
Creatine on cycle


Senior Member
Hi everyone,
There are many opinions out there as always, info keeps confusing.
Few thoughts I'd like to know from our community. I will numerate questions for easier read and reply:

1.Is creatine beneficial ON cycle? I've read some articles and video blogs saying to keep it after cycle, to level out strenght, maintain.
On cycle to be useless. Some swearing by it to use it on cycle too.
2.Old question, still confusing: Pre or Post workout. Some claims Post workout have better absorption, some saying an hour Pre-workout is the whole point for it to give strenght. ?
3.Weekly schedule, as I'm training 5-6 days a week, it's pretty much every day intake. The bottle is saying to have it every day.
Should I keep taking it on rest days too? reasons?
4.Your thoughts on this Arnie's product?

Hi everyone,
There are many opinions out there as always, info keeps confusing.
Few thoughts I'd like to know from our community. I will numerate questions for easier read and reply:

1.Is creatine beneficial ON cycle? I've read some articles and video blogs saying to keep it after cycle, to level out strenght, maintain.
On cycle to be useless. Some swearing by it to use it on cycle too.
2.Old question, still confusing: Pre or Post workout. Some claims Post workout have better absorption, some saying an hour Pre-workout is the whole point for it to give strenght. ?
3.Weekly schedule, as I'm training 5-6 days a week, it's pretty much every day intake. The bottle is saying to have it every day.
Should I keep taking it on rest days too? reasons?
4.Your thoughts on this Arnie's product?


1. Creatine is always beneficial if your goal is to put on size and add strength
2. Creatine should be taken post workout in theory is because thats when the body's glycogen is the lowest, body absorption is most dramatic
3. Creatine should be taken daily regardless of working out or not, non workout days creatine can be taken upon waking or anytime
4. Im sure arnolds creatine is just fine,the way i see it creatine is creatine but there are different variations is what matters. Ill leave a link for you of the creatine i use,
In my honest opinion there is no reason to ever come off of creatine. It is found in foods and you always reap benefits from supplementing with it.

Normal dose is 5g per day and it doesn't matter at all when to take it really. Most people take it post workout which is fine, but once your body reaches saturation with creatine levels it literally will make zero difference since your daily supplementation is just used to maintain those levels. You take it every day regardless of working out or not. It needs to be done to keep up your levels within your muscle cells

I just use plain mono hydrate powder and I don't ever see a reason to complicate and use something else. Mono hydrate is the most studied and proven bodybuilding supplement in existence. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Some people swear by other forms like creatine nitrate which is fine too if you want to spend the extra money. I don't see the need myself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Tnx everyone.
I've been on monohydrate for the last 7-8months. A year before, an some other periods in the past, I've been using nitrate. I must say though aboubt this particular 240 caps&gclid=CNX2np-gw8oCFcG7GwodYIANZQ
This was the first one that felt different, my strenght was over the top! That was first thing, before I introduced my body with aas, that I felt like HOLY sh*! I was usually buying at the reception in my gym, but now it has disappeared, I havent actually asked why.

I'm on a basic monohydrate due to some good words from forums like here and of course good price. I topped my stocks up for some period of time. I will run out soon, so kinda started wondering around picking up info on other ppl experience and advice...
ive always been a fan of creatine nitrate as opposed to monohydrate... everyone has their preference but i like nitrate due to the lack of water retention and the higher levels of energy and pumps it provides... its used in many pre workout formulas for this reason as well.. you can do pre and post if you like as well... your going to get different answers in regard to an "optimal time" but either way is optimal to be honest...
I get stomach bloat with monohydrate. I like the Kre-Alkalyn formula the best.

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that's very common with monohydrate... kre is a nice form of creatine too... 5 mg is the general dose but you can do 5 pre and 5 post workout as well..
You learn as you go I guess. It looks like my body likes similar to yours. I also feel a little unnecessary bloat, wasn't sure where it's coming from, my diet is close to spot on. Every now and again I'm spinig through mind analising many sources of my every day things that I intake. My attention is now on creatine and to get it sorted. Like I mentioned, kre-alkalyn was first thing that I REALLY felt man. I've been on basic monohydrate for some time, comparing to one particular period with kre-alkalyn, my energy has faded a bit even though I'm always sorting out my focus before training, so I would have as strong as possible mind-muscle conection. I'll give it a go, If it will feel diferent again, I guess I will have to plan my budget to include it in every day bases, as it is a bit more expensive, but my gut says WELL worth it.
Post workout would store the creatine for your next workout and it is better absorbed then. The creatine doesn't just leave your system like caffeine or other things do. So the using it preworkout thing is dumb. It's also really dumb to think its useless on cycle. I don't know why anyone would say that other than not being very educated. Steroids don't provide more creatine to te muscles so that just makes no sense to say it's useless on cycle but beneficial off cycle. You can take it on off days if you want. It won't hurt. You'll just store more that way in my opinion unless you are at your max creatine retention which I would doubt when lifting intensely.
[email protected]

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I get stomach bloat with monohydrate. I like the Kre-Alkalyn formula the best.

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Yes this seems to be best because buffered creatine inhibits the conversion of creatine into creatinine which is a waste product and can cause the bloating lots get from it. It also allows more absorption. Monohydrate is partially converted to creatinine by stomach acid.
[email protected]

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