Yeah, you will definitely need something stacked with dianabol in order to harder a bit the gains, and keep them after ending the cycle. I would split the dosage in two parts, one taken in the morning, and another one taken one hour before working out (or just PM on rest days). The best stack for Dianabol would be a SARMS triple stack - simple, and yet very effective and completely safe to use. The cycle would look like this:
Weeks 1-8
Dianabol - 30 mgs per day
Some good liver protection every day
Aromasin - 10 mgs EOD
Cardarine GW-501516 - 12,5 mgs per day
Ostarine MK-2866 - 25 mgs per day
Andarine S4 - 50 mgs per day (for the first two weeks use just 25 mgs per day, and then increase the dosage to 50 mgs per day)
Then do a 4 weeks mini-PCT consisting of nolvadex, clomid, Ostarine MK-2866 and some good liver protection and natty test booster.