
Do you do this? honest!

Bruv, not the first and not the last. lol
Here's what you do the next time, it works for me, might work for you.
Pick up half that weight, or maybe a bit more, something that YOU KNOW you can do easily. Next walk up to those girls, just give a smile just ask one of them to spot you, just say you want someone there to "stablize your elbows just in case".
All depends on the way you say it, if you pull it off they won't say no. Tell her to spot you on every rep, not that you need it. Do the set and finish with a "Was that all you?" Exchange names blah blah blah "maybe I'll ask you to spot me some other time" blah blah blab
Return to your workout. Don't initiate the next conversation on the same day unless she does, in which case keep it short.
Now you have a way to talk to her next time. Make it cheeky..
Usually works for me......maybe because I am a Brit and girls here in North America fawn over my accent but meh, whatever works :p
Bruv, not the first and not the last. lol
Here's what you do the next time, it works for me, might work for you.
Pick up half that weight, or maybe a bit more, something that YOU KNOW you can do easily. Next walk up to those girls, just give a smile just ask one of them to spot you, just say you want someone there to "stablize your elbows just in case".
All depends on the way you say it, if you pull it off they won't say no. Tell her to spot you on every rep, not that you need it. Do the set and finish with a "Was that all you?" Exchange names blah blah blah "maybe I'll ask you to spot me some other time" blah blah blab
Return to your workout. Don't initiate the next conversation on the same day unless she does, in which case keep it short.
Now you have a way to talk to her next time. Make it cheeky..
Usually works for me......maybe because I am a Brit and girls here in North America fawn over my accent but meh, whatever works :p

It's your accent bro lol! ;)

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Not denying that :p
Playing fair is for those with no advantages. :D
I think half of the reason why it never works for people is either because they try too hard, don't try at all or do it halfheartedly.
I swear I had to give a friend lessons lmfao
So I did chest and triceps yesterday. The crappy gym I train at is mostly for normal people who wants to "get fit" and I am probably one of the biggest guys there. So, I started my chest workout heavy as I usually do. First exercise was dumbbell presses so I picked up the 120lbs dumbbells that I am pretty much the only guy there who uses and started to do my presses. When I do this, most of the scrawny looking guys all stop what they are doing and just look at me in awe as I am able to strictly and seemingly easy pull off 12 reps. Sadly, at the time I was alone in the area. So I finished my dumbbell workout, went away from the freeweight area to do some machine presses to really squeeze out the last I had left in my chest.

Then I went back to the freeweights area to start doing my triceps. This time there were a group of 3-4 really pretty girls there doing some weightless squatting. I decided that I was going to show off to let them know that I am the ALPHA IN THIS GYM. I picked up my 120s, got them into posistion, lay down on the bench, pressed...and nothing happened, I could not move the fuckers. The girls are looking at me gigglning and talking amongst themselves and I try to find some excuse for not being able to lift the weight. I go through my bag and find some lifing gloves that I have been using like 1 times in the last 5 years. I put the on and smile to the girls to make sure they understand that reason I could not move the weight was because I was not wearing my gloves

So, now the girls attention are focused on me and I feel some performance anxiety building up inside. I get into position and push the dumbbell for king and country.. The girls look impressed so I decide to do one last rep. My right arm is able to get the dumbbell all the way up but my left one can only get it half way up...I just cant move it further. I feel how I lose all power in my left hand and all I can d My head feels like its going to explode and my chest is killing me but I get them up.The second rep is even worse. I do the worst form in the history of exercise, squirming and using my shoulders, arching my back etc to get the weight up, then I drop it and the fucker passes like 0.5 cm from my head and makes am impressive sound when it hits the floor.

The girls look at my like if I am a total retard and I feel like a complete noob.

Am I the only one who act like a moron infront of pretty girls?

Your first mistake was thinking you would impress girls by lifting heavy things. They could give a fuck and you are lucky that you didnt hurt yourself over something really fucking stupid.

You need to grow up a little and remember you are there to put in work not pick up chics. SMH

Most girls won't even know that pushing 120's is an impressive feat. They often aren't aware what is considered heavy unless they're competition themselves.

Agreed. The average chick in the gym just see's big dumbbell's and are impressed...
The point is do what it is that you would do normally, doing extra just to get an ohhhh, or ahhhhh will get you every time.
Really dude? 120 db's are just 240 pounds total weight, they look nice, but the weight is the weight all day, every day.

LOL. I really don't even see the point in 120 db's anyway. Cables, bars and kettlebells are all in my wheelhouse. Regardless, 240 is 240 always.
I don't let anyone or anything get in the way of my workout.When I'm in the zone I'm so focused on the mind muscle connection it would take a fire alarm or something to distract me.Plus the gym I workout at is like 95% dudes & the few chics that do workout there aren't much to look at.
I'm so glad I'm out of that rat race dating
LOL. I really don't even see the point in 120 db's anyway. Cables, bars and kettlebells are all in my wheelhouse. Regardless, 240 is 240 always.

you and me both... that's where the hard work is at and the gains... not doing sets that are so heavy you can only do a few reps and have to rest 5 minutes in between sets just to lift a few times again... i can do sets of heavy weights, 10 reps, rest 30 seconds and go right at it again and just destroy a workout and get quadruple the amount done in 40-45 minutes than in an hour of "lifting heavy"
I used to do this in my early/mid 20's, but now I couldn't care less what other people think. I no longer ego lift or try to put up crazy weight for others. I lift for me (I'm not bashing you in any way). I've just grown out of it, I guess lol.
I don't let anyone or anything get in the way of my workout.When I'm in the zone I'm so focused on the mind muscle connection it would take a fire alarm or something to distract me.Plus the gym I workout at is like 95% dudes & the few chics that do workout there aren't much to look at.
I'm so glad I'm out of that rat race dating

We got mortar'd in Afghanistan and I was in the gym working out this one time. Everyone scattered to the bunkers and I stayed and kept working out. When it's your time, it's your time... the rounds you hear you never concern yourself with, it's the ones you never hear that kill you they say.
you and me both... that's where the hard work is at and the gains... not doing sets that are so heavy you can only do a few reps and have to rest 5 minutes in between sets just to lift a few times again... i can do sets of heavy weights, 10 reps, rest 30 seconds and go right at it again and just destroy a workout and get quadruple the amount done in 40-45 minutes than in an hour of "lifting heavy"

I have a feeling we probably train very similar. I have a 2 hour break every day in which I get changed, train hard, get a shower, eat or have a shake and still be ahead of the guys that are walking in before I even start my break and finishing a half hour later.
I have a feeling we probably train very similar. I have a 2 hour break every day in which I get changed, train hard, get a shower, eat or have a shake and still be ahead of the guys that are walking in before I even start my break and finishing a half hour later.

yes, im sure we train quite similar... i do an hour of cardio every morning right when i get up... then i work the rest of the day... go to the gym at night but im in and out in 45-50 minutes because i train hard, i dont rest, i dont chit chat, i just sweat, strain and go until i just fucking cant go any more... i take 15-30 second rests in between sets, i super set and i go until my body just wont do anymore... i go hard as fuck the entire time etc... that's how it should be every workout...
yes, im sure we train quite similar... i do an hour of cardio every morning right when i get up... then i work the rest of the day... go to the gym at night but im in and out in 45-50 minutes because i train hard, i dont rest, i dont chit chat, i just sweat, strain and go until i just fucking cant go any more... i take 15-30 second rests in between sets, i super set and i go until my body just wont do anymore... i go hard as fuck the entire time etc... that's how it should be every workout...

I hear that. The only time I take a bit longer between sets is when I'm squatting or deadlifting heavy. Other than that it's super sets, circuits, drop sets, or MYO reps to increase intensity and cut down on overall time.
yes, im sure we train quite similar... i do an hour of cardio every morning right when i get up... then i work the rest of the day... go to the gym at night but im in and out in 45-50 minutes because i train hard, i dont rest, i dont chit chat, i just sweat, strain and go until i just fucking cant go any more... i take 15-30 second rests in between sets, i super set and i go until my body just wont do anymore... i go hard as fuck the entire time etc... that's how it should be every workout...

I do the same minus the hour typical cardio and replaced with stuff like battle ropes and balance workouts.
I have never done this once.....ever. I'm entirely focused on me and me alone when I'm in the gym. I could give a fuck less who else is in there to be honest. It doesn't matter if it's some hot chick or not. My goals and my gains are way too important to me than to try and impress some chick
We got mortar'd in Afghanistan and I was in the gym working out this one time. Everyone scattered to the bunkers and I stayed and kept working out. When it's your time, it's your time... the rounds you hear you never concern yourself with, it's the ones you never hear that kill you they say.

Damn man that's some dedication right there.Id probably be pissing myself.

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