
Cycle log hipo sus and jw epi


Just started my cycle

1-10 500mg sus we
1-5 epi 40mg daily
12.5 aromasin eod

First pin was yesterday pinned left delt some pretty good pip today can move it just sore is all have been taking the epi for a week so as I start pinning im already getting the benefits of the epi
Current stats are 25 200lbs bf 13 id guess visable abs and muscle seperations
Trying to bulk up past 215 currently just hitting a minimum of 200 gram protien and then eating what I want within reason getting about 3500 cals a day


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I will be updating quite often nothing crazy tho like detailed workout or anything just more about gains sides and how the cycle is going

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This is one good cycle. There is only one thing I would suggest to do. If I am not mistaken, EPI is liver toxic, so it would be a wise idea to get some liver support during the cycle. Other than that, the cycle is solid. I like sustanon - it is the best combination of fast acting and long acting versions of testosterone, so you get the best of both worlds.
Yeah I have liv52 sitting at home I like the idea of sustanon too but I dont like that my arm is jacked up today

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90% of the test I use is sust and for me it's just part of it one day it's ok next time it's pip

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Yeah idk if its cause its first time I injected the delt or what I can move it its just really sore

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Yeah I have liv52 sitting at home I like the idea of sustanon too but I dont like that my arm is jacked up today

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remember bro, that liver care only addresses a small fraction of negative sides with epi... epi is awesome but its very toxic... pro hormones are often far more toxic than general orals because they have been formulated with far more methylation... you need to address blood pressure, lipids, cholesterol etc...

your going to love epi and this should be a very strong cycle... keep the updates coming and good luck! im using epi right now as well and 40 mg is a very nice dose...
Dylan what do you suggest for the other potential sides

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for blood pressure and cardiovascular, hawthorne berries and coq10... for lipids, a product called lipid stabil... for cholesterol... GW-501516
Thanks dylan ill get on it

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anytime brother... smart man... nothing is more important than your safety... if you don't get all the right support, you'll never make it the full six weeks with any oral... if you protect yourself properly and run responsible doses then you will have a far greater likelihood of not only completing it but retaining your gains as well...
Yeah will do man knew I needed liver support total forgot about everything else and just a little update hit my bodybuilding day which is like my accerory day when im not training my main 4 lifts and took some Advil before and got a good shoulder pump and it really helped my pip

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