So im sitting at docs office right now waiting for doc to come in. 37 years old 188pounds 6’1 hit gym 6 times a week (one muscle a day) had great results and felt great on first cycle but aftet pct i feel like ive lost all my results and may slightly be worse off than before i started. I fully expect to work with doctor to go on trt but i thougjt id share my results two things really stand out to me.
Disclosure its been four weeks since pct completed
1. Testosterone is 384, slightly higher than when i did pre cycle bloods of 222
2. Estragen is high at 56 where pre cycle bloods i was at 15.7
3. Did not previously test cholesterol levels but i did take some winstrol last 6 weeks of cycle at 25mg daily but cholesterol is slightly high with total at 204 with ldl at 145.
I had a sneaking suspicion within first few weeks of cycle that blasting in a sense may not be for me because while i felt amazing and mid cycle lvls got me to 2200 test so it was not overdosed nor crazy numbers I knew coming off was really going to suck. At my age i can see myself maybe blast once anyear but if i had to pick id rather never blast again and just maintain low dosage for a healthy lifestyle/libido/energy and feel for life. I do want to look great dont get me wrong but the peak and valley of a blast and then pct with what seems my natural low test does not seem to be right for me. I am still very novice so im hoping for any thoughts or opinions. I will follow up this thread with doctors recommendation after she comes in.
Disclosure its been four weeks since pct completed
1. Testosterone is 384, slightly higher than when i did pre cycle bloods of 222
2. Estragen is high at 56 where pre cycle bloods i was at 15.7
3. Did not previously test cholesterol levels but i did take some winstrol last 6 weeks of cycle at 25mg daily but cholesterol is slightly high with total at 204 with ldl at 145.
I had a sneaking suspicion within first few weeks of cycle that blasting in a sense may not be for me because while i felt amazing and mid cycle lvls got me to 2200 test so it was not overdosed nor crazy numbers I knew coming off was really going to suck. At my age i can see myself maybe blast once anyear but if i had to pick id rather never blast again and just maintain low dosage for a healthy lifestyle/libido/energy and feel for life. I do want to look great dont get me wrong but the peak and valley of a blast and then pct with what seems my natural low test does not seem to be right for me. I am still very novice so im hoping for any thoughts or opinions. I will follow up this thread with doctors recommendation after she comes in.