
First cycle tips and pct help

There's always that chance that you might influence that small percentage of young people to make the right decision because they are teachable. So I say encourage them against it, but provide another option so they don't totally feel let down. I don't know, just my two cents.
There's always that chance that you might influence that small percentage of young people to make the right decision because they are teachable. So I say encourage them against it, but provide another option so they don't totally feel let down. I don't know, just my two cents.

its very true... i cannot argue with the fact that many have that "well im doing it anyway" mentality and attitude but honestly, not always.. there's a lot more out there that are receptive and actually listening and even if we only get to a certain percent, its saving lives and that's what we should continue to attempt to do before just telling others what they want to hear... thats not the way life works... you dont just "do what you want" at anytime without understanding and knowing the possible repercussions...
well his OP was he wanted to do it as safely as possible, whether he meant that or not all you can do is point him in the direction of sarms and diet at this point. he still has to decide to go to a sponsor or whoever he gets "gear" from he is already ahead of 80% of the newbies here, most have already started and then have that "oh shit" whats happening moment
its very true... i cannot argue with the fact that many have that "well im doing it anyway" mentality and attitude but honestly, not always.. there's a lot more out there that are receptive and actually listening and even if we only get to a certain percent, its saving lives and that's what we should continue to attempt to do before just telling others what they want to hear... thats not the way life works... you dont just "do what you want" at anytime without understanding and knowing the possible repercussions...

I feel like the majority of new guys that come to the boards are coachable. The problem is that we all remember the 1, 2 guys that are told what they DON'T want to hear and start with the pushback, then the pissing match starts. There also has to be an educated, scientific reason/reasons why a veteran tells a new guys what he does.
Welp I'm 23 and haply to share my experiences with you if you have specific questions.
Clearly I don't recomend what your considering. I've done a lot of AAS and happy to shed light where I can. A lot of people will say don't do this don't do that. Well I can tell you first hand as to why.

I can also tell you what I do like about my choices. Unfortunatly most benifits come with cons though.

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i agree, one area where people start getting into trouble is giving advice on things they have no place or experience giving the advice. then things get all screwed up and people make bad decisions. for example theres many things im not well versed in. and if thats the case il steer someone in the right direction for the information, rather then say what i think i "may or may not know".

stay safe my friends.
I wish more people approached things like this. It bothers me how much bad information is spread from people who have no business answering. Answering when you have experience/knowledge and pointing someone in the right direction when you don't, is perfect.

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one of the big problems i know i have had when it comes to perhaps getting upset is when someone comes and asks for help, yet has all the answers already and wants to tell how to do things when they are indeed the one coming to ask... that is one i have had a hard time with... sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and move on but that one is a circumstance where it gets difficult...
one of the big problems i know i have had when it comes to perhaps getting upset is when someone comes and asks for help, yet has all the answers already and wants to tell how to do things when they are indeed the one coming to ask... that is one i have had a hard time with... sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and move on but that one is a circumstance where it gets difficult...

I think sometimes people just dont know how to really communicate, so their questions come out in the form of "i heard this, or my friend said that" or "I do things this way, ive read this ...etc" when in reality they are trying to ask us "how" and they end up turning it into a debate instead of a moment of education.
Thankyou for the concerns.....luckily I'm not hard headed and like taking in opinions whether I agree with them or not at the moment. But that's why I am here to ask experienced people what the best route is for me of my age? I didn't have my mind set of using roids just curious about them. But if you guys think sarms are a better substitute I would like to try them
Thankyou for the concerns.....luckily I'm not hard headed and like taking in opinions whether I agree with them or not at the moment. But that's why I am here to ask experienced people what the best route is for me of my age? I didn't have my mind set of using roids just curious about them. But if you guys think sarms are a better substitute I would like to try them

at 23 years old, you would be making a terrible mistake by using steroids bro... its just not smart in any way... i would be hesitant to advise it even if you were going for a pro card... its just a horrible move as explained... you can easily do sarms a few years until your at least 25 (which is still too young but far better) and really get strong results... i HIGHLY recommend starting with sarms and using them for a while... trust me, after you use them once you will want to keep using them anyway... here's a strong layout for you to try to start with.... just start with the super stack... its a very ideal starting point for everyone... here's a link to the entire stack and here is the layout

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Would be able to specify what kind of results I would be looking at? I'm at around 16% body fat I would like to go for lean muscle rather than huge bulky muscle....
Would be able to specify what kind of results I would be looking at? I'm at around 16% body fat I would like to go for lean muscle rather than huge bulky muscle....

there's not a human alive who can tell you what results you'll get with anything you run.. YOU determine that... noone can say how you will eat, train, etc... how your body will ultimately respond..i cant say you'll gain 7.2 lb.s, drop 1.5 % body fat etc... brother, thats probably the worst question you can ever ask..

what i can tell you is that you will size, strength, endurance, fat loss, healing etc. but the overall results come down to you bro... the sarms have the capabilites but you have to allow them to work, just like anything else you can take
Hello there Dylan my name is Elias I've been watching your YouTube videos to try and get a better perspective of going on a cycle pct and all that.I'm have difficulty finding and understanding the right information on a anavar only cycle and a pct. I'm 23 and I'm a newbie to this so I'm curious what this can do, but I wanna be sure I do it right and not cause damage to my body. Can you shine a light on that?! Thanks In advance

First of all...good for you for asking. If you want the best results from aas then you need to be as lean and strong as you can be. At 6'3 and 200lbs 16%bf is a skinny fat person.You do not have to wait too much longer b4 aas but try this. Do sarms for 1 year, and workout with as much intensity as you can. Get that diet tuned in and add some muscle and loose some fat. I am not sure where to tell you look right now ,but Rick Rock wrote a great piece on macros. If you can go one more year and you did all of this correctly, you may be able to start aas. It is up to you and I am not saying don't do it, but get everything in order before you do run aas. If and when you decide...hopefully in one year,then post again and ask for the best cycle for you. We start out low and steady, because we all want to be alive 10 years from now. You will get very good advice from the guys here
Would be able to specify what kind of results I would be looking at? I'm at around 16% body fat I would like to go for lean muscle rather than huge bulky muscle....

The number one thing that will impact the results you will get is having the proper diet in place. I can't stress the importance of this enough. If you have the right diet plan structured correctly, you can get the most out of your cycle to give you the best results attainable.

Please check out my thread on diet and nutrition which will help you put a solid plan together

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
First of all...good for you for asking. If you want the best results from aas then you need to be as lean and strong as you can be. At 6'3 and 200lbs 16%bf is a skinny fat person.You do not have to wait too much longer b4 aas but try this. Do sarms for 1 year, and workout with as much intensity as you can. Get that diet tuned in and add some muscle and loose some fat. I am not sure where to tell you look right now ,but Rick Rock wrote a great piece on macros. If you can go one more year and you did all of this correctly, you may be able to start aas. It is up to you and I am not saying don't do it, but get everything in order before you do run aas. If and when you decide...hopefully in one year,then post again and ask for the best cycle for you. We start out low and steady, because we all want to be alive 10 years from now. You will get very good advice from the guys here

extremely well said and i throughly agree with this... read this info twice and then read it again because its more than helpful.. great post drb...
at 23 years old, you would be making a terrible mistake by using steroids bro... its just not smart in any way... i would be hesitant to advise it even if you were going for a pro card... its just a horrible move as explained... you can easily do sarms a few years until your at least 25 (which is still too young but far better) and really get strong results... i HIGHLY recommend starting with sarms and using them for a while... trust me, after you use them once you will want to keep using them anyway... here's a strong layout for you to try to start with.... just start with the super stack... its a very ideal starting point for everyone... here's a link to the entire stack and here is the layout

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

Would I be able to do this same dosage for a 8 week or does it differ from 8weeks to 12weeks? Thanks in advance
Would I be able to do this same dosage for a 8 week or does it differ from 8weeks to 12weeks? Thanks in advance

If you want the full benefit, you really need to go twelve weeks. That is the most optimal way to get the best results from it, and exactly why it was laid out and set up that way

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Would I be able to do this same dosage for a 8 week or does it differ from 8weeks to 12weeks? Thanks in advance

its the same dosage either way but an 8 weeks cycle is a 3/4 cycle... its not complete and i will never fully understand why anyone would leave 4 weeks of quality gains on the table...
its the same dosage either way but an 8 weeks cycle is a 3/4 cycle... its not complete and i will never fully understand why anyone would leave 4 weeks of quality gains on the table...

I agree totally. It is right at about 8 weeks when you feel so so in the groove. I can remember hitting week 12 and thinking...dam I am just starting to really roll and now I have to stop. So think of it the way Dylan put it...that is a good teaching method....8 weeks is 3/4 of a cycle.
12 weeks for sure i just finished my 2nd 12 week cycle and it was good til the end

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