Okay so I have just concluded my first cycle of sarms and by God was it the most glorious 6 weeks I have ever had in the gym. From the moment I hit chest 2 days into s4 and lgd I felt a HUGE increase in strength and stamina. There was also an increase in libido which was also nice.
Here is before at 165- 168lb:
6 weeks later at 186:
My cycle was funky I might add so here it is roughly.
S4 50mg Week 1-4 (sometimes taken lunch and before work out and sometimes taken all at once before work out) I also may have slipped in an extra 25mg here n there.
Lgd 10mg week 1-4
Lgd 20mg week 5-6
Rad 140 10-20mg week 5-6
Mk677 20-25mg week 4 -6 (this will continue)
One question I have is since my cycle was shorter than most would 1 week PCT be sufficient? Or should I still do a full 2 weeks? As I'm sure you would assume I'm excited to get back on them lol
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Here is before at 165- 168lb:

6 weeks later at 186:

My cycle was funky I might add so here it is roughly.
S4 50mg Week 1-4 (sometimes taken lunch and before work out and sometimes taken all at once before work out) I also may have slipped in an extra 25mg here n there.
Lgd 10mg week 1-4
Lgd 20mg week 5-6
Rad 140 10-20mg week 5-6
Mk677 20-25mg week 4 -6 (this will continue)
One question I have is since my cycle was shorter than most would 1 week PCT be sufficient? Or should I still do a full 2 weeks? As I'm sure you would assume I'm excited to get back on them lol
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