
DECA gyno


New member
I've been blasting and cruising with test for over a year now my last blast of 20 weeks I added in 500 mg of DECA with 500 mg of test went up to 750 mg's for a while but dropped back down to 500 after watching Dylans videos. I started the cycle with arimidex but switched to aromasin half way threw and still take aromasin while cruising. I developed slight bit of gyno about a few weeks after the blast ended, I pulled my blood and my estrodial is in good range 27 was 17 before blast. Is this a prolactin issue? It's not getting worse but not getting better either. I ordered some caber will that help after the fact? I'm 40 years old 6'1 240 lbs and approx 15% body fat.
Some people can get away without and some people can't like yourself but you should definitely always have on hand and usually when you know you need it it's too late... This is why most run it anyway
I'll let some veterans give you advice as what you can do right now for your current situation. I don't want to give you the wrong information because I personally haven't had to deal with this...
No problem... You already know about what we've talked about so far... At least we got some of the preliminary questions out of the way so whoever gives the advice from here this will help speed things up along
Did you use Nolva in PCT? The fact that you didn't use Caber obviously contributed, but Nolva after deca is a no no. It also will raise prolactin, causing a double whammy. You should have continued to use aromasin in PCT as well
Re: RE: Re: DECA gyno

RickRock said:
Did you use Nolva in PCT? The fact that you didn't use Caber obviously contributed, but Nolva after deca is a no no. It also will raise prolactin, causing a double whammy. You should have continued to use aromasin in PCT as well
He's cruising right now... No PCT
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: DECA gyno

cbbram said:
RickRock said:
Did you use Nolva in PCT? The fact that you didn't use Caber obviously contributed, but Nolva after deca is a no no. It also will raise prolactin, causing a double whammy. You should have continued to use aromasin in PCT as well
He's cruising right now... No PCT
Ok, didn't realize that. That answers a lot then. I'm sure there was still some rebound post blast if an AI wasn't used, and if prolactin was already high it could have been problematic
I'm running aromasin on the cruise cycle also, I dropped the dose down to 12.5 twice a week. I was wondering if it is a prolactin problem will taking Caber help since the cycle has been done for 5 weeks?
Re: RE: Re: DECA gyno

BBF1975 said:
I'm running aromasin on the cruise cycle also, I dropped the dose down to 12.5 twice a week. I was wondering if it is a prolactin problem will taking Caber help since the cycle has been done for 5 weeks?
The only way to know is through bloodwork. Can't really say without knowing where your prolactin is currently at
BBF1975 said:
I'm running aromasin on the cruise cycle also, I dropped the dose down to 12.5 twice a week. I was wondering if it is a prolactin problem will taking Caber help since the cycle has been done for 5 weeks?

you should have had your prolactin tested bro... its all guess work without the test results however from the pure sound of it, yes, you have a prolactin issue but its best to confirm it first and then treat it immediately... i hope you learned the value of using prolactin control with a nandrolone because its no joke and prolactin is a major issue you don't want to endure
Thanks guys I've already ordered Caber and I'm going to get my blood done again tomorrow so I know for sure.
Will do just ordered my blood work from privateMD labs
If anybody is using them too the coupon code
Healthy12 gets you around 10% off.
Re: RE: Re: DECA gyno

BBF1975 said:
Thanks guys I've already ordered Caber and I'm going to get my blood done again tomorrow so I know for sure.
Very smart move on the bloodwork brother
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