
Definition of TRT , Cruise , blast , bridge

Came across DM post on TRT Bridge Cruise and blast and did not get a clear definition of them.
I'm curious as to stay in AAS as much as possible.
From my understanding you need to complete a pct before bridging to the next cycle.
Just running a low dose between cycles(blasting) thus does not require PCT.
The cycles between cruising without pct.
Permanently running low dose of AAS with out Blasts, no need to ever PCT, now the AAS is a permanent medication.
Not sure if the above is correct.What is the difference , benefit of bridge or cruise. Just no PCT?
I think I just answered my own question. The bridge does not include any AAS.
I would like to learn more on cruising. I imagine once you start cruising/blasting you never turn back.I would imagine blood work is of great importance once you take this big step.
Kinda got it right.

Trt is testosterone replacement therapy. Dr perscribed. We say trt as a use to describe how much test we run in a cruise usually a "trt" level of test. Meaning 100-200 mg a week.

Bridge is not bridge to the next cycle as that would be the same as blast and cruise.

A bridge is a product such as sarms that help bridge you from on cycle to pct as to keep libido energy etc up even though you are coming off the steroids.

Blast and cruise is being on basically all the time but when u blast you use large dosages when you cruise you use low or trt dosages.

If your intent is to blast and cruise so u can stay on aas without having low t you will be making a mistake bro. U must have low t or its gona be the same as staying on cycle all year long.
Kinda got it right.

Trt is testosterone replacement therapy. Dr perscribed. We say trt as a use to describe how much test we run in a cruise usually a "trt" level of test. Meaning 100-200 mg a week.

Bridge is not bridge to the next cycle as that would be the same as blast and cruise.

A bridge is a product such as sarms that help bridge you from on cycle to pct as to keep libido energy etc up even though you are coming off the steroids.

Blast and cruise is being on basically all the time but when u blast you use large dosages when you cruise you use low or trt dosages.


I think phur explained it pretty good. So if I say I am on trt, that just means I am taking 100-200 for life. If I say I am on a cycle but just using a "TRT DOSE" then that means I may be taking deca,eq,primo along with 100-200mg test.

A bridge can be anything but aas. Maybe sarms, creatine, and hgh.

Blast and cruise means you are taking test for life at trt levels but also may do a 12 week cycle of say test/deca/dbol, then after 12 weeks back to just 100-200 test.
You got it bro? Or still clear as mud?
Re: RE: Definition of TRT , Cruise , blast , bridge

Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Came across DM post on TRT Bridge Cruise and blast and did not get a clear definition of them.
I'm curious as to stay in AAS as much as possible.
From my understanding you need to complete a pct before bridging to the next cycle.
Just running a low dose between cycles(blasting) thus does not require PCT.
The cycles between cruising without pct.
Permanently running low dose of AAS with out Blasts, no need to ever PCT, now the AAS is a permanent medication.
Not sure if the above is correct.What is the difference , benefit of bridge or cruise. Just no PCT?
First things first here, TRT and blast/cruise is for ADVANCED users and primarily those that can no longer support natural healthy testosterone levels. This is not a route I recommend anyone take unless they have to. Once you cross that line you basically agree to inject the rest of your life because you can no longer ever come off and recover. What is your stats and experience with AAS?
Yeah..Read more on blast cruise as well responses just now to post, definitely not gonna cruise..
I'm on a cycle now , but only because I'm running T3...
I will run again, this is the first cycle in probably 8 years..before that I ran test and deca twice, live an hour from Nogales , Mexico was easy to get your hands on.
But no blasting cruising for me after reading responses..I'll stick with sarms and I'm thinking HGH. I've heard you can run primo sol as long as you want and won't mess with your htpa..true?
I am definitely gonna do a tren cycle after this T3 and Pct..
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Yeah..Read more on blast cruise as well responses just now to post, definitely not gonna cruise..
I'm on a cycle now , but only because I'm running T3...
I will run again, this is the first cycle in probably 8 years..before that I ran test and deca twice, live an hour from Nogales , Mexico was easy to get your hands on.
But no blasting cruising for me after reading responses..I'll stick with sarms and I'm thinking HGH. I've heard you can run primo sol as long as you want and won't mess with your htpa..true?
I am definitely gonna do a tren cycle after this T3 and Pct..

No bro, primo will definitely shut you down. You might have it confused with Proviron which doesn't have much effect on the HPTA
Re: RE: Definition of TRT , Cruise , blast , bridge

RickRock said:
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Came across DM post on TRT Bridge Cruise and blast and did not get a clear definition of them.
I'm curious as to stay in AAS as much as possible.
From my understanding you need to complete a pct before bridging to the next cycle.
Just running a low dose between cycles(blasting) thus does not require PCT.
The cycles between cruising without pct.
Permanently running low dose of AAS with out Blasts, no need to ever PCT, now the AAS is a permanent medication.
Not sure if the above is correct.What is the difference , benefit of bridge or cruise. Just no PCT?
First things first here, TRT and blast/cruise is for ADVANCED users and primarily those that can no longer support natural healthy testosterone levels. This is not a route I recommend anyone take unless they have to. Once you cross that line you basically agree to inject the rest of your life because you can no longer ever come off and recover. What is your stats and experience with AAS?

Actually you can come off TRT, and they can restart the natural cycle, though it will be very low levels. The secret is reactivating the body to reproduce test. From what I understand its actually a pretty high success rate for this. But its actually pretty miserable for a couple of months before your body starts producing test again in sufficient numbers. Not everybody completely shuts down there natural production when on TRT. Ive been on TRT for over two years now, my body still produces test at a very low level.
Re: RE: Definition of TRT , Cruise , blast , bridge

21infantry said:
RickRock said:
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Came across DM post on TRT Bridge Cruise and blast and did not get a clear definition of them.
I'm curious as to stay in AAS as much as possible.
From my understanding you need to complete a pct before bridging to the next cycle.
Just running a low dose between cycles(blasting) thus does not require PCT.
The cycles between cruising without pct.
Permanently running low dose of AAS with out Blasts, no need to ever PCT, now the AAS is a permanent medication.
Not sure if the above is correct.What is the difference , benefit of bridge or cruise. Just no PCT?
First things first here, TRT and blast/cruise is for ADVANCED users and primarily those that can no longer support natural healthy testosterone levels. This is not a route I recommend anyone take unless they have to. Once you cross that line you basically agree to inject the rest of your life because you can no longer ever come off and recover. What is your stats and experience with AAS?

Actually you can come off TRT, and they can restart the natural cycle, though it will be very low levels. The secret is reactivating the body to reproduce test. From what I understand its actually a pretty high success rate for this. But its actually pretty miserable for a couple of months before your body starts producing test again in sufficient numbers. Not everybody completely shuts down there natural production when on TRT. Ive been on TRT for over two years now, my body still produces test at a very low level.

Yes, you,can come off of TRT but the longer you are on the more damage you do to your HPTA, and the less likely you will ever recover to healthy natural levels. So, it is not wise to tell people not to worry you can come off and recover at any time, because that is far from the case and actual truth
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.
21infantry said:
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.

The only thing you could possibly be referring to are the pellets. There is not a shot in existence with a long enough ester to go once every 3 months or even remotely close to it. The longest half life ester of testosterone you are going to find is about 14 days. I can absolutely guarantee you that weekly shots will not be going away. It is still the preferred and ideal method of testosterone delivery for steady and consistent levels. This really isn't even debatable
21infantry said:
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.

Testosterone undecanoate
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.

The only thing you could possibly be referring to are the pellets. There is not a shot in existence with a long enough ester to go once every 3 months or even remotely close to it. The longest half life ester of testosterone you are going to find is about 14 days. I can absolutely guarantee you that weekly shots will not be going away. It is still the preferred and ideal method of testosterone delivery for steady and consistent levels. This really isn't even debatable

Rick I get it done as the poster above me named the drug. Google it, its a monster, its real its effective and gives great results. here is the official website ... /index.php
21infantry said:
RickRock said:
21infantry said:
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.

The only thing you could possibly be referring to are the pellets. There is not a shot in existence with a long enough ester to go once every 3 months or even remotely close to it. The longest half life ester of testosterone you are going to find is about 14 days. I can absolutely guarantee you that weekly shots will not be going away. It is still the preferred and ideal method of testosterone delivery for steady and consistent levels. This really isn't even debatable

Rick I get it done as the poster above me named the drug. Google it, its a monster, its real its effective and gives great results. here is the official website ... /index.php

I do not agree with the information that Nebido has provided on this. I am very familiar with Testosterone undecaonate, but the half life of undecaonate ester is 16 days, which is wide spread accepted known information across the hormone world, and not the 53 days that they claim.

I would never pin once every three months, or even once a month. Your hormone levels would be all over the place. I will stick to my administration of Test C once weekly, which is clinically proven and accepted as the norm. It is also common knowledge that more frequent injections offer the most stability in terms of blood plasma levels
ive never used or read about undecanoate BUT i want to see Bloodwork if they say its really once every 3 month injects, I dont believe it...
Dangans said:
21infantry said:
I agree, when I went on TRT my levels where around 186mg or some crap like that, so to me it was a no brainer. You shouldn't go on if you can boost it back up. though the new TRT shot that is once every 3 months is really great. My T levels are exactly the same when I injected every week. I forgot what the hell the name for the new shot is but it has been used in Europe for years and now is available in the states. Its only a matter time before the weekly shots go away all together.

Testosterone undecanoate

This ester is not new, and the half life is somewhat debated. This is the same as the oral andriol if I remember correctly. The problem is that "tren cough" is one of the side effects, or the suffocation feeling. To do trt they give a 4 ml injection, which has caused a lot of pip, because that is about 750mg. I am surprized that the FDA gave it the ok for trt.

That was the original purpose of sustanon, named after the word sustain. It did not prove to be a once per month drug either. Now from the guys who have used this ester, it seems they can take take it or leave with a few guys saying the prefer the long deca with the shorter cyp. But for trt I am sure it will be expensive, and will not pan out to last for one month. I still prefer my sus/cyp every 7 days. I used Undec one time on one cycle at 250 mg and it never felt like test until almost 5 weeks of use. So that is why they are giving out a whopping 4cc injection just to get started.
im sorry but that is clear misinformation on once every 3 months... there is no way i would ever attempt that or feel that to be accurate in any way whatsoever
DylanGemelli said:
im sorry but that is clear misinformation on once every 3 months... there is no way i would ever attempt that or feel that to be accurate in any way whatsoever

I have my doubts about once per month!! I just cannot figure 3 months at all. One of the reasons they think it goes longer is that it is in castor oil. Well we usually use oils that are digestable by the stomach. Castor sits on the fence, and takes quite a bit longer to release the depot. We know what castor does when we swallow it. Still...3 months? Then that makes me ask how consistent will the test levels be over that long. Do they wants us to belive that we will have 3 months of sustained,equal test release, or will it be all over the place.
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