So I eat pretty damn clean, drink a gallon and a half of water, shower twice a day because it's hot as hell here in Cali, and I take so many supplements just to stay healthy and keep a healthy face. I don't have break outs except on my shoulders and a little on my chest from shaving and sweating at work and the gym but like I said I shower twice a day and on top of that my dermatologist has me on Doxycycline for acne. I know stress can play a part of it as well and even if I don't notice it maybe I have been a little stressed with work and other things but what do you guys do to get rid of acne right away because I hate those fuckers! Acne sucks! I love my face but right now.. I just want to rip that damn cystic pimple from underneath and chuck it out lol seriously though I have a decent looking face but I feel like acne kills that! And its painful. What do you guys do? Supplement wise or even some at home remedies to get rid of them.