
Cheat meal


New member
During a caloric deficit, many recommend 1 cheat meal once per week. When having the cheat meal, should one still be in a calorie deficit for the day, or is it ok for the cheat meal to bring one's calories at maintenence?
I don't think it will make a big difference.

If you're in contest prep I would do what my coach tells me to do.
Depends on the purpose of the cheat meal.

During a caloric deficit your metabolism slows down (the body is always going to try to do "just enough" to survive. Thus fat burning can slow down.The cheat meal (extra calories) jump start your metabolism.
Since I know my body I do cheat day. I dont count calories and I eat junk food and anything I want. Get better looking after that. Thats just me everybody's different.
Depends how your approach is. If your very serious or a high level competitor than instead of a cheat meal you can just double your carbs up but with healthy food. Instead of 1 cup of rice go to 2 or 3 for example. It doesn’t always have to be labeled a cheat meal. Now, if your just trying to look good on the beach or without clothes then a cheat meal is completely fine once a week on my eyes. I would do what my coach tells me to do as well...
Yea my advice is to try just to carb up high, eat just 1 cheat meal of your choice and to eat junk meal. As I mention earlier, since my diet is very strick I kill my metabolism for 6 days so 1 cheat meal or carb up doesnt do much to me, I stay clogged next week too which tells me my metabolism is still slow. Junk food does miracle to me. First mentally I feel better second body cant change process in 1 day if you fast for other 6 so you just boost your metabolism and my body suck in all that nutrients so I look way better after that cheat junk day. Also my training is better next day or 2. Better pump and veins all over the place. [emoji41]
everyone is different on how they respond man so its hard to say either way... you have to see how YOUR body responds bro, not anyone else... its always good to see what works for everyone else... but you have to see what works for you
I'm just trying to get beach ready maybe 10% bf. I have been using the cheat meal once per week with good success. I'm down 20lbs for 4 weeks, I believe a good chuck of it was water as well as fat. It seems like adding the cheat does not slow down the fat burning process, but I usually make sure I'm still at maintenance calories or less during the cheat day. Thanks for the input guys.
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