
First ever cycle of Anavar

Hi dylan/ rick rock

Can i order the sarms cutting stack itself which is shown at ?? i mean i am just looking forward for a lean body so will that stack will be good enough. Also i wanted to know will there be any additional duties which i have to pay or the flat rate of $20 will only apply to my case. Please advice so that i can place my order today itself..thanks brothers.
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

Samarkh28 said:
Hi dylan/ rick rock

Can i order the sarms cutting stack itself which is shown at ?? i mean i am just looking forward for a lean body so will that stack will be good enough. Also i wanted to know will there be any additional duties which i have to pay or the flat rate of $20 will only apply to my case. Please advice so that i can place my order today itself..thanks brothers.
Yes, if you are cutting primarily, the cutting stack is perfectly fine and should suit you well.

I think it will be the flat 20$ fee, but maybe Dylan can confirm this for you
RickRock said:
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
Infantry, your "boys" were running it with test as well... I'm with you bro in that anavar is a great drug but in terms of gains SOLEY DEPENDENT on the characteristics of the drug "anavar" it would take the other variables like training, diet and supporting drugs like test to make significant gains compared to another compound highly anabolic. So mg per mg anavar compared to other anabolics i would.have to agree with Rick. So like everything there are other variables to defenately consider. What would be cool is to get the whole story from you friends and to post something like " get the most from low.dose test and Var"...
I commend you bro for.taking a chance and.having an opinion. We all need that honesty and the chance for.debate and or constructive argument. We might all learn something new. So thanks for your honesty bro. Good one.
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug
Depends on your goals. I'm using Anavar along with test currently and I'm happy with the results. I'm not looking to compete or be elite by any means but more of a recomp and I'm satisfied.
Hi dylan/ rick rock

Brothers i have found can i just use it on its on to retain a bit of muscle and lose fat to get the defined body..also is there any sides with ostarine? And what would be the pct for ostarine only cycle and for how long the cycle should continue
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
cbbram said:
Depends on your goals. I'm using Anavar along with test currently and I'm happy with the results. I'm not looking to compete or be elite by any means but more of a recomp and I'm satisfied.

Exactly, Var is very effective for the recreational weightlifter and powerlifter. I have no illusions of having 19inch arms and perfectly formed everyting that is in perfect proportions. I want to be strong and look like I lift and if I can add a little vascularity, hardness plus a little size in the process that is perfect.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother. I understand your points completeky, but I've been there and ran all these things so I know what they do to the body.

For hardness vascularity and fat loss, I think I can assess it goid, since I am sub 8% year round. I got minor changes in all those areas, where winstrol gave me incredible changes in all those areas. It's literally night and day between winstrol and anavar. I know Dylan agrees with me on this as well

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother.

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar

Yes I have blasted Test before, I am on TRT for quite a while now and have dosed up to 400 a week for about 14 weeks. So no I haven't used anything other then Test and Sarms and way back in the day a prohormone Anderstein or some crap like that, the Mark McGuire stuff. But I'm not blind to what goes around me as I went to the MetroFlex of my area, so the shit was all around me.
As you can see in my post in the past, I am a pretty cautious dude. I just don't see the value in things like whinny, pretty fucking harsh shit for gains that are not really keepable and you got to blast again.
Rick youre what I call a 1%, your past the point of awesome when it comes to sculpting the body. I think maybe Anavar wouldn't be the right choice for somebody like you, not many people can be 8%BF year round, you need some strong shit to make some changes.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"21infantry" said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother.

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar

Yes I have blasted Test before, I am on TRT for quite a while now and have dosed up to 400 a week for about 14 weeks. So no I haven't used anything other then Test and Sarms and way back in the day a prohormone Anderstein or some crap like that, the Mark McGuire stuff. But I'm not blind to what goes around me as I went to the MetroFlex of my area, so the shit was all around me.
As you can see in my post in the past, I am a pretty cautious dude. I just don't see the value in things like whinny, pretty fucking harsh shit for gains that are not really keepable and you got to blast again.
Rick youre what I call a 1%, your past the point of awesome when it comes to sculpting the body. I think maybe Anavar wouldn't be the right choice for somebody like you, not many people can be 8%BF year round, you need some strong shit to make some changes.
Ya man. I guess our views are just a perfect example of how compounds are different for everyone. What works well for one may not be the best for another, and so on. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect by my post at all. I was just tying to give my views is all. At least I think we are both on the same page that Anavar only is not a wise move.

I think it's a,great thing that you are cautious. That's a,very good mindset for this lifestyle that will take you far.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"21infantry" said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother.

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar

Yes I have blasted Test before, I am on TRT for quite a while now and have dosed up to 400 a week for about 14 weeks. So no I haven't used anything other then Test and Sarms and way back in the day a prohormone Anderstein or some crap like that, the Mark McGuire stuff. But I'm not blind to what goes around me as I went to the MetroFlex of my area, so the shit was all around me.
As you can see in my post in the past, I am a pretty cautious dude. I just don't see the value in things like whinny, pretty fucking harsh shit for gains that are not really keepable and you got to blast again.
Rick youre what I call a 1%, your past the point of awesome when it comes to sculpting the body. I think maybe Anavar wouldn't be the right choice for somebody like you, not many people can be 8%BF year round, you need some strong shit to make some changes.
Ya man. I guess our views are just a perfect example of how compounds are different for everyone. What works well for one may not be the best for another, and so on. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect by my post at all. I was just tying to give my views is all. At least I think we are both on the same page that Anavar only is not a wise move.

I think it's a,great thing that you are cautious. That's a,very good mindset for this lifestyle that will take you far.

Its all good Rick your one of the good guys. I can tell you forgot your 8 caps of N2G because somebody is a little cranky !
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"21infantry" said:
"RickRock" said:
"21infantry" said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother.

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar

Yes I have blasted Test before, I am on TRT for quite a while now and have dosed up to 400 a week for about 14 weeks. So no I haven't used anything other then Test and Sarms and way back in the day a prohormone Anderstein or some crap like that, the Mark McGuire stuff. But I'm not blind to what goes around me as I went to the MetroFlex of my area, so the shit was all around me.
As you can see in my post in the past, I am a pretty cautious dude. I just don't see the value in things like whinny, pretty fucking harsh shit for gains that are not really keepable and you got to blast again.
Rick youre what I call a 1%, your past the point of awesome when it comes to sculpting the body. I think maybe Anavar wouldn't be the right choice for somebody like you, not many people can be 8%BF year round, you need some strong shit to make some changes.
Ya man. I guess our views are just a perfect example of how compounds are different for everyone. What works well for one may not be the best for another, and so on. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect by my post at all. I was just tying to give my views is all. At least I think we are both on the same page that Anavar only is not a wise move.

I think it's a,great thing that you are cautious. That's a,very good mindset for this lifestyle that will take you far.

Its all good Rick your one of the good guys. I can tell you forgot your 8 caps of N2G because somebody is a little cranky !
Lol sorry if I came off that way buddy. I think I just need to get laid. It's been a while lol. I was also hangry when I was typing, and it had been longer than normal than I like between meals :)
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.

there is nothing wrong with anavar at all... you can gain some size with, nothing drastic but that's not what its intended for... there are much better options for hardening though and strength... anavar is not even in the same boat as winstrol for any of this whatsoever... can anavar burn belly fat, yes to an extent but winstrol and masteron crush it in all aspects... anavar has sides that are overlooked with the horrible pumps it can cause and it is far more suppressive than others think... i personally don't care much for it but that does not mean its not effective... i honestly won't use it again because winstrol just crushes it in all aspects but anavar is definitely the better choice for some... we are all different and we all have several options out there and there's nothing wrong with using it... just because its not something rick or I prefer, which we definitely do not, does not mean its not a good option for others... everyone should be sharing their experience and thoughts and its never an "argument" but more so a comparison etc... good topics guys!
Samarkh28 said:
Hi dylan/ rick rock

Brothers i have found can i just use it on its on to retain a bit of muscle and lose fat to get the defined body..also is there any sides with ostarine? And what would be the pct for ostarine only cycle and for how long the cycle should continue

ostarine can cause mild suppression but its very minimal... you run it 12 weeks at 25 mg per day.. for your pct, all you need is a mini pct of clomid at 25 mg per day and gw-501516 at 20 mg per day at four weeks in length...

the very best mk-2866 you can find is at
Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

DylanGemelli said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
Samarkh28 said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.

there is nothing wrong with anavar at all... you can gain some size with, nothing drastic but that's not what its intended for... there are much better options for hardening though and strength... anavar is not even in the same boat as winstrol for any of this whatsoever... can anavar burn belly fat, yes to an extent but winstrol and masteron crush it in all aspects... anavar has sides that are overlooked with the horrible pumps it can cause and it is far more suppressive than others think... i personally don't care much for it but that does not mean its not effective... i honestly won't use it again because winstrol just crushes it in all aspects but anavar is definitely the better choice for some... we are all different and we all have several options out there and there's nothing wrong with using it... just because its not something rick or I prefer, which we definitely do not, does not mean its not a good option for others... everyone should be sharing their experience and thoughts and its never an "argument" but more so a comparison etc... good topics guys!
Oh no doubt Dylan, never a argument just conversation. When it comes down to it and why I will never run whinny is two fold, Toxicity of the liver and Joints, after 20 jumps I'm not willing to put my joints at anymore risk of abuse for aesthetics. 20 years in the Infantry can really put a beat down on those joints, now that I don't have to do that shit anymore, I think I owe those little suckers some love.
Samarkh28 said:
To Dylan Gemelli

Hey thanks brother for ur response i personally wanted to thank u here as i am a great fan of yourz and see all ur videos and read ur forums. U share great valuable info about the gears and give proper advice
Dylan m really concerned here brother as i wrote in my previous blog to rick rock i cant find any sarms stack here so i was wondering to go ahead with anavar and minimum test like 150-200 mg a week and which test to use like prop test-e or cyphionate.. And i was wondering if it can be a cycle wid min sides or no sides and with a proper pct..plz suggest me thanks in advance

brother, you don't need to find any sarms "there"

everything can be shipped to you and will pass customs... what country are you in?
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: First ever cycle of Anavar

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
"RickRock" said:
"21infantry" said:
"RickRock" said:
"Samarkh28" said:
Hi Dylan,

I would like to address my query to you. First of all i have been a great fan of yours and have watched all your you tube query was i am planning to do an anavar only cycle as it is a mild steroid and this just for one time use to prepare for a shoot..i am planning for a 40-50 mg ed cycle for six weeks..i have exactly six weeks from today to get prepared..i am currently 12% bf..what i wanted to clear was inhave read tons of forums stating anavar wont shut you down and some stating it shuts you down quite hard..what should i be looking forward to in this case?? Do i need a test booster along with it like tribulus etc..and wht would be my pct like i am planning to use on clomid and nolvadex for three weeks..i am very much concerned abt this shut down thing will this pct get me back on track..please advice and help..thanks in advance

I would not recommend an oral only cycle of Anavar. It will most definitely shut you down, so anyone that tells you different doesn't know what they are talking about. Oral surgeon withot Test is a very poor cycle choice. Besides that Anavar is extremely weak and won't offer much in terms of gains.

Based on your goals and your current stats, and the fact that you want to avoid needles, you should go with a sarms stack. Sarms are great for adding lean mass and strength,me hike dropping body fat, increasing endurance, and increasing hardness and vascularity. They basically give steroid like results, but are not AAS. They do not shut you down like steroids and also don't carry the negative side effects.

You can read all about sarms in the articles at which is also the highest grade and quality of sarms you will find

To start out you should go with a sarms triple stack. Here is how the protocol is laid out

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

Clomid 25/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Ill have to somewhat disagree their Rock, my boys back in the day use to run Var and low levels of test back in the day and they used it for bulking and they would gain about 7lbs of muscle and the scale wouldn't move drop fat and be hard as a rock and gain some size to boot and they where running only about 200mg of test a week and one was doing TRT types doses and he was very gyno prone. I think Var is the most overated by reputation among new users and undrated by long time users. I think adding a quarter to three quarters on your arms in six weeks is pretty damn good, plus the serpation and fat reduction that comes along with it with a lack of sides compared to others makes Var a clear winner in my book.
With test.....yes not even close to the same thing. Anavar is weak as fuck on its own bro. Honestly I don't even know why guys use it. Its strictly a women's drug in my opinion.

No offense to your boys, but I've been in this game a long time, and their gains came because they were also on test. If they gained thst kind of size its because they were nowhere near their genetic potential which means they would have gained big time on nothing at all but a halfass diet and training. Nothing much from weak ass Anavar brother. For me personally it was the most disappointing oral over ever ran, and I'll never use it again. Winstrol blows it out of the water in every sense.

There's a reason you don't see anyone with an elite physique wasting time with that drug

Rick I think we have total different philosophies on PEDs in general. I agree that Test is a must with Var after doing research and I don't know anybody who has done var without Test. And I'm not arguing the point that Var is not a mass monster, but can you gain a little size on it absolutely, but Var is going to deliver a few things that are above par on most PEDS hardness and strength which I value much more then all out mass and it does have the ability to attack belly fat, these virtues by itself along with minimal side effects make var a very popular choice. I get it your into BB, I could care less about BB, the thing I put above all is Strenght and there is no denying that Var does that very well and its keepable.
If I remember correctly, you've never even ran AAS right? I just don't understand how you can give input on things you've never been through brother.

Even with strength I gained nearly zero on Anavar...nothing. it was just a major disapoointment. And this was from a very high quality lab. I made very minor gains. I've gained much more from sarms than I ever did with anavar

Yes I have blasted Test before, I am on TRT for quite a while now and have dosed up to 400 a week for about 14 weeks. So no I haven't used anything other then Test and Sarms and way back in the day a prohormone Anderstein or some crap like that, the Mark McGuire stuff. But I'm not blind to what goes around me as I went to the MetroFlex of my area, so the shit was all around me.
As you can see in my post in the past, I am a pretty cautious dude. I just don't see the value in things like whinny, pretty fucking harsh shit for gains that are not really keepable and you got to blast again.
Rick youre what I call a 1%, your past the point of awesome when it comes to sculpting the body. I think maybe Anavar wouldn't be the right choice for somebody like you, not many people can be 8%BF year round, you need some strong shit to make some changes.
Ya man. I guess our views are just a perfect example of how compounds are different for everyone. What works well for one may not be the best for another, and so on. I definitely didn't mean any disrespect by my post at all. I was just tying to give my views is all. At least I think we are both on the same page that Anavar only is not a wise move.

I think it's a,great thing that you are cautious. That's a,very good mindset for this lifestyle that will take you far.

Its all good Rick your one of the good guys. I can tell you forgot your 8 caps of N2G because somebody is a little cranky !

^^^ Dam, lol ... !
Dylan i have one more query to share with you..i am planning to do ostarine for 6 weeks @ 20 mg everyday soo should i be looking forward towards any sides? Also i have clomid and nolva in hand so can i incorporate both in my pct instead of gw what will be ur take on that?
Also do i need to be concerned abt ne gyno issues wid ostarine? And should i take in arimidix with it to prevent gyno issues if any so should i just take nolva and clomid in pct

What i have planned is ostarine 6 weeks @ 20 mg per day..with arimidex 0.25mg eod just to prevent any estrogenic activity and after six weeks a pct of clomid 50/50/25/25..also will run tribulus along side ostarine? what do you think about this shall i be good with this.

Thanks brother
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