42 years old. Stats: 6'00", 190#, 9.5% BF. Goal is 175-180# and 7-8% BF.
Currently on 200MG per week of TRT and Semorelin 6x per week.
A majority of my training consist of cycling and running. I lift legs and mid-section 2-3x per week. I've hit a wall with training and age is not on my side. I've run GW, SR, and S in the past with success and got down to 8%/185#...but stopped using and couldn't hold it. I know diet is key. But my age has made the weight increasingly more difficult with recovery times too.
Here's my question...I need a layout that will get me over this hump. What are your thoughts adding EQ into an Enhanced Super Stack? I'm concern the Rad-140 will add bulk...I don't want that. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
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42 years old. Stats: 6'00", 190#, 9.5% BF. Goal is 175-180# and 7-8% BF.
Currently on 200MG per week of TRT and Semorelin 6x per week.
A majority of my training consist of cycling and running. I lift legs and mid-section 2-3x per week. I've hit a wall with training and age is not on my side. I've run GW, SR, and S in the past with success and got down to 8%/185#...but stopped using and couldn't hold it. I know diet is key. But my age has made the weight increasingly more difficult with recovery times too.
Here's my question...I need a layout that will get me over this hump. What are your thoughts adding EQ into an Enhanced Super Stack? I'm concern the Rad-140 will add bulk...I don't want that. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
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