
Cycles/Stack for Crossfiters

And i can say that because my gf is amedical asst for a sports medicine surgeon. You know what 70% of the injuries he sees. Crossfit shit. Ya maybe the people on th get it done. But they are about 2% of the crossfit world the rest of them just hurt themselves.


You are basing this off of your girlfriend's experience in one region when there nearly 50-70 CrossFit gyms in every major city now? That makes for a very small percentage for you to base this off off.

I have done it for two years now and never been hurt. I know of a few shoulder injuries that have happened in my city but that usually comes down to poor coaching (which is gonna happen with amount of CrossFit gyms), pre-existing injuries, & people being stubborn and people not listening to their own bodies.

There is a huge increase in popularity in CF thus there will be more injuries, especially when it comes to competitive CrossFit (a small portion of CF).

There are injuries in all types of lifting and sports and frankly the CrossFit causes injuries line is overplayed and stemmed from a research thesis that was published and has since then been falsified and in court. There has been no other evidence of it being dangerous other than sensational journalism.

People hate what is different than them.

Phurious this conversation was pretty tame until you jumped in with your two cents. You behave on this page and other pages (like your debate about you delivering products) in a very unprofessional & angry manor.

This is not what I would expect from a sponsor of this forum.
And i can say that because my gf is amedical asst for a sports medicine surgeon. You know what 70% of the injuries he sees. Crossfit shit. Ya maybe the people on th get it done. But they are about 2% of the crossfit world the rest of them just hurt themselves.


You are basing this off of your girlfriend's experience in one region when there nearly 50-70 CrossFit gyms in every major city now (over 11,000 worldwide). That makes for a very small percentage for you to base this off of.

I have done it for two years now and never been hurt. I know of a few shoulder injuries that have happened in my city but that usually comes down to poor coaching (which is gonna happen with the amount of CrossFit gyms), pre-existing injuries, & people being stubborn and not listening to their own bodies or common sense.

There is a huge increase in popularity in CF thus there will be more injuries, especially when it comes to competitive CrossFit (a small portion of CF).

There are injuries in all types of lifting, sports and frankly the "CrossFit causes injuries" line is overplayed and stemmed from a research thesis that was published and has since then been falsified and is currently in the court system. There has been no other evidence of it being dangerous other than sensational journalism.

People hate what is different than them.

Phurious this conversation was pretty tame until you jumped in with your two cents. You behave on this page and other pages (like your debate about you delivering products) in a very unprofessional & angry manor.

This is not what I would expect from a sponsor of this forum.
Cross fit is for people who cant do old fashioned hard work. They can have their but their but her sleds and rope climing and hand walking. Along with it they can take their torn acl's bad backs and blown out rotator cuffs.



This is laughable at best.
Tha_waco_kid said:
I like the cross fit thing. I haven't done it but I think it is interesting and I'll try it some day. It fits my goals pretty well since I tend to like to stay lean and have no desire whatsoever to be massive. I love the mix of strength and aerobic exercise.

If/when i do it I will try natty at first. After I get the hang of it I'll detail s cycle based on how I think it is working for me.

I'll probably keep it simple with some lower doses of test/eq. Based on my experience with gear I think that would be a good stack for the cross fit thing.

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Pure Essence's Triple Stack has been great for me The_Waco_Kid. Goes hand in hand with CrossFit.
It's all different strokes for different folks, and everyone has different goals and training methods. I'm a bodybuilder through and through and train like one, but I have huge respect for power lifters, cross fitters, and anything in between. It's no different than these "body builders" I see and talk to that make fun of cardio in general and think they don't need it. If they don't want to do cardio then that's on them, it's their choice, but I just find it ironic that these are the same guys that are NEVER even remotely lean. Last time I checked bodybuilding was about building muscle and fat loss.

I don't understand the hate sometimes that goes between different individuals with different goals. I don't go in the gym and give any thought whatsoever to what my one rep max in an exercise is, but I respect the powerlifters that do. I respect cross fitters and their hard work ethic, but it's just not for me.

Moral of the story is we are ALL at here to make a difference with our bodies and chase our goals, so we are all a lot more alike that we all think
Well ya know, im me and ill always be me. Its not unprofessional its called being straight forward and honest.

As i stated the PROFESSIONAL crossfit industry makes up about 2-3% of crossfit goers. MOST (not you) turn to crossfit be ause they go to a gym join and see no results. Because they dont have what it takes to work hard in the gym. Then their buddy says hey man i just started this crossfit thing its so fun. So guy A joins that has no clue what he is doing and is unchecked by substandard CF facilities just because some guy did a CF cert and has some money and opened a spot who has no clue how to monitor people and just thinks all he needs to yel is KEEP GOING! so now guy A pushes himself too far and gets hurt behond repair.

Now those are the people i speak of. And that is also why im against it and i have a right to my opinion.

I also firmly believe that no aas should be recommended to a crossfit athlete beyond the ones that provide a boost in endurance. Because aas give anfalse sense of recovery. Which is how they work and in a sport designed to push u past your bodies limits and already affords i juries naturally. It would be foolish to use steroids that mask fatigue.

And what i said isnt laughable as ive seen the iniuries myself. As i have buddies who do this and i tell them why. So i go check it out and what do u know i see three people limp out of there.

If you dont like my opinion thats fine. But i still have a right to it.

The only thing I hate about crossfit is the same thing I hate about mma, everyone and their brother think they are either crossfiters or mma fighters. I do not pick on people for what they like to do but when they don't respect me for what I do then they can go to hell lol. I see these guys in my gym saying they are training for a fight or they do crossfit and you look at them and they are pushing 40 and look like they have trained for all of a week but talk to me like I'm doing something wrong. I am not saying everyone in the world is like that just the people I know and see where I'm from, the bad part about it is it's not only guys that act that way girls do now. This girl that's friends with a friend of mine looks at me and says I think it is stupid you take steroids, my ex boyfriend was a "mma" fighter and he could kick your ass... Now keep in mind I was not even saying anything, I asked to see this guy that could kick my ass lol. She pulls up a picture of a guy that is about 135 5'9ish not talking crap but the guy was not only 135 pounds but he was the most out of shape 135 pound guy I have ever seen. I'm rambling but I'll get to my point lol, I have nothing against any sport but where I'm from the people that do crossfit or mma think that's all you should do and if you don't your nothing so I can see why some don't like them.

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Ha ha. Thats pretty funny achilles. My gym is like that too. These wanna be mma fighters that fight at the local casino workout at my gym. They do a set of curls with 20's and then shadow box the mirror. Im like really dude and shake my head.

Now granted your story dude looked like nothing but that doesnt always mean he couldnt kick your ass. Not saying personally he would but there is always that possibility. Example my buddy now has diabetes and is kinda out of shape. But he is also a 3 rd defree blackbelt in juijitsu and if he somehow got me on the ground he would fuck me up lol.

But ya i agree alot of crossfitters give the rest a bad name. With attitudes. And all that bs. So i guess not all of them are bad. But if u saw the CF guys here u would see why i feel the way i feel.

Hahaha for sure, I've seen little guys beat up on bigger guys. I was really small in high-school and I could handle my own, the reason I say that about him tho is because he is exactly what you described the guys where your from. In the gym texting and shadow boxing for 30 minutes a day lol. I really think 90% of my gym just gets dressed up and goes to the gym so they can put it on fb lol.

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I don't even pay attention to the crossfit area of the gym... I just thought that was the area for stretching out... Lol
Ha. Ya my gym doesnt have a cf area. We just have an area for hard work called the WEIGHT ROOM. Lol i joke. But really we dont have a cf area. Just weight room and then the treadmill eliptical area and then raquetball courts

Achilles87 said:
The only thing I hate about crossfit is the same thing I hate about mma, everyone and their brother think they are either crossfiters or mma fighters. I do not pick on people for what they like to do but when they don't respect me for what I do then they can go to hell lol. I see these guys in my gym saying they are training for a fight or they do crossfit and you look at them and they are pushing 40 and look like they have trained for all of a week but talk to me like I'm doing something wrong. I am not saying everyone in the world is like that just the people I know and see where I'm from, the bad part about it is it's not only guys that act that way girls do now. This girl that's friends with a friend of mine looks at me and says I think it is stupid you take steroids, my ex boyfriend was a "mma" fighter and he could kick your ass... Now keep in mind I was not even saying anything, I asked to see this guy that could kick my ass lol. She pulls up a picture of a guy that is about 135 5'9ish not talking crap but the guy was not only 135 pounds but he was the most out of shape 135 pound guy I have ever seen. I'm rambling but I'll get to my point lol, I have nothing against any sport but where I'm from the people that do crossfit or mma think that's all you should do and if you don't your nothing so I can see why some don't like them.

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I agree with you there, Achilles, but the same could be said about anyone that is supposedly a bodybuilder or powerlifter. There are just as many douchebags that give us all a bad name there too. Guys coming in taking up multiple pieces of equipment, talking on their cell phones, taking 10+ minutes in between sets, not racking their weight, etc.

There are people that do good and bad in all areas of training, so I'm not going to single anyone out. I just like to have people that come in and put their work in, respect the gym and it's other members, and do what needs to be done for whatever they are going for
Well ya know, im me and ill always be me. Its not unprofessional its called being straight forward and honest.

As i stated the PROFESSIONAL crossfit industry makes up about 2-3% of crossfit goers. MOST (not you) turn to crossfit be ause they go to a gym join and see no results. Because they dont have what it takes to work hard in the gym. Then their buddy says hey man i just started this crossfit thing its so fun. So guy A joins that has no clue what he is doing and is unchecked by substandard CF facilities just because some guy did a CF cert and has some money and opened a spot who has no clue how to monitor people and just thinks all he needs to yel is KEEP GOING! so now guy A pushes himself too far and gets hurt behond repair.

Now those are the people i speak of. And that is also why im against it and i have a right to my opinion.

I also firmly believe that no aas should be recommended to a crossfit athlete beyond the ones that provide a boost in endurance. Because aas give anfalse sense of recovery. Which is how they work and in a sport designed to push u past your bodies limits and already affords i juries naturally. It would be foolish to use steroids that mask fatigue.

And what i said isnt laughable as ive seen the iniuries myself. As i have buddies who do this and i tell them why. So i go check it out and what do u know i see three people limp out of there.

If you dont like my opinion thats fine. But i still have a right to it.


I enjoy the occasional Crossfit workout. (I have a buddy who is CF cert)
But I have to agree with Phurious here.
AAS is prob not a great idea but SARMS with their healing abilities and less profound effect might be the answer.

Due to the explosion in popularity (and the crazy $$$ they can charge, some here are over $200 a month!).
Many bad CF gyms have opened. I have seen some of the worst form in power lifts I have ever seen.
And when I corrected them I was told that's how they are taught! Its amazing to me that someone hasn't been seriously injured.
But when its done right CF is a nasty workout!
In a good CF gym you will get fit.
Your not gonna get swole but that's not what its for.
I lift, run and train MMA/Martial arts CF is just another tool in the toolbox.

What I am referring to as laughable is you calling the workouts not hardwork.

I enjoy and incorporate some body building techniques but in general slow isolated movements are not my thing. I have mad respect for those who do it well though.
I do a powerlifting strength program as well.

There is a lot of bro-science in all lifting forms and a lot of meat heads who give everyone else a bad name.

Every sport is dangerous.
I have seen so many shoulder injuries from bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Why aren't we talking about that? If it's not for you that's fine but you don't have to be an asshole. That is exactly what I would tell a CrossFitter mocking body building too.

Mountain biking is dangerous, as is MotoCross, surfing, boxing, football...

The average CrossFitter does a one hour class 3-5 days a week. They are just trying to be fit and functional for life.

I do 2-3 hours 5 days a week and I am considered moderate, but there are tons of misconceptions out there.

The first part of an hour long class is strength and skill work which is usually Olympic weightlifting, Power Lifting and/or gymnastics work.
We have multiple dudes who can backsquat 500lbs, deadlift 600... It is not a weak man's sport.

The rest of the class is metabolic conditioning. This is the fast pace, lighter weight work that lays you out flat.

I just don't understand people who hate on something unfamiliar to them. Your "always speaking the truth" is a cop out of saying that you tend to be a dick.

This is the type of stuff is the what goes on the asshole forums like EVO.

RickRock, Dylan, Pure Essence, & Biotech have proven to be helpful, trustworthy and professional. There are other great folks here and sources I have not yet to try as well, but you...

I will say that I will never buy or pin gear from someone who has proven to be a prick and not care about the wellbeing of others. Though others might not say it, I promise that there are others sitting back thinking the same thing.
So now i dont care about the well being of others? Look bud. I was making a joke if you are too sensative then thats your issue. Im not a prick and i. Care about every single one of them and everyone else here. There have been many times a guy wanted to order and i said no because it wasnt the right time for them. You can ask any person here how i care for them. That is out of line. I care more for anyones well being over fucking money. So go get your facts straight. Got me?

You can call me an asshole or other names but dont you DARE ever attack my character. EVER.

And i understand crossfit just fine.

And ya every sport is dangerous.

But cf seems to put u in harms way doing things the body usnt designed for. Thats my personal opinion. If u love it thats great.

There was no joke stated. I tried the "can't we all just get a long" approach multiple times but you insist on pushing it.

The only time you have changed your tone was now that I call you out for the things you have said.

You are the one who made the statements. Own them.

If I wanted to attack your character I would site multiple other instances of you on this forum but for now I am only pointing out what you have said here on this post.

You are only welcoming to those who are like you and share your views. That is not what I thought this community was about.

Now I see why you are "Phurious".
Rage much?
What are you talking about? If you arefereinng to me and achilles we worked our shit out peacfully. We are who we are. Other than that i havnt said one bad word to anyone. I own my statements just fine and realized i was a little harsh in my initial post and restated. That wasnt good enough for you. So you just sit in your butcher sled and be angry. Im far from rage or anger. Its all good bro. Do ur thing.

I am sure LaranjasCreed who started this post feels extremely welcome here now.

Trust me you know CF like 80's era anti-steroid videos understand AAS.
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