Hey guys, thanks in Advance for any inputs
Soon I'll reach the end of my first SARMs cycle and I have some questions on how to continue afterwards. As I hardly found any articles let alone studies, I'd be happy to hear your experiences.
I'm doing a recomp cycle (LGD-4033, Ostarine, GW-501516, MK-677) and my macros are:
160g carbs, 350g protein, 70g fat (~2800kcal)
I'm very happy with the results in gaining some muscle while cutting quite a lot of fat!! Now I'd like to maintain muscle and bf% as well as possible and I'm wondering how to adapt the macro-ratios and the training? (Training has been very intense throughout the cycle; cardio every day the last weeks)
And how much would you increase the calories?
(I'm on TRT by the way so I'm not planning on doing any PCT)
Soon I'll reach the end of my first SARMs cycle and I have some questions on how to continue afterwards. As I hardly found any articles let alone studies, I'd be happy to hear your experiences.
I'm doing a recomp cycle (LGD-4033, Ostarine, GW-501516, MK-677) and my macros are:
160g carbs, 350g protein, 70g fat (~2800kcal)
I'm very happy with the results in gaining some muscle while cutting quite a lot of fat!! Now I'd like to maintain muscle and bf% as well as possible and I'm wondering how to adapt the macro-ratios and the training? (Training has been very intense throughout the cycle; cardio every day the last weeks)
And how much would you increase the calories?
(I'm on TRT by the way so I'm not planning on doing any PCT)