
cheat meals

Man its not about being lazy or anything i haven't had any cheat meal since august and i was just wondering if i can enjoy a meal that i want without having any negative sides from it
Depends on the meal... For example I had the COUNTRY FRIED steak and eggs at a diner once and I was sick for a couple days. It was an old favorite of mine but I just can't stomach it anymore. Just don't get too carried away.
Man its not about being lazy or anything i haven't had any cheat meal since august and i was just wondering if i can enjoy a meal that i want without having any negative sides from it

Yes you absolutely can bro. The main thing is to know how to implement them and not let them, be negative. That means using them sparingly and finding a way to fit them into your macros without going too overboard

I am a firm believer in not letting your lifestyle get in the way of life, and not becoming a zealot. I like to enjoy cheat meals and will continue to do so. The only time I cut them would be contest prep.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yes you absolutely can bro. The main thing is to know how to implement them and not let them, be negative. That means using them sparingly and finding a way to fit them into your macros without going too overboard

I am a firm believer in not letting your lifestyle get in the way of life, and not becoming a zealot. I like to enjoy cheat meals and will continue to do so. The only time I cut them would be contest prep.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

"not letting your lifestyle get in the way of life" - Fucking GOLDEN right there.
My refeed days were just higher calories, and that was 1 day a week. Still had to track to macros

Exactly....cheat meal is just bullshit justification for eating something you know doesn't help get you to your goal
I find scheduling it ludicrous ....sure we all fall off the wagon from time to time... just adjust your intake for the next couple days to compensate

If you need a "refeed".... it's 1.5 or 2 servings of oatmeal instead of your usual 1 serving
Not a fucking Big Mac, fries and a coke
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