I like my way. I just don't worry about other people.
You take steroids? cool breh.... Your natty? cool breh.... Ima go hit some curls breh.
I don't give anyone even the time of day.
If I'm in a good mood though Il mess with peolle a bit. What do I take? Oh you know... vitamin c, 600 grams of protein, 1000g of carbs. I take a lot of Flintstone vitamines.
All my water is sparkling water for maximum anabolic effect. Regular water is not nearly as anabolic.
Supplement wise... shit muscle tech bro. Muscle tech tastes like a monkeys asshole but shit that's how gains are made.
lol I don't think the people in my gym really give a fuck they are all on Geritol, but I get a little from old buddies that haven't seen me in a while and wonder how I lost so much weight so fast and getting stacked. I just laugh and say just eating right man
I'll miss any other body part before I miss a leg day (unless I'm injured)
On the current topic this post has morphed into. I respect people who work HARD in the gym. Just using my gym as an example: I respect the 50-60 year old woman who is clearly overweight but yet gets on the treadmill and bangs out 30-45 minutes every morning I'm there the same as the guy who is as big and strong as me doing a modified crossfit workout he likely created.
Can't go heavy or ass to grass on squats anymore because of back surgery back in April. 2x per week I do couple of warm up sets then 3x15 at 225, then on to romainian deadlifts, leg ext, leg curls, calf press, and hyper extensions with no weight. Went to my TRT doc yesterday and he said i have the GH levels of a 22 yr old.....and i'm 39 with not GH supplementation ever. Don't skip legs!! Ever!!