I will say this one last thing about this crap. I had it in my organic chemistry lab when I was 22. I asked my prof about it and said that it used to be a prescription diet pill. I researched the crap out it...library of course...no internet yet. I found out what the prescribed dose was and took some. In 4 hours I felt like I was getting the flu...went home and missed the rest of my classes the next day. My temp was only 100.5F. I never missed one class in my life until I took this shit.
Sure enough I lost 2 lbs at the expense of feeling like I had the flu. At first I really did think I had flu. I called my dad and when he was done my ears were ringing. I have never been screamed at like that from drb,so I knew I really fucked up.
Please...do not even ever consider this SHIT. One dose did me this..one proper dose...how the hell can a person keep taking something that makes them a little sicker each day?