
Cycle log hipo sus and jw epi

Epi is the most powerful oral I have ever used for mass and strength, and I mean that. Not everybody hyper responds to it like me, but I get crazy strong and big on it.

I've ran anadrol, Dbol, superdrol, winstrol, and anavar and nothing else has come close in those departments

im a little over a week in on it and im really liking it thus far bro... im really glad i decided to give it a go because it seems to be exactly my type of compound
Im hoping I get the same from it rick how long did it take to kick in for you

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Not long at all. I start to notice increases in strength within the second week, and I think I was up 3-5 lbs in the first week
im a little over a week in on it and im really liking it thus far bro... im really glad i decided to give it a go because it seems to be exactly my type of compound

I had a very good feeling it was right up your alley bro. Glad to hear it's going well so far. You and I tend to respond well to a lot of the same compounds, which is why I can't wait to finally try primo since you love it so much lol
Epi is the most powerful oral I have ever used for mass and strength, and I mean that. Not everybody hyper responds to it like me, but I get crazy strong and big on it.

I've ran anadrol, Dbol, superdrol, winstrol, and anavar and nothing else has come close in those departments

I may have to give this a run sometime
Pinned another cc in my right delt everything went good got a little blood when I aspirated . pulled back a hair and proceeded . was a little sore right after the injection but not bad today . Yesterday was an off day at the gym so no lifting news but today is compound day with heavy deads so hope all goes well.. also picked up some supps like Hawthorne berries coq10 and liverite . Thinking about getting another vial of sus to bring this cycle from 10 weeks tp 14 or 15 we will see tho give me feed back guys im all ears

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Yesterday was the third pin and the start of my third week of epi strength and size are just starting hit a couple rep prs deffenitly gonna be extending my cycle out pass the planned 10 week the short esters of the sus already have me feeling great

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Yesterday was the third pin and the start of my third week of epi strength and size are just starting hit a couple rep prs deffenitly gonna be extending my cycle out pass the planned 10 week the short esters of the sus already have me feeling great

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epi should definitely be kicking by now as you can see and mixed with the short esters, you are well on your way bro
Fourth pin last night all is well epi is starting to give me those fake natty delts still getting pip for a couple days after.... quick question tho what supps should I take for my joints already starting to get some pain and it doesnt help its cold as fuck in the northeast

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Fourth pin last night all is well epi is starting to give me those fake natty delts still getting pip for a couple days after.... quick question tho what supps should I take for my joints already starting to get some pain and it doesnt help its cold as fuck in the northeast

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honestly supps won't do much bro... mk2866 will give you real healing and relief... any joint supps only do so much and it won't be anything that will give a lot of relief... you can add fish oil etc. but mk will be the best for you
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