
Cycles/Stack for Crossfiters

Well to creed i say welcome and enjoy. And to be careful what products he throws at his sport. Id say stick woth sarms from pure essence and any aas that is for endurance. Sorry op if i disturbed your thread. My bad. Sincerly

There was no acknowledgement of being harsh or restating that did not continue to bash CF.

I am glad you and Achilles worked things out. I was referring to how you have reacted during those interactions publicly even after several people said to calm down.
I think u got the wrong guy buddy. But ok. Fair enough. Im over it. Lets just agree to disagree

I think a lot of this just started out as a joke and it got taken way too far... there is no malice intent from anyone here and words just get mixed up or said a bit too freely with no malice intended... i know phurious does care for people because i have seen his posts for a very long time and seen him help many people... this particular topic is clearly not something he believes in and thats completely fine... i spoke to him about the harshness of his comment which is something he was highly apologetic for... his screen name is what it is for a reason but trust me, some was taken out of context and some was more so a rant and while it was not proper, it should have just been phrased a lot different... understand though, everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's completely fine but it needs to be done in a respectful manner...

i just wanted to make a point that cross fit does have a place as does any other sport related activity from golf to football even fucking croquet, lawn darts, horse shoes and badminton have a place because they require a set of certain skills and are a competition (hot dog eating does not count) LOL regardless, everyone is always welcome regardless of their sport or non sport, it does not matter and we are here to help anyone and everyone
My beef is that the topic was started by someone who does CrossFit and is looking for help. I stated (and have stated many times on AR) that I do and one other said they were considering it.

They were intentional and continual jabs. I tried multiple times to point out that we just have different goals but the jabs kept coming.

I despise a hate filled/bullying/"they are less than us" mentality and honestly I never saw an apology other than "let's agree to disagree" at the end.
Ok now look. I never said u were less than me. I origionally said f cf because of all the i juries they cause. I never said it wasnt and equal sport i never said cf guys are less than me or anyone. Maybe you are twisting stuff because u are overly sensative. Look within yourself on that. That being said sorry if you thought said what you or any other cf person does is lesser to that of a gym goer.

william32 said:
My beef is that the topic was started by someone who does CrossFit and is looking for help. I stated (and have stated many times on AR) that I do and one other said they were considering it.

They were intentional and continual jabs. I tried multiple times to point out that we just have different goals but the jabs kept coming.

I despise a hate filled/bullying/"they are less than us" mentality and honestly I never saw an apology other than "let's agree to disagree" at the end.

i understand where you are coming from and certain things were uncalled for... an opinion on a topic is one thing but a hard ended comment is something else... it was not something that needed to be said and could have been conveyed in a much better way... it has been addressed and will not be an issue moving forward...
Phurious I am not overly sensitive I just don't care for you bullying people around anyone, in this case two newbies to AR. I have advocated for the marginalized around the world my entire life and when a grown man speaks to another with such disrespect it is uncalled for.

If you don't like CrossFit stay out of the fucking conversation.

If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing.
You clearly have not learned that lesson or know when to keep quiet.
Can you please site the threads where i bullied anyone. So i can read them and see what u r talking about. Because it has maybe one or two tomes in defense of myself. I have been the nicest guy and help people with advice and great products. So if you could show me what u mean that would be helpful.

And as far as staying out of threads? Um are u a mod? Because i have the same right as anyone to be in any thread. If what i said ruffled ypur feathers, well that happens sometimes. I thought i came back into the convo after the little jab i wrote and had serious answers and opinions. Apparently i am wrong. I wont post in here anymore.

This post had nothing to do with you and you came here and bashed CrossFit, said we don't want to do the work, some shit about selfies, and never stopped or alluded to the fact that you were joking.

You were just mocking. There was nothing helpful from you here. I am not a mod but there are common sense rules of respect.
im going to ask kindly ONE LAST TIME to please move on now... after this since its the third time im asking, i will probably not be as kind about it... everything has been addressed, mistakes were made, acknowledged and will not be occurring again... we are men here, not children and bull shit fucking bickering back and forth is going to stop and not go on or i'll personally stop it... i tried to do this the right way, get the apologies and situations taken care of properly... im not dictator, i don't want to be and NEVER want to have to be but this has to stop
First of all welcome to the family we can be a little disfunctional like all families we don't always agree but definitely have the best intent for each other. If your looking for a stack I would recommend PE stack. I'm only 5 weeks in and I still have my athleticism and have put on 9 lbs dropped some bf as well. Was always tall and skinny. I've done 2 different forms of karate, basketball, football so I'm still very active with hiking, running, and chasing my kids I'm felling pretty damn good and I've got 7 weeks left with the only side effects being when I wake up I see some black dots that fade in about 5 or so minutes and my eyes take about 5 min to adjust to bright outdoor light to indoors light like a yellow tinted haze
lol whenever you throw in Crossfit to the mix you know your bound to start something. Anyway, it's all good and understood that sometimes we can never get along but most of us here are not in for that but to help out each other and learn as much as possible.

LaranjasCreed said:
lol whenever you throw in Crossfit to the mix you know your bound to start something. Anyway, it's all good and understood that sometimes we can never get along but most of us here are not in for that but to help out each other and learn as much as possible.


yes, i see that but i dont want any crossfitters or ANY athlete or person in general to not be posting in fear of getting flamed on their sport.. like i said, i don't care if your training for a fucking hot dog eating contest, i want everyone comfortable here and able to post at anytime and also get the attention and respect they deserve... i could talk serious shit about a lot of different things but i never would because just because my view on something is different does not mean its always right or that does not mean what one enjoys to do or finds effective in training is the same and so on and so forth... EVERYONE is here to help and guide, teach and learn and EVERYONE should feel comfortable to ask anything...
DylanGemelli said:
LaranjasCreed said:
lol whenever you throw in Crossfit to the mix you know your bound to start something. Anyway, it's all good and understood that sometimes we can never get along but most of us here are not in for that but to help out each other and learn as much as possible.


yes, i see that but i dont want any crossfitters or ANY athlete or person in general to not be posting in fear of getting flamed on their sport.. like i said, i don't care if your training for a fucking hot dog eating contest, i want everyone comfortable here and able to post at anytime and also get the attention and respect they deserve... i could talk serious shit about a lot of different things but i never would because just because my view on something is different does not mean its always right or that does not mean what one enjoys to do or finds effective in training is the same and so on and so forth... EVERYONE is here to help and guide, teach and learn and EVERYONE should feel comfortable to ask anything...

Amen to that!
It was my bad really. I was trying to be sarcastic and funny and it didnt go across that way and started a fight. Lol. But its all worked out now. Crossfitters, i guess you can stay. Jk. [FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND WINKING EYE]

It was my bad really. I was trying to be sarcastic and funny and it didnt go across that way and started a fight. Lol. But its all worked out now. Crossfitters, i guess you can stay. Jk. [FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND WINKING EYE]


there he goes! fuck! LOL i know what you mean and what you mean... no harm no foul... i know damn well you want to help everyone just like we all do... just a personal preference but there's nothing wrong with that either... thanks bro...
Phurious and I talked things out days ago BTW. Had a solid conversation.

Things are often lost in translation when in text only.
I reacted to what I thought he was saying, he responded in a way he thought came across as a joke... It was a misunderstanding.

When it comes down to it we probably agree on more than we disagree on.
william32 said:
Phurious and I talked things out days ago BTW. Had a solid conversation.

Things are often lost in translation when in text only.
I reacted to what I thought he was saying, he responded in a way he thought came across as a joke... It was a misunderstanding.

When it comes down to it we probably agree on more than we disagree on.

see, thats what makes this place what it is... if this happened anywhere else (which it does by the hour) nothing but hatred, deep shit talking, horrible words said etc would be going on... you notice none of that goes on here? if anyone thinks every single day there won't be a disagreement or conflict then they do not live in the real world HOWEVER how its handled and the outcome is what it is all about... nice work by both of you! it takes a REAL fucking man to step up and admit wrong doing, correct it and move on... FUCK pride, i care about the person inside, what they are all about, not the person who only cares about their stupid ass fucking pride... how pointless that is, i cannot even begin to say... you guys are two class acts
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