Today's log...
I met my buddy at the gym again today at 1 pm. We banged out a fast but very efficient arm workout. It went like this:
Warm up(just to get the blood flowing):
chinups- 12 reps
pushups-12 reps
3 sets of Wide grip barbell curls 10 reps
3 sets of Dumbell hammer curls 10 reps into a drop set of 4-6 reps lower the weight another 4-6 reps lower the weight and a final 4-6 reps
3 sets of 10 reps Lying dumbell tricep extension
3 sets of close grip bench press 10 reps into a drop set of 4-6 reps lower the weight another 4-6 reps lower the weight and a final 4-6 reps
3 sets of Reverse barbell curls 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps
3 sets of tricep pushdowns 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps
3 sets of standing dumbell kickbacks 15, reps, 12 reps, 10 reps
We hit some much needed ab exercises:
1 minute plank (squeeze those ass cheeks together!)
1 minute of leg raises
medicine ball- leaning back on the ground with knees and legs up, partner throws medicine ball the receiver catches it twists to 1 side touches ball on ground then the other side then throws back to partner
Weighted crunches with rope 20 reps into drop set 4-6 reps lower weight and continue until you have done 4-6 reps w the entire stack
Then I went home... and took care of my son which was really pretty cool today. It's cool every day but every day seems to be better than the last in my 6 months as a dad.
When my wife got home from work at around 6:15 PM. We hung out, bullshitted about our day, and laughed about all of it. At about 6:45 PM, I said to myself "You are not done. You need to go back and put in some high intensity cardio if you want to lose another 2-4% of your body fat." I changed and head up to the gym and did this cardio workout:
3 rounds of
20 burpees immediately followed by
75 jumping jacks immediately followed by
50 high knees immediately followed by
5 minutes on the elliptical
1-1:30 sec bw rounds
I walked out at about 8:00 PM and thought..."Now you are done."
So that brings us to the SARMs with the proviron, aromasin, 150 mg test cyp (1st week at 150 mg, previously was at 200 mg per week)
I have noticed a few things:
1. I'm bigger. It seems like its coming pretty rapidly.(Thank you LGD)
2. More veins are popping out my arms every day. (Thank you RAD140)
3. I am sleeping great (thank you MK677!)
4. My hair is shiny and softer than its ever been! (Thank you MK677)- I actually read this in other peoples threads and noticed it for the first time on me today
5. My endurance is still solid but it is not where it was when on GW. I cannot say enough about GW! It is my favorite of all the SARMs (technically not a SARM, technically a PPARδ receptor agonist) it increases your VO2 max which is a measure of the maximum volume of oxygen u can use. If you can use more oxygen you don't get out of breath as quickly if at all on GW. I'm extremely eager to incorporate it into my cycle at the end of this bridge for 14 of the 16 weeks of that cycle.
6.I feel good (THANK YOU Pure Essence, Pharma Lady, Dylan, Rick, Spikedeggnog, 9th wonder and everyone else here)
It is about time to go to bed... I'm done with this log and the Ultimate Warrior documentary I have been watching (Ultimate Warrior The Ultimate Collection) If you were into wrestling in the 80s and 90s these videos are just cool to take you back to that time...maybe its geeky but I really love things that are nostalgic.( also watch the Randy Macho Man Savage one the other day and that was also fucking awesome). Thank you all for reading this and continually giving your feedback. It means a lot. I might be repetive with my thank yous, but that's just how I feel. Thankful. Thankful to be a part of AR.