can't get into sarms but there's plenty here who can.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
I'm on a cycle of Test cyp 400mg wk (12wks) and Anavar 60mg ed (last 6 weeks as a fininsher). I'm currently on week 10 and I've gained 10lbs. I'm happy so far and still have 2 weeks to go.

I can help you get the gear you need if you want to go this route.

Send me a PM and I can get you Pharma Lady's price list.
Also can you give us your age? Sorry if I missed it... I however cannot recommend steroids if you are under the age of 25...
Thanks everyone for all the valuable information much appreciated will keep in mind evrything and will proceed accordingly..thanks guys
To Rick Rock

Sorry for botheration but i forgot to mention my goal is to cut body fat and achieve a leaner look with defined abs..the sarms cycle you mentioned would be required for 12 weeks or it can be done in six weeks too? Also the dosage for a beginner like me which u stated is fine or do i need to alter the same..also in the pct u have mentioned clomid and gw again soo after finishing gw in my sarms stack i need to continue further with gw in my pct? Lastly when to start pct ? Like after how many hours of last sarms administraion in the body..thanks a lot
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

Samarkh28 said:
To Rick Rock

Sorry for botheration but i forgot to mention my goal is to cut body fat and achieve a leaner look with defined abs..the sarms cycle you mentioned would be required for 12 weeks or it can be done in six weeks too? Also the dosage for a beginner like me which u stated is fine or do i need to alter the same..also in the pct u have mentioned clomid and gw again soo after finishing gw in my sarms stack i need to continue further with gw in my pct? Lastly when to start pct ? Like after how many hours of last sarms administraion in the body..thanks a lot

In that case, for your goals the sarms stack is perfect for you.

You really should run the stack 12 weeks to get the full benefit. 8 weeks would be the minimum, but 12 weeks is ideal

The dosages are exactly what you should run. MK and GW only need the one dose per day pre-workout and the S4 should be dosed split pre-workout and 6-8 hours later

GW would be ran the whole cycle and into PCT. That is correct

PCT starts the day after your sarms stack is complete
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

Samarkh28 said:
Thank you once again rick rock. Much appreciated.thanks for all the info
No problem at all brother. Let me know if you have any further questions
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

hey brother... welcome to adrenaline rush... its great to have you and im more than happy to help you...

let's start with what has already been made clear to you... in all honesty, anavar only cycles are mainly for female use at this point... you are going to be all this undo stress on your body with toxicity, shutdown etc. for minimal gains... too many people are under the strong misconception that anavar is going to strip off mega body fat, and just do amazing things and that's far from the truth... if your using anavar it needs to be ran with test and if your just absolutely against that, then you at least need to run it with sarms... in this situation, i don't think you even need it...

also, just so you understand... adding test is NOT trt... trt is testosterone replacement therapy where you are on test all year round, that is not what you would be doing in the future...

your best bet is to run the sarms stack... i know your wanting this for something in 6 weeks, but it will be really peaking at that point and you can just carry it through after your show... this will melt fat, add lean muscle, minimal shutdown with results you are after... muscle hardening, fat loss, lean muscle gain, vascularity increases, melt fat, increase recovery, increase endurance, etc... the list goes on and on... all of my sarms articles are at and my videos on sarms on my youtube channel ... ujxQgFa-kw

here is the stack layout

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

if you wanted to add anavar

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-6 anavar 60 mg day
1-6 cycle assist
9-12 daa

pct 13-16

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day
I think that sarms run with anavar would be awesome! If you can find some good anavar with sarms talk about a fun ride!! I really like anavar but like the others I agree anavar alone is not the way to go... So some solid advice here from the crew, I would go with it. Starting to see more and more individuals looking for that lean cut up look..a lot like my man Dylan...that's just really good to see a place such as this one where all with different goals and outlooks on THIER body can come and soak in the "cool" and valuable knowledge. Plus You have sources here that I remind are held to a high standard by a very qualified individual...yea Dylan take a diversity my friends and how it is managed and welcomed is what really sets the pace and others to follow. Anyways my two cents on that and still here and still very impressed. Good job! And best of luck to the young man who started this thread in his upcoming show!
Hi rick rock

I require your help once again brother.. As i checked out i dont have any access to the sarms stack here as i stay in India.. So could you please help me out with the gear which i can take with anavar i mean the cycle with minimal or no sides and no shutdown with a proper pct. and what would be the exact dosage..please provide me without a needle option in this cycle..thanks brother
Francofranco said:
I think that sarms run with anavar would be awesome! If you can find some good anavar with sarms talk about a fun ride!! I really like anavar but like the others I agree anavar alone is not the way to go... So some solid advice here from the crew, I would go with it. Starting to see more and more individuals looking for that lean cut up look..a lot like my man Dylan...that's just really good to see a place such as this one where all with different goals and outlooks on THIER body can come and soak in the "cool" and valuable knowledge. Plus You have sources here that I remind are held to a high standard by a very qualified individual...yea Dylan take a diversity my friends and how it is managed and welcomed is what really sets the pace and others to follow. Anyways my two cents on that and still here and still very impressed. Good job! And best of luck to the young man who started this thread in his upcoming show!

thanks brother, i really appreciate that... your always on point man and im really happy that your here...

yes, i think this set up is definitely the best approach at this time.. this will ultimately prepare for later aas runs and it will get results in a rapid way...
To Dylan Gemelli

Hey thanks brother for ur response i personally wanted to thank u here as i am a great fan of yourz and see all ur videos and read ur forums. U share great valuable info about the gears and give proper advice
Dylan m really concerned here brother as i wrote in my previous blog to rick rock i cant find any sarms stack here so i was wondering to go ahead with anavar and minimum test like 150-200 mg a week and which test to use like prop test-e or cyphionate.. And i was wondering if it can be a cycle wid min sides or no sides and with a proper pct..plz suggest me thanks in advance
Samarkh28 said:
To Dylan Gemelli

Hey thanks brother for ur response i personally wanted to thank u here as i am a great fan of yourz and see all ur videos and read ur forums. U share great valuable info about the gears and give proper advice
Dylan m really concerned here brother as i wrote in my previous blog to rick rock i cant find any sarms stack here so i was wondering to go ahead with anavar and minimum test like 150-200 mg a week and which test to use like prop test-e or cyphionate.. And i was wondering if it can be a cycle wid min sides or no sides and with a proper pct..plz suggest me thanks in advance

hey brother... im really happy you found your way here and your having such a great experience... that's what its all about bro and now your part of the family here...

in regards to your sarms inquiry, what do you mean that cannot find any here? if your out of the country, they most certainly ship to you and you will receive it... there is a big sale going on with them and they can get you all taken care of... just send them a pm on here.. send to pureessencesarms and they will help you...
Samarkh28 said:
Hi rick rock

I require your help once again brother.. As i checked out i dont have any access to the sarms stack here as i stay in India.. So could you please help me out with the gear which i can take with anavar i mean the cycle with minimal or no sides and no shutdown with a proper pct. and what would be the exact dosage..please provide me without a needle option in this cycle..thanks brother

The sarms can be shipped to,you no problem brother. Pure essence ships international all the time, with smooth delivery and excellent shipping times. there should be absolutely no problem getting them to you
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