
Cut stack help

I dont necessarily agree with the body fat thing either as long as you aren't take excessive amounts, I mean if you have low test levels anyway a trt dose is perfectly safe in my opinion. Ive seen obese guys get put on test and greatly improve. Ive used gear off and on since the early 90s...I learned all about them from a pro bodybuilder and wrestlers. Ive always done cycles of small doses when ive hit a solid sticking point. I started on trt last Jan and i can tell you that it has definitely helped me trim down of course the working and diet are the major contributor but i know I wouldnt have seen the results ive gotten if I wasnt on test and doing the cycles ive done since then...i dropped a good 20lbs from 270+ to right around 245 now. Check your bloods, take cycle protection and keep blood pressure in check and all is well in my opinion.

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If its too feel more vibrant then im all for it man. But not for fat loss. That only comes from hard work.

I agree it may have hindered my fat loss and I'm holding some water. I have been working on my diet, cardio, and my work outs. I'm dedicated... But I'm always open for advice for improvements... If you have some advice please check out my current diet on my cardio thread because I know you're very experienced.
I agree it may have hindered my fat loss and I'm holding some water. I have been working on my diet, cardio, and my work outs. I'm dedicated... But I'm always open for advice for improvements... If you have some advice please check out my current diet on my cardio thread because I know you're very experienced.

Well since ur on it. Lol dont stop that would be more harm than good. So. Ill go look at ur diet. And see what i can help u with.

So I get blasted for making a few comments I should have not made because it may or may not chase away members. But you guys do this BS. You are both better than this. Just drop it. Give him the information he needs and let him make his own choice.

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So I get blasted for making a few comments I should have not made because it may or may not chase away members. But you guys do this BS. You are both better than this. Just drop it. Give him the information he needs and let him make his own choice.

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Uh. I did give him the info he wanted. And told him test he is not ready for. What are you talking about? And YOU were making lude comments about things we dont say in here out of respect for our female members. Thats why dylan gave you a heads up.

I'm 35 and got bloods done last year , test levels were tanked. Weighed 273, got put on trt , initially held a lil water then my body adjusted . I hit the gym hard but diet still is shit a lot of the time. I'm down to 230. Yes I have hit the gym hard and put on muscle and lost fat and weight obviously since I started trt about 15 months ago now. Just my experience , but I know I would not have dropped the weight like that without the test . I didn't have the energy to do shit . Abs are def made in the kitchen but you can still tone up nice and burn some far on trt alone. I agree with both arguments though for several reasons already stated. To the op, if I had to do it over I would have tried to get the weight off first before starting test but that's not an option for me now.
Great job...keep up the good work

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I'm 35 and got bloods done last year , test levels were tanked. Weighed 273, got put on trt , initially held a lil water then my body adjusted . I hit the gym hard but diet still is shit a lot of the time. I'm down to 230. Yes I have hit the gym hard and put on muscle and lost fat and weight obviously since I started trt about 15 months ago now. Just my experience , but I know I would not have dropped the weight like that without the test . I didn't have the energy to do shit . Abs are def made in the kitchen but you can still tone up nice and burn some far on trt alone. I agree with both arguments though for several reasons already stated. To the op, if I had to do it over I would have tried to get the weight off first before starting test but that's not an option for me now.

If testosterone helped you drop fat its because you were severly over weight and the test basically kicked your body back into puberty mode. Ie muscle mass gain and less bf. Yes it helped your energy because u basically has low t. Totally different scenario than this he has made great profress all on his own he just needs to get a bit closer and then hit the test and he will have a fantastic physique.

Like i said earlier

He is his own man ultimatly its his decision. He wanted some guidance and i gave it to him.

I agree it may have hindered my fat loss and I'm holding some water. I have been working on my diet, cardio, and my work outs. I'm dedicated... But I'm always open for advice for improvements... If you have some advice please check out my current diet on my cardio thread because I know you're very experienced.

Water is easy to take care of, it's not bodyfat...hit the gym hard, hit those weights, cardio, and you'll be good to go...I'd say I typically overtrain but it's not necessarily a good thing but I have established a solid base; whereas I can go into the gym and pump out most anything and see results; steroids or not..but I digress, I don't think adding some test would hurt, or a small stack...just watch what you eat and use every bit of those hormones to their fullest potential...

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TRT does not burn fat. It puts your hormone levels into a range where burning fat is easier than if your levels are low. I just don't want anyone getting confused that going on TRT is going to rip you up, because it doesn't work that way at all
Keep the thread on topic. I know everything seems to have cooled off. Half this is just bullshit arguing. Yall wanna bitch to eachother take it to PM. I'm not even coming out of my own response, you have several members complaining. Keep it off the thread.

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TRT does not burn fat. It puts your hormone levels into a range where burning fat is easier than if your levels are low. I just don't want anyone getting confused that going on TRT is going to rip you up, because it doesn't work that way at all
I agree it's easier to burn fat (with exercise of course) with higher test levels than if you have really low numbers...
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TRT does not burn fat. It puts your hormone levels into a range where burning fat is easier than if your levels are low. I just don't want anyone getting confused that going on TRT is going to rip you up, because it doesn't work that way at all

Exactly what i have been saying this whole time. Lol. Thank you. [emoji7]

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