Update time...
I dont like to do daily updates because it gets repetitive and I want to show progress after a bit more time... I am beyond thrilled with this for many reason... The first is that after all these years and so many terrible anavar experiences, FINALLY I can report a good experience... I was very hopeful going into this and am beyond pleasantly surprised... I have veins in several different spots on my stomach especially popping out... Its hard to see with all my tattoos but I know where all my veins normally pop and there are several extras in many areas... Strength is where I am the happiest... My lifts have gone up tremendously in a short period of time... Obviously Im not the biggest guy and never have been but strength has generally been well ahead of my size... Shoulders are always my strongest... My best times I was pressing 100's for sets of 10 and im clearly not near that but i was able to do sets of 10 with 70's this week so I was very pleased with that... All lifts have gone up a very very significant amount in a short period of time... I have already added 5 very very clean lbs as well... I am still lacking in getting in enough calories... It has definitely improved but it's still low for most people, especially considering my output... That is mainly stress and work related but I am definitely getting that back up to a more consistent level as well... Of course I will continue to work on it and get it better... Here are a few updated pics, which I am sure you can see a difference from the first ones posted... Thank you to everyone for the support!
I really can tell the difference between the pictures before and now, you look more solid brother, I'm happy for you, keep up the good hard work.