27M - 6’1 - 202lbs - 19-21%BF
Week 1-8 10mg lgd-4033
Week 1-16 10mg mk667
Week 4-8 6,25mg Enclomiphene (test base)
Week 8-16 10mg GW501516
Pre bloods
Test 13,3 nmol/L
Test free 0,34 nmol/L
LH 5,5 IU/L
FSH 4,3 IU/L
Estrogen 0,09 nmol/L
Prolactin 170IU/L
SHBG 30 nmol/L
Looking to do my first sarm cycle, trying to get some lean mass
Will 6,25mg enclo be enough to combat low test, should i even start it earlier with it?
As i understand GW501516 and mk667 can improve Well being while coming off cycle.
Is it true that mk667 Can raise prolactin?
Ive got cabergoline on hand if needed, i know i Will probaly not need such drugs for this cycle, i just like to have things on hand
Got also Nolva and aromasin on hand
I am planning on doing bloodwork pre cycle and at week 8 or 10, Will Also do bloodwork at week 20 just to see how things are going.
Whats your take on all this?
Thanks in advance guys
Week 1-8 10mg lgd-4033
Week 1-16 10mg mk667
Week 4-8 6,25mg Enclomiphene (test base)
Week 8-16 10mg GW501516
Pre bloods
Test 13,3 nmol/L
Test free 0,34 nmol/L
LH 5,5 IU/L
FSH 4,3 IU/L
Estrogen 0,09 nmol/L
Prolactin 170IU/L
SHBG 30 nmol/L
Looking to do my first sarm cycle, trying to get some lean mass
Will 6,25mg enclo be enough to combat low test, should i even start it earlier with it?
As i understand GW501516 and mk667 can improve Well being while coming off cycle.
Is it true that mk667 Can raise prolactin?
Ive got cabergoline on hand if needed, i know i Will probaly not need such drugs for this cycle, i just like to have things on hand

Got also Nolva and aromasin on hand
I am planning on doing bloodwork pre cycle and at week 8 or 10, Will Also do bloodwork at week 20 just to see how things are going.
Whats your take on all this?
Thanks in advance guys