By now we have all seen them. The New Year's resolution crew.
And the trickle that it has been so far, is most likely to turn into a tsunami of individuals determine to get in shape "this time".
But bare in mind, these are the people who make it possible for us to train in most any city or town we may find ourselves in, so for the time being;
-Address them politely on your way in and out of the gym.
-Nod and smile to the woman checking out your physique as you focus on training.
-And above all else, don't get pulled into critiquing their form. They probably won't be around for long and then we have the gym back to ourselves.
If you don't have it already, reach out to me on the Wickr me app, where I am also Buddhabuilder, for the latest 1 - Stop Domestic Shop price list and lets talk about your Spring cycle.
We're not going anywhere...