I'm gonna start bulking in late Oct. Got a show in the middle of Oct. Age will be 32 by then, currently down at 9% bf shooting for 7% bf by the show. Weight will more than likely be between 175 and 180, currently 182. This would be my fourth AAS cycle, having done Test E and C, Winstrol, D Bol, and Clen in the past. No not all of those were one cycle lol. Done every SARM as well. Here is what I'm looking at:
1 - 12 weeks Test E 500 mg
3 - 11 weeks Deca 300 mg
Maybe D Bol or T Bol to jump start the cycle but I'm sure Test and Deca will do the trick.
1 - 12 weeks LGD
1-12 weeks Armosian 12.5 mgs EOD
Standard PCT protocol
1 - 4 weeks Clomid 50/50/25/25
1-4 weeks Novla 40/40/20/20
Also was looking at HCG, but wasn't exactly sure on dosage for that.
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1 - 12 weeks Test E 500 mg
3 - 11 weeks Deca 300 mg
Maybe D Bol or T Bol to jump start the cycle but I'm sure Test and Deca will do the trick.
1 - 12 weeks LGD
1-12 weeks Armosian 12.5 mgs EOD
Standard PCT protocol
1 - 4 weeks Clomid 50/50/25/25
1-4 weeks Novla 40/40/20/20
Also was looking at HCG, but wasn't exactly sure on dosage for that.
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