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Cycle critique


New member
Howdy all,

Just wanted to get some opinions from other members of this forum. I am about to start my 3rd cycle but it's been a few years since I ran one. I am working with a coach and the goal is to compete in men's physique next year. Stats 31, 6 feet tall, 185, 15% bf. My coach has be on the following cycle:
16 week cycle 1 of *600 test e a week
400 eq a week
200 primo a week

Now the primo sounds low to me. Most people run 400mg min per week. So either A) I'm wasting it or B) his success with a low dose on other clients is his reason. My questions are mainly about running Arimidex .5mg EOD (sound good?)
Tudca 750mg per day (necessary?)
Milk thistle 1000mg per day (necessary?)
Nac 600 mg per day (necessry?)

For pct I'm guessing chlomid 5 weeks. 150mg per day weeks 1 and 2. 100mg per day weeks 3 and 4. 50 mg per day week 5. Sound good?

Thanks for the info everybody.
16 week cycle 1 of
*600 test e a week... why test enanthate???
400 eq a week IMO definitely a low dose 600-800 being more in the normal ranges
200 primo a week
This dose is standard in some circles, but I've seen it run up to 600 easily and safely

Now the primo sounds low to me. Most people run 400mg min per week. So either A) I'm wasting it or B) his success with a low dose on other clients is his reason. My questions are mainly about running Arimidex .5mg EOD (sound good?) Kills estrogen and will slow gain... use Aromasin at 12.5mg eod
Tudca 750mg per day (necessary?)
Milk thistle 1000mg per day (necessary?)
*** just use cel assist
Nac 600 mg per day (necessry?) *** not a bad thing to have at all

For pct I'm guessing chlomid 5 weeks. 150mg per day weeks 1 and 2. 100mg per day weeks 3 and 4. 50 mg per day week 5. Sound good?

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Ya the eq is on the low side. At 600mg after it gets in your system you will see some gains. I like my eq @ 800mg.
The primo sounds low, although i never ran it before so everyone is different.
44 hit your ai and pct square on the head.
Thanks for the PCT help 44. I'll start trying to find the aromasin, clomid, and Nolva.

Why test e? That's what I was told to run since I'm leaning out and getting my bf% as low as I can. I'll admit me and my coach don't see eye to eye A LOT! But his clients have some very impressive resumes. So I am trying very hard to "do as I am told". I think the lower mgs are since i havnt done a cycle in a while, and I will be doing another one next year after I drop my BF%. I also thought about front loading my eq and test e the first week to cut down on that 3 to 4 week wait time.
Thanks for the PCT help 44. I'll start trying to find the aromasin, clomid, and Nolva.

Why test e? That's what I was told to run since I'm leaning out and getting my bf% as low as I can. I'll admit me and my coach don't see eye to eye A LOT! But his clients have some very impressive resumes. So I am trying very hard to "do as I am told". I think the lower mgs are since i havnt done a cycle in a while, and I will be doing another one next year after I drop my BF%. I also thought about front loading my eq and test e the first week to cut down on that 3 to 4 week wait time.

Here's a link to the PCT items:

Well with test e you won't get the benefit of it till like week 7. If I was gonna front load I'd use test ace ... just my thoughts. I like longer esters, but keep in mind you're getting less active hormone with the longer esters. As for the primo and eq... up the doses. Shit man, you're paying for this shit you might as well see the results. Try it his way a bit then if after 7 weeks you aren't satisfied bump it up a notch. Again, just my thought bro.
44, took the thought right out if my head. If I don't see anything by 6 or 7 I'm bupping it up. My goal is 8 to 10% body fat in the next 18 weeks. So gotta do what I gotta do. Thanks for the link will check it out now.
as soon as i hear the word "coach" or "trainer" and cycle advice, i cant take it because i KNOW its fucked up and liekly a disaster... its pretty much a guarantee... i am ready to make a citizens arrest on that primo dose for absolutely wasting it in that manner... its a serious infraction to waste primo like that in such a bad way... 400 mg of eq is POINTLESS as well... 400 of primo and eq IS A JOKE... SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY... your pct is so far off bro, its not even close... there is NOTHING more important than pct period... pct addresses FAR MORE than just kickstarting hpta as well... when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

here is the link to the proper pct you need followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Thanks for the follow up Dylan. I agree with you about my coach's mg recs not lining up with normal practices. I will most likely be bombing them up a few weeks in. In regards to the links both you and 44 sent. That pct cycle of liquids...1 order of that bundle = 4 weeks of pct at both you and 44's recomendation?

Being liquids I'm hesitant and not very knowledgeable about them.
Thanks for the follow up Dylan. I agree with you about my coach's mg recs not lining up with normal practices. I will most likely be bombing them up a few weeks in. In regards to the links both you and 44 sent. That pct cycle of liquids...1 order of that bundle = 4 weeks of pct at both you and 44's recomendation?

Being liquids I'm hesitant and not very knowledgeable about them.
i have no idea what your concern is... its the exact same as taking a capsule except its in liquid form... yes, thats the complete pct... 4 weeks worth... there is nothing different with liquids except the administration with one being liquid and one being a capsule...
It's tough. From a diet and training standpoint the dude is top level. But on gear he and I have very different viewpoints and is the do as I say bc I said so type. I've got 16 more weeks with the guy and leaving towards not working with him for the rest of 2017.
just because someone is in good condition does not mean they know what they are doing with gear... they may just be crazy responders to things etc but that does not mean everything internally is okay and definitely does not mean other aspects in their "personal life" are okay nor future aspects... hes a fucking moron from everything you have said and i guarantee he will get you hurt... thats how sure i am
It's tough. From a diet and training standpoint the dude is top level. But on gear he and I have very different viewpoints and is the do as I say bc I said so type. I've got 16 more weeks with the guy and leaving towards not working with him for the rest of 2017.

I think that is the right thing to get away from him. There is a LOT of shitty coaches it there. There's probably 10 bad ones to each good one, and that's no lie. I've heard some real horror stories so you really have to be careful who you use

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ya I hear you both. Like I mentioned his client list and their accomplishments are top notch. His training and nutrition is on point. But his views on gear and how he communicates aren't going to work for me long term haha.
Ya I hear you both. Like I mentioned his client list and their accomplishments are top notch. His training and nutrition is on point. But his views on gear and how he communicates aren't going to work for me long term haha.

yeah and that's not always the best advice. just because someone looks good doesn't mean they give good advice. and things that may work for him don't necessarily work for others. I would always go safe and Low when it comes to advice and doses. you can always increase but once you slam high doses and get problems, have fun
Gotta bump Dylan 110% here....this sounds like a classic case of a "coach" who is throwing WAYYYYY TOO MUCH gear @ someone at the wrong doses in what is probably an effort to disguise his lack of nutrition and training knowledge.
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