


New member
Hello Dylan, im from Dominican Republic,
I 'm a fan of your videos and would like your opinion about the second cycle, I want to do to compete in November, I have 32 years , weight 180 pounds, fat 9.9 %.

I would like to know your opinion on this cycle. thanks for the help.

Hello I would like to make a Bulkin cycle, and in my gym recommended Cypionate and boldenone . I want to know if this combination is good , the dose for week, and the appropriate PTC this cycle?

thanks for the help.
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Hello Dylan, im from Dominican Republic,
I 'm a fan of your videos and would like your opinion about the second cycle, I want to do to compete in November, I have 32 years , weight 180 pounds, fat 9.9 %.

I would like to know your opinion on this cycle. thanks for the help.

well where is it bro?
Hello Dylan, im from Dominican Republic,
I 'm a fan of your videos and would like your opinion about the second cycle, I want to do to compete in November, I have 32 years , weight 180 pounds, fat 9.9 %.

I would like to know your opinion on this cycle. thanks for the help.

Post up what your cycle is if you'd like some input on it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hello Dylan, im from Dominican Republic,
I 'm a fan of your videos and would like your opinion about the second cycle, I want to do to compete in November, I have 32 years , weight 180 pounds, fat 9.9 %.

I would like to know your opinion on this cycle. thanks for the help.

Hello I would like to make a Bulkin cycle, and in my gym recommended Cypionate and boldenone . I want to know if this combination is good , the dose for week, and the appropriate PTC this cycle?

thanks for the help.
Hello Dylan, im from Dominican Republic,
I 'm a fan of your videos and would like your opinion about the second cycle, I want to do to compete in November, I have 32 years , weight 180 pounds, fat 9.9 %.

I would like to know your opinion on this cycle. thanks for the help.

Hello I would like to make a Bulkin cycle, and in my gym recommended Cypionate and boldenone . I want to know if this combination is good , the dose for week, and the appropriate PTC this cycle?

thanks for the help.

You mean you want to bulk up, gain weight,gain muscle,using eq and cyp? That isn't exactly what I would call a bulking cycle.
You want too compete in november butnyour starting a bulking cycle now ? How is this gonna work. Any how EQ and test is a common moderate bulking combo for a beginner but if I had a show in september Id be running test prop and NPP with tbol so I could make a quick transistion too tren and masteron when I cut my calories and started cutting . thats advanced cycle how about test only with a recomp diet and see how you look at the 10 week mark and reevaluate
If you want to compete in November and bulk now, when exactly do you plan to start prep? Do you realize what you propose makes no sense? So which is you want to bulk or do you want to contest prep?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
yes your all over the place here man and i cant understand what exactly your even saying or trying to do... its evident your planning is very very poor and you dont really know what your doing... i would not be bulking for contest prep though, i do know that... the only thing i could make sense of is if you ran a quick 8 week cycle and even then, your cutting it too close.. your timing is extremely poor here... you should have been bulking in january, not now... you put yourself in a shit position here

I dont want to compite in november this year maybe nexte year, my firt cycle was propionate and winss 12weeks, happy whit the result! this is going to be my second cycle, and i just want to know what is a good cycle to gain cleam muscle. that its!

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Sorry for the misunderstanding and my little knowledge! i dont want to compite this year! maybe next year.
My firt cycle was propio and winss! and id happy with the result! i just want to know what is a good cycle for gains more clean muscle. that ist!

thanx an sorry again!
Sorry for the misunderstanding and my little knowledge! i dont want to compite this year! maybe next year.
My firt cycle was propio and winss! and id happy with the result! i just want to know what is a good cycle for gains more clean muscle. that ist!

thanx an sorry again!

okay, that makes more sense...

so eq and test is very ideal for this along with the addition of sarms... there's no need to run a bunch of orals or anything else... here is the full layout.. you can get all sarms, all ancillaries and pct products at and they can all be shipped to you with no problem... your going to want to stay on the mk677 all year... its so ideal for you...

here you go...

1-16 test cyp 350 mg week
1-16 eq 800 mg week
1-18 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-16 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-18 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
15-18 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 19-22

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
Sorry for the misunderstanding and my little knowledge! i dont want to compite this year! maybe next year.
My firt cycle was propio and winss! and id happy with the result! i just want to know what is a good cycle for gains more clean muscle. that ist!

thanx an sorry again!

Dylan gave you a very strong protocol to follow for your goals. I think test and EQ would suit you well along with the sarms stacked in the cycle. It's going to work great for your goals, and I'm sure you'd love the results it brings

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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