
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Your meals are insanely consistent Day to day and even inter day. Takes a lot of discipline man, keep it up!

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Your meals are insanely consistent Day to day and even inter day. Takes a lot of discipline man, keep it up!

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Thank you!! When I cut or recomp I keep it very simple with selection and make it a routine!! I eat to attain a goal not for the short, temporary satisfaction of taste!! Discipline is the deciding factor in everything that we set out to do!!!
Day 37 meals so far
Meal 1- 6egg whites
3oz turkey
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3-(pre- workout) 6 oz steak
1 cup of rice
Meal 4-(post- workout) 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Will post rest of meals and shoulder ab workout
Shoulder and ab workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike. Today is light 3 sets of 10 reps and over the next two weeks the loads will get heavier so that on the 3rd week I will be hitting failure around 8 reps and 2 forced reps.
1) external rotation- 3 sets of 20 rep
2) face pulls- 3 sets of 20 reps
3) single arm cable rear lateral- 3 sets of 20 reps.
All of the stabilizing exercise above are done in a circuit prior to and push workout I do.
4) barbell overhead press- (barx20reps,65lbx20reps)135lbsx10reps for 3 sets
5) db side laterals- (25lbsx20rep)50lbsx10reps for 3 sets
6) db rear laterals-45lbsx10reps for 3 sets
7) ex curl bar underhand front raises- 50lbsx10reps for 3 sets
8) barbell shrugs- 315lbsx10 reps for 3 sets
9) db shrugs- 100lbsx10 reps for 3 sets
10) ab crunch bench- 30 reps superset with hanging leg raise 20reps for 3 sets
Cardio- steady state today 40 mins on eliptical!
Core stabilizing exercise- bird dog,curlup,side plank,perfect squat.
Shoulder and ab workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike. Today is light 3 sets of 10 reps and over the next two weeks the loads will get heavier so that on the 3rd week I will be hitting failure around 8 reps and 2 forced reps.
1) external rotation- 3 sets of 20 rep
2) face pulls- 3 sets of 20 reps
3) single arm cable rear lateral- 3 sets of 20 reps.
All of the stabilizing exercise above are done in a circuit prior to and push workout I do.
4) barbell overhead press- (barx20reps,65lbx20reps)135lbsx10reps for 3 sets
5) db side laterals- (25lbsx20rep)50lbsx10reps for 3 sets
6) db rear laterals-45lbsx10reps for 3 sets
7) ex curl bar underhand front raises- 50lbsx10reps for 3 sets
8) barbell shrugs- 315lbsx10 reps for 3 sets
9) db shrugs- 100lbsx10 reps for 3 sets
10) ab crunch bench- 30 reps superset with hanging leg raise 20reps for 3 sets
Cardio- steady state today 40 mins on eliptical!
Core stabilizing exercise- bird dog,curlup,side plank,perfect squat.

Killing it as always. Seems like you have an excellent plan in place to increase intensity / volume overtime.
Thanks bro!! How did it go with doc appointment?

It didn't man, Doctors office called as I was walking out the door and said he was out sick. Wanted to reschedule 2 weeks from now, but I have business trips booked. Fortunately, I was able to squeeze in next Thursday. So we will see.
It didn't man, Doctors office called as I was walking out the door and said he was out sick. Wanted to reschedule 2 weeks from now, but I have business trips booked. Fortunately, I was able to squeeze in next Thursday. So we will see.

Ok just checking on you!! Hope all is well brother!!!
Meal 5- 6oz chicken
1 cup of rice
Meal 6- 6oz chicken
1/2 cup rice
Red peppers, mushrooms
Meal 7- 6 egg whites
3oz turkey
Mushrooms, onions
Day 38- wake up 5:30am. 2 scoops of aminos.
Workout- day off from weights only cardio. May do HIIT on bike or steady state on eliptical pending how my knee feels during warm up.
Nutrition- today is another high day and will be at 145grams of carbs.
Everything is going according to plan. I am holding the weight loss from 2 low days during my high carb days and right around 1.5lbs a week. Will be doing body fat this sat so excited to see the progress in the number. The progress I see in the mirror is noticeable but I always see areas that need improvement!
Very nice man, it's always good that you can look at yourself & see,know & do the things that bring you closer to your goal. When we learn how to cycle our bodies, to do the things that we want is a big plus ! I tried to explain that to someone I had start Keto, & they did not understand, that you have to cycle up & down to achieve what you actually want. I see your enjoying this transformation as much as I am!!! Good work & keep it up !!!!
As a kid I was always skinny and lean so the mass monsters always impressed me! I guess for me as kid it was what I didn't have that impressed me. When I transitioned to more bodybuilding I liked Dorian Yates! More then his physique I liked his mentality! He put a hoodie on and went to his gym and had a focus of just outworking everyone else! I like how he wasn't a flashy guy that needed to be seen! He trained at the temple and showed up at the Olympia in better condition and more size then his previous year!! I respect his work ethic more then anything else! For me to look like what I picture in my mind I think I would have to be 230lbs at 5-7% body fat at a height of 5'10. Last cycle I started to see glimpses of that ultimate me. It's just a matter of time before I attain it!!
Very nice man, it's always good that you can look at yourself & see,know & do the things that bring you closer to your goal. When we learn how to cycle our bodies, to do the things that we want is a big plus ! I tried to explain that to someone I had start Keto, & they did not understand, that you have to cycle up & down to achieve what you actually want. I see your enjoying this transformation as much as I am!!! Good work & keep it up !!!!

Definetly enjoying it! I think all the support and info learned from reading everyone's logs is amazing!! It great to have people to discuss things with about a similar passion!! I saw your post about your upcoming cycle, looks like you decided on tbol as your kick start?
Definetly enjoying it! I think all the support and info learned from reading everyone's logs is amazing!! It great to have people to discuss things with about a similar passion!! I saw your post about your upcoming cycle, looks like you decided on tbol as your kick start?
I think so, it could change but I really think dbol would more of a puffy look, as that what it does. And andro has so many possibilities as far as sides,but then again faster results. And tbol, is just slow true gains with low toxicity & if I do decide that then Ill throw in the win at the end with a clean cut look. This cut of bf really worked too good, and I would never had thought I would be in this position. But, after going lower than 200 (didn't want) I just went , to where it took me and stopping the loss at 190. So this is where I am, now to go slow and grow clean. Not getting any younger & can't remember when I was this lean. So I think tbol is the way right now if not, next time.
I think so, it could change but I really think dbol would more of a puffy look, as that what it does. And andro has so many possibilities as far as sides,but then again faster results. And tbol, is just slow true gains with low toxicity & if I do decide that then Ill throw in the win at the end with a clean cut look. This cut of bf really worked too good, and I would never had thought I would be in this position. But, after going lower than 200 (didn't want) I just went , to where it took me and stopping the loss at 190. So this is where I am, now to go slow and grow clean. Not getting any younger & can't remember when I was this lean. So I think tbol is the way right now if not, next time.

Sounds good bro!! Great job on the cut!! Sounds like a well thought out plan!
Day 38 workout- after warm up decided to do sprints on the bike. Did 8 sprints for 30 sec with 1min rest, level 6, rpm 170+. Then did 3 sprints on eliptical level 3, spm 140+, 30 secs on and 1 min rest. 10 mins on treadmill for cool down.
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