
Darth Vader Biotches!

Hey first come first serve my brother.


We'll Jesus Christ man... Fuck me running up a hill of dildos and barbed wire. I guess I'll just do like the regular people and have to get back at you when I get back home. Feeling like a regular guy now... 44 swagger draining slowly. Pussy officially hurt now.
Pack ur bags guys. We are going on a guilt trip


Nope, nope misery is a lonely road... 44 is walking the Green Mile today people. Hold the 4 if you feel somewhat bad for your boy. If not I'll be eating swill with the common folk over in the halfway house.



They are numbered.

Dammit!! Just when I ordered some tren storm this comes out..[emoji15]

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It was more created as a joke at first between me ny and dylan.

I bet 44 is sweating bullets right now lol

The 44 is in OKC without access to his paypal. Otherwise the Darth would be gone... it's all good though. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Besides I got some which is better than none. 44 can't get all the damn tren the world has to offer... but I got some of the Darth Vader beeyatches!
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