
CC's Next Level Log

5/28/27 nutrition:
Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3/4 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2( post workout)-2 scoops of whey isolate
10oz of water
Meal 3- 7oz of pork loin
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 4- 6 oz turkey burger
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 5- 6 egg whites
1/4 cup of grits
Meal 6- 2 scoops of whey isolate
8oz of almond milk.
Overall great day! Could be placebo effect but my skin feels tighter! Thank you for reading!
Your logs are so detailed i always feel as if i am actually there doing the workout myself. I can visually see it in my head.

Skin fold measurements look of 18mm for all 3 points at 207lbs. My prediction is that you will end your 16 week cycle at 220lbs with 8mm total for all 3 points. Thoughts? I would like to know your goal and expectations.

Could be a placebo effect, but maybe not. I feel as though i tightened up and gained a pound just reading your cycle layout.
Your logs are so detailed i always feel as if i am actually there doing the workout myself. I can visually see it in my head.

Skin fold measurements look of 18mm for all 3 points at 207lbs. My prediction is that you will end your 16 week cycle at 220lbs with 8mm total for all 3 points. Thoughts? I would like to know your goal and expectations.

Could be a placebo effect, but maybe not. I feel as though i tightened up and gained a pound just reading your cycle layout.

I appreciate you following iron!! Thank you! My goal by 16 weeks is 215lbs@ 4-5%. Those are just the number which will always take a back seat to how I look! I am sure a few people may think I am crazy but I will post a pic of what I have invisioned me looking like! Remember it will be my version and I am a big believer in visualization and the mental aspects of everything in life!!! I think once you limit your thoughts and dreams you automatically drop your ceiling of capabilities!! Thank you for reading and hope you run a log soon!
Day 2- 5/29/17- wake up 7:30am. I forgot to post my BP on day one. BP 5/28/17- 120/72, 5/2917- 120/75. Will be taking BP first thing in the morning for the 4 weeks of running drol. Today's workout is chest and abs. Emphasis this week is dropset after 3rd heavy set. With my chest I haven't gone to the point of failure with a lot of weight since having surgery for pec tendon rupture. I focus more on form and isolating my chest! Will post complete workout after it is completed. Just a little update on the Robo liquid drol, that shit has a very strong taste! I don't drink alcohol but the burning sensation after swallowing is similar to a strong shot!!! I have complete faith in the quality of Robo products as I haven not seen more consistent bloodwork over the time frame he has been around! Thank you for reading!
Day 2 workout Chest and abs! Warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps.
2) close grip decline barbell press- (barx20,95lbsx20)135lbsx20,185x15,205lbsx12 drop set 155lbsx20
3) flat db press-(25lbsx20) 50lbsx15,60lbsx15,75lbsx12 drop set 45lbsx20
4) incline db press-(30lbsx20) 60lbsx15, 70lbsx10,75lbsx8 drop set 35lbsx20 I normally start with incline as this is the exercise that feels the best on my shoulder but wanted to switch it up a little.
5) pec deck- (90lbsx20) 110lbsx20,120lbsx15,130lbsx12, 130lbsx12. No drop set here
6) machine crunch- 3 sets of 50 reps with body weight
7) hanging leg raises- 3 sets of 25 reps with body weight
Cardio- arc trainer 40 mins steady state. As I have mentioned in previous post my chest workouts can be the most frustrating for me as the intensity is not like when I train other body parts but I have to be smart as I do not want to injure myself. Overall good workout. Mental focus is on another level! Thank you for reading!
CC bringing the science and all.

Yea, Robo has been good for my last 2 cycles.

Great products and shipping, and with the discount for bulk purchase and using BC, a great value.

Kill it Bro.....
First two days look good. Love the detail. For cardio are u thinking steady state for most days or are u going to mix it up?
First two days look good. Love the detail. For cardio are u thinking steady state for most days or are u going to mix it up?

Thanks for following bro!! Doing HIIT jump rope on Tuesday Friday and Saturday. Steady state 40-45mins on Monday Wednesday and Thursday.
Day 2 nutrition:
Meal 1- 7 egg whites
1/4 cup of grits

Meal 2 post workout- 2 scoops of whey
10oz of water
Meal 3- 6oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 4- 6oz chicken breast
1 cup of white rice
Meal 5- 7 oz of pork loin
1 cup of white rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 6- 1 plain rice cake
2 tbs of all natural peanut butter
1 scoop of whey isolate.
Day 2 complete and feeling focused and motivated!! Thank you for reading!
5/30-Day 3- wake up 5:30am. BP-120/75. Today's workout is back and calves. Cardio will be HIIT on the jump rope and will start with 30sec rounds with 1 min rest. At not I go over my check list and create a plan for the following day. Last night after looking over my nutrition I decided I am going to up my protein. I am going to do this slowly to allow my body to get use to the new amount of food. My plan is to add 1oz of protein to each meal. So instead of 6oz going to 7oz. I decided to do this to take advantage of the compounds building in my system which will induce nitrogen retention as well as protein synthesis. At 6oz my protein has been right around 310 grams for the day which is right around 1.5 grams per lb. I want to work towards 2 grams per lb. as far as carbs I will keep them the same and make my adjustments according to my 1 week weigh in. Will post my back and calf workout once completed.
You got my attention with the jump roping. How many rounds are you doing 30 seconds roping 1 min rest? This is why I like following logs. A few years back I was doing 10-15 min of roping total...even timed it with my phone. You've got me thinking about putting it back in the rotation
You got my attention with the jump roping. How many rounds are you doing 30 seconds roping 1 min rest? This is why I like following logs. A few years back I was doing 10-15 min of roping total...even timed it with my phone. You've got me thinking about putting it back in the rotation

Did 15 rounds of 30 sec jumping 1 min rest. I gauge intensity by how many jumps I can get in 30sec. Today I averaged 85 jumps in 30 secs. Will post my complete workout later. Thank you for reading.
What's up CC ?? I see your cycle is looking great !!! Also, looks like a lot of thought , I know you put into the whole process!! You're looking real lean also in all the updated pics, YOU have no choice to kill this cycle. Take care of your joints with all the max reps & up/down loads!! Best of luck bro, I'm here to follow !!!!!!
5/30- day 3 back workout. Forcis for this week is drop set after 3rd heavy set. Warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on bike.
1) cable straight bar pullovers- (30x20, 50lbsx20) 80lbsx12, 95lbsx10,110lbsx8,110lbsx8 ds 50lbsx20
2) close grip lat pull down-(100lbsx20) 190lbsx8, 195lbsx8, 205lbsx6 ds 100lbsx20
3)t-bar row- (45lbsx20)180lbsx8,225lbsx6, 225lbsx6 ds 90lbsx20
4) hammer strength uni-lateral row- (45lbsx20) 180lbsx8,190lbsx6,190lbsx6 ds 90lbsx20
5) rack pulls- (stayed light for lower back) 135lbsx20, 225lbsx15, 315lbsx12
6) seated calf raise- (50lbsx20) 100lbsx15,150lbsx15,200lbsx10 ds 100lbsx20
7) standing calf raise- (130lbsx20) 180lbsx12,200lbsx10,210lbsx8 ds 150lbsx20
Cardio- jump rope 15 rounds of 30secs of jumping ave 85 jumps, 1 min rest!
Great workout! Jump rope is a great workout not only for a cardio challenge but my legs and shoulders. That being said will monitor overall muscular fatigue as the week goes by.
Nutrition for today- protein 347 grams, carbs 200 grams, fat 100 grams. Fat is definetly not accurate cause all meat is trimmed before cooked I would guesstimate that the fat is approx 50 grams. The increase in fat is from the 7oz of protein sources. Thank you for reading!
What's up CC ?? I see your cycle is looking great !!! Also, looks like a lot of thought , I know you put into the whole process!! You're looking real lean also in all the updated pics, YOU have no choice to kill this cycle. Take care of your joints with all the max reps & up/down loads!! Best of luck bro, I'm here to follow !!!!!!

What's up SV glad your following bro!! Will be picking your mind throughout brother! My joints are my number 1 priority bro! Started mk2866 and will end week 12 and I start NPP week 7!
5/31 day 4- wake up 6:30am. Definetly can feel and see the fullness from drol. I notice muscles are fuller to the touch as well. Today is a day off from weights and cardio is 45 mins on eliptical. Had to take BP a little later today as my morning schedule was unexpectedly changed!
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