
CC's Next Level Log

Day 16 workout Chest and calves- warm up joint rotations and bike for 10 mins. Focus for this week is supersets for each section of the muscle group. Starts with a single joint exercise followed immediately by a compound exercise for same section of muscle group.
1) internal and external rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) low to high cable crossover-(20lbsx20) 25lbsx20reps,30lbsx15,35lbsx15
Incline db press-(30lbsx15)50lbsx15,60lbsx15,65lbsx15
3) mid-line cable crossovers- 30lbsx15,40lbsx15,45lbsx15
Flat db press-50lbsx15,60lbsx15,70lbsx15
4) high to low cable crossovers-35lbsx20,45lbsx15,50lbsx15
Decline db presses-50lbsx15,60lbsx15,70lbsx15
5) flat machine press- 3 sets of 10 reps. Added this exercise for a little extra work for the mid pec which I feel need the most work.
6) standing calf raise-(120lbsx20) 150lbsx15,180lbsx12,200lbsx12
Standing single leg raise with one db-(bwx25 each leg)20lbsx15EL,25lbsx15EL,30lbsx12EL
7) seated calf raise-50lbsx20,100lbsx20,150lbsx15,170lbsx15.
Bike-10 mins for cool down. Cardio will be after last meal and doing HIIT with jump rope. My goal is to average 95 jumps a round for 15 rounds of 30sec on 30 sec off. Thanks for reading!
Day 16 cardio- HIIT 15 rounds of jump rope 30 sec on 30 sec off. Average jump per 30 sec 85. Little slower today felt tired from the start! Will make sure next time I jump rope it will be at least 90 jumps per 30 secs. Overall good day! Nutrition is on point protein- 365 grams, carbs- 165 grams, fat was a little over at 65 grams. Chest and calf workout was insane, cardio was completed but not personal best!! Thank you for reading!
Day 17 wake up 5:30am. Weight this morning 214.2 yes I know shit is crazy!!! I weighed myself at the same time pretty much every morning and yesterday I dropped carbs to 165 grams. I think the drol is in full effect and test is starting to kick in. Another reason weight could be up is I took sat and Sun completely off and no preworkout which has creatine in it. The extra weight could be from pre-workout. BP 140/73 up slightly! Today workout is back and abs. Cardio will be after my last meal followed by protein only. Will post complete workout once completed. Thank you for reading!
Day 17 back and ab workout. Focus for this week is superset for each section of the body part! Warm up was joint rotation and bike for 10 mins.
1) (upper mid back)rope pulls- (30lbsx20,50lbsx20) 65lbsx15,80lbsx15,80lbsx15
Cable bent over rows(overhand grip)(50lbsx20,65lbsx20)stackx20,stack+25lbsx20, stack+40lbsx15 felt like I could have put a truck in front of me and I would have pulled that up to!! Feel strong but being mindful not to jump in weight too fast!
2) (upper width) straight bar cable pullover- (50lbsx20)65lbsx15,80lbsx15,95lbsx15
T-bar row machine- (wide overhand grip) (45lbsx20) 90lbsx15,135lbsx15,165lbsx15
3) (lower lat) under hand grip uni-lateral row- (45lbsx20) 90lbsx15,135lbsx15,165lbsx12
Close grip lat pull downs-(100lbsx15) 160lbsx12,170lbsx10,180lbsx8
4) Chin ups- bwx12, bwx12,bwx10,bwx8
Rack pulls-135lbsx20,225lbsx15,315lbsx15,365lbsx15
5) machine crunch- 90lbsx50,100lbsx50,110lbsx50
Great workout!!!! Pump was insane!! This is the lightest the weight has felt for me in a long time!! Cardio tonight will be HIIT on the jump rope and will post my results. My goal is to average 95 jumps in 30 secs which seems to be my temporary wall which will be broken soon!!! Thank you for reading!
Day 17 back and ab workout. Focus for this week is superset for each section of the body part! Warm up was joint rotation and bike for 10 mins.
1) (upper mid back)rope pulls- (30lbsx20,50lbsx20) 65lbsx15,80lbsx15,80lbsx15
Cable bent over rows(overhand grip)(50lbsx20,65lbsx20)stackx20,stack+25lbsx20, stack+40lbsx15 felt like I could have put a truck in front of me and I would have pulled that up to!! Feel strong but being mindful not to jump in weight too fast!
2) (upper width) straight bar cable pullover- (50lbsx20)65lbsx15,80lbsx15,95lbsx15
T-bar row machine- (wide overhand grip) (45lbsx20) 90lbsx15,135lbsx15,165lbsx15
3) (lower lat) under hand grip uni-lateral row- (45lbsx20) 90lbsx15,135lbsx15,165lbsx12
Close grip lat pull downs-(100lbsx15) 160lbsx12,170lbsx10,180lbsx8
4) Chin ups- bwx12, bwx12,bwx10,bwx8
Rack pulls-135lbsx20,225lbsx15,315lbsx15,365lbsx15
5) machine crunch- 90lbsx50,100lbsx50,110lbsx50
Great workout!!!! Pump was insane!! This is the lightest the weight has felt for me in a long time!! Cardio tonight will be HIIT on the jump rope and will post my results. My goal is to average 95 jumps in 30 secs which seems to be my temporary wall which will be broken soon!!! Thank you for reading!

I'm not gonna lie bro I enjoy reading your specific routines as they are very focused and designed with purpose in mind.
I'm all about experiencing things and acquiring new perspectives. We all live and grow thru sharing experience and I see great things ahead for you. You bump some of those weights up and direct some cycles towards mass I think you could do damage as a bodybuilder.
Personally I love pull ups and think too many folks shy away from them when they are a must do if you want an impressive back. I do them every day I train and ppl have dubbed my back a 747. It's all relative to frame since I'm only 5' 9" tall but pull ups and focused movements like what you do are what separates the boys from the men bro. Keep killing shit. Let's get someone to take some more pics bro. I'm very curious as to seeing the thickness/density of your back/traps/delts. Nothing need be perfect, but obviously a good eye can see what's there or can/will be. Keep killing shit bro.

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I'm not gonna lie bro I enjoy reading your specific routines as they are very focused and designed with purpose in mind.
I'm all about experiencing things and acquiring new perspectives. We all live and grow thru sharing experience and I see great things ahead for you. You bump some of those weights up and direct some cycles towards mass I think you could do damage as a bodybuilder.
Personally I love pull ups and think too many folks shy away from them when they are a must do if you want an impressive back. I do them every day I train and ppl have dubbed my back a 747. It's all relative to frame since I'm only 5' 9" tall but pull ups and focused movements like what you do are what separates the boys from the men bro. Keep killing shit. Let's get someone to take some more pics bro. I'm very curious as to seeing the thickness/density of your back/traps/delts. Nothing need be perfect, but obviously a good eye can see what's there or can/will be. Keep killing shit bro.

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I agree brother we all live and grow through sharing experiences!! I will taking more pics end of week 4 and would appreciate your feedback as always! Thanks for reading!!
I'm not gonna lie bro I enjoy reading your specific routines as they are very focused and designed with purpose in mind.
I'm all about experiencing things and acquiring new perspectives. We all live and grow thru sharing experience and I see great things ahead for you. You bump some of those weights up and direct some cycles towards mass I think you could do damage as a bodybuilder.
Personally I love pull ups and think too many folks shy away from them when they are a must do if you want an impressive back. I do them every day I train and ppl have dubbed my back a 747. It's all relative to frame since I'm only 5' 9" tall but pull ups and focused movements like what you do are what separates the boys from the men bro. Keep killing shit. Let's get someone to take some more pics bro. I'm very curious as to seeing the thickness/density of your back/traps/delts. Nothing need be perfect, but obviously a good eye can see what's there or can/will be. Keep killing shit bro.

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I want my back to look like a 747!!!
Day 17 nutrition:
Meal 1- 11/2 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3- 7oz of chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
2tbs of guacamole
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz water
Meal 5- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 6- 7oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 7- 7oz of turkey burger mixed with spinach, green peppers, onions.
Cardio- jump rope 15 rounds 30 sec on 30 sec off. Average jumps per round was 92!! Better then last night but still not 95! Thursday will definetly be 95!!!
Meal 8- 1 cup of egg white
4oz of turkey
1 cup of spinach.
Thank you for reading! Body is changing right before my eyes!!
Day 18- wake up 6:30am. BP 141/74. Today is off from weight and will be doing cardio only. Will post what I do for cardio and my nutrition for the day! Thanks for reading!
Small increases in BP but still nothing scary. Perfect.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Small increases in BP but still nothing scary. Perfect.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.

Yes sir! Bro I have to tell you and this is my honest opinion, ROBO liquid drol is the shit!!! I have never got this kind of results from an oral! The fullness and strength while remaining vascular is tremendous!! I don't have a lot of AAS experience but I have used dbol, tbol and superdrol and it's not even close to the effects of ROBO drol. I had more sides with dbol and water retention, tbol and gas and indigestion, superdrol was just a night mare with headaches and an overall feeling of being ill!! None of that with the Drol!! I am not asking for anything or looking to promote anyone or anything but just give my honest experience. Thanks for checking in bro!
Day 18 cardio: bike sprints 5 sprints for 30 sec on and 1 mins rest. Rpm's was 160+ at level 5. Then did 10 rounds of jump rope 30 secs on 30 sec off. Average amount of jumps in 30 secs 92!!! This 95 average is starting to piss me off to be honest!! Today it was after round 6 when I started having miss jumps and had to get rope going again! Heart rate is definetly over 85% of my max but just guesstimating by my breathing as I don't wear a heart rate monitor. I will average 95 jumps in 30sec by the end of week!! Will post meals once day is completed. Thank you for reading!
Thought I would share some of the mental aspects to this run! I know from experience and study that the mind is a very powerful tool and influences more of our lives then people realize! I have had direct experience as well as read about the power of suggestion so I thought I would use the power of suggestion to influence my results in a positive way! I try to use facts to influence the effectiveness of what I do! Here is the facts that I know that I use to influence the effectiveness of the few things that I will talk about. Anadrol is one of the most powerful AAS used to build muscle. Medically it was not created for that but bodybuilders have used Anadrol for the purpose of building muscle for years. What I do is I split my doses up so that I can take them when I think they will be the most effective for me. I take 25mg first thing in the morning. When I take my first 25mg I look at the bottle and I think I am about to consume one of the most powerful muscle building AAS in the world!! I instantly get a rush and my mind goes to I am going to grow like I have never grown before. My body doesn't have an option other then to build the cross section of my muscle cells!!! My second dose is before my workout! This has the strongest impact on me mentally cause I know I am consuming one of the most powerful muscle building AAS in the world and one of the most powerful for strength gains!!! This may all sound crazy to some of you but I dare you to try it! Another thing I do with the anadrol is I don't chase it with water or my aminos right away. After swallowing it the burn is pretty intense and that burning from the alcohol it's suspended in is like proof of it power and strength!! I will give you one more crazy ass thing that I do to influence the power of suggestion. Here is the facts Dangans posted his bloodwork from using Titan test cyp at 150mg/wk for his trt. His numbers came back at 8.666xs his weekly dose. My pre-cycle bloodwork my TT was 391. I am taking 500mg/wk of Titan test cyp which at 8.666x500=4,330. That's 11xs where I was at pre-cycle. As I am objecting the test cyp I am thinking I will be at least 11xs the amount of testosterone, my body has no other option but to develop the cross section of the muscle cells at an extradorinaty rate and I know what I can do naturally!!! I just wanted to give some insight into my crazy ass way of thought!! I know I know there are several factors that could play a part in my TT but it is something I like to use that influences me and brings me to the next level mentally! Shit my results could come back a lot higher then 8.666xs the weekly dose!! Thank you for reading my crazy thoughts!
Day 18 nutrition-
Meal 1- 11/2 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
1/2 cup of spinach
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16 oz of almond milk
1 banana
Meal 3- 7oz of chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz water
Meal 5- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of white rice
5 spears of asparagus
Meal 6- 7oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
2tbs of hot sauce
Meal 7- 1 cup of egg whites
4oz of turkey
1/2 cup of spinach.
Thank you for reading!
Day 19 wake up 5:30am. BP 143/73. Today's workout is shoulders and calves. Will post complete workout once completed.
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