hello all, i'm about to start the enhanced super stack and wanted to start my log thread. A little backround on me, I have been training for just over 10 years, I was an endurance athlete in highschool, and into college. I always lifted as well, but never to get bigger or anything of the sort. Then after my decision to serve I found a love for weightlifting that has never stopped. I am an Olympic style weightlifting coach and crossfit coach. I do a mix of strength and skill training along with endurance, 2 a day workouts consisting of cardio and strength spilt throughtout the day. I'm 6'1" 235 lbs starting this, coming at 15 to 17% bf. I'll be eating at maintenance calories to start, timing my macro intake for best results. The goal is to cut, so after the first few weeks I will cut below maintenance calories. currently squatting 430lbs, benching 320lbs, deadlifting 550lbs. Oly lifts are 325lbs clean and jerk, and 285lbs snatch. Running times can be posted if desired.