
Do you do this? honest!

Damn man that's some dedication right there.Id probably be pissing myself.

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The best thing to do is stay in the spot ur in. Why run? You dont know where to run to. You have no idea where the rounds will land anyway. You could run and run right into one

The best thing to do is stay in the spot ur in. Why run? You dont know where to run to. You have no idea where the rounds will land anyway. You could run and run right into one


Makes sense.I've never been shot or anything.No service under my belt.I tried to sign up when I was 18 but only had a GED & they wouldn't accept me.In hindsight I'm kind of glad after seeing the ridiculous ROE's the military's under.The politician's have our guys fighting with one hand tied behind their backs practically.That's probably better left for another thread though.
Makes sense.I've never been shot or anything.No service under my belt.I tried to sign up when I was 18 but only had a GED & they wouldn't accept me.In hindsight I'm kind of glad after seeing the ridiculous ROE's the military's under.The politician's have our guys fighting with one hand tied behind their backs practically.That's probably better left for another thread though.

Ya its pretty stupid u have to be shot at first. Then u can shoot. Retarded. Its war. Its kill or be killed. Not oh well lets make it fair

Ya its pretty stupid u have to be shot at first. Then u can shoot. Retarded. Its war. Its kill or be killed. Not oh well lets make it fair


All depends on if your men are tight and the CO has balls enough to back you all up. My CO and I were on the same sheet of music on all things and he turned a blind eye to and denied anything that might be interpreted as questionable by some lame ass. We ran our AOR and because of it never were screwed with by the insuregent shit heads. They'd mess with everyone in the BZ but us, literally. ROE is what it is... open to interpretation... ours.
dude we had "lunchtime larry" we called him in Balad Iraq he would always mortar us on his lunch break the fuckin SP's literally watched him do it every fucking day and would never shoot his ass, then at 5 pm when he would get off work he would lob some more. fucking ridiculous, fuckin Air Force imma gawt damn redneck I say mf'r shoots at me he better hope he hits me cuz im getting his ass but NOOOOOO wouldn't let em fuckin shoot.
oh and by the way ive been off for a few days reading this in the beginning I thought did 44 change his screen name lol
dude we had "lunchtime larry" we called him in Balad Iraq he would always mortar us on his lunch break the fuckin SP's literally watched him do it every fucking day and would never shoot his ass, then at 5 pm when he would get off work he would lob some more. fucking ridiculous, fuckin Air Force imma gawt damn redneck I say mf'r shoots at me he better hope he hits me cuz im getting his ass but NOOOOOO wouldn't let em fuckin shoot.

Balad had that nice ass'd dfac bro... we would escort logpacs there sometimes and stop and eat there. You guys had a pool, theatre and nice exchange too! Used to be so jelly.
Balad had that nice ass'd dfac bro... we would escort logpacs there sometimes and stop and eat there. You guys had a pool, theatre and nice exchange too! Used to be so jelly.

I know right i was only passing thru from there to biap and naseriyah running faro and the rom

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The FARP huh? Must've been good money contracting I suppose. I had a buddy who ran one down at that FOB off route Tampa, just South of Route Mississippi right above that bridge they kept blowing up. Can't remember the name of that FOB though...
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