I take an injection of test c 200mgs every 10 days for TRT. I just went and had bloods done and my estradiol number is 45. What range should this number be in. Thanks
its been 6 days since my last shot. Energy low, libido is low, very little acne, no signs of gyno. My test level is at 600 which is lower than normal. I had seen somewhere it needs to be 20-30 and i'm at 45.
sarmsx aromasin is strong shit, you e levels arent that high, I'd go at the least 12.5 e3d. I had 45, and it knocked my e level to almost zero, which is equally bad.
I think your test number is also a little low. I'm taking 200 mg a week of test cyp along with 25 mg anastrazole a week and my numbers are 1700 test and 5 estrogen (which is low I agree) but I feel great. I'm 54 years old.
You are definitely a bit high on estrogen , but really not real far out of range. A little aromasin can go a long way for only being about 10-15 points away from where you need to be. I'd run the aromasin at 7.5mg EOD and recheck in another 3-4 weeks. You can get great high quality liquid aromasin from www.sarmsx.com
What do you normally keep your estrogen at. Do you pin every seven days? I got my test up to 1200 and the doctor backed me down to every 14 days and I crashed out all the time, then she switch me to test gel 100mgs everyday and that shit didnt work at all. So I do my own thing now, check bloods at least 2 times a year just this time the estrogen was elevated.
yep, everyone will have their range. Some people are just more sensitive to estrogen and need to keep E levels lower, some can withstand higher E levels,. I feel best around 45