
Bostin Loyd

I enjoy the video's he puts out and for all the gear he takes at least he's honest about it.
He's honest but overdoes it. You can get the same results with a better thought out cycle and way lower dosages.
That is one of the most ridiculous videos I have ever seen. He basically took huge amounts of every injectable, oral, and peptide known to man.
Probably the biggest bodybuilding asshat on the Internet. The guy is a fucking reckless moron, that is unfortunately publicizing all the dumb shit that he does that idiots out there will copy
Not even worth the watch dude.. Can't believe how many people look up to him as a source of knowledge.

Phurious Pharma Rep
I'll play devils advocate, I like the guy tbh. Now I'd never take that much gear ever but I think he's telling his truth anyway. I'm not so sure his gear is properly dosed or that he has the best genetics or work ethic but I don't think he's lying about what he's taking lol
Clicked on it, saw 20 minutes of my life I'd never get back slipping away, quit watching. What an idiot.
One thing I'll give him is he's honest. To a fault. It's dangerous to play with fire the way he is. He would get just as good results cutting back the doses and using a MODERATE amount of slin in his offseason. He's not too smart with his protocols.

I know he had Palumbo coaching him for a while, and they go back and forth arguing doses. Dave agrees Bostin's dosages are just insane and unneeded. Speaking of Dave, I'd much rather watch his #askDave any day of the week.
Probably the biggest bodybuilding asshat on the Internet. The guy is a fucking reckless moron, that is unfortunately publicizing all the dumb shit that he does that idiots out there will copy

reckless for sure, admitted to reusing needles sometimes
I respect the guy for being honest but jesus Christ he is the worst example in bodybuilding today. Loads of gear will never change his shitty genetics.

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I'll play devils advocate, I like the guy tbh. Now I'd never take that much gear ever but I think he's telling his truth anyway. I'm not so sure his gear is properly dosed or that he has the best genetics or work ethic but I don't think he's lying about what he's taking lol

He's not lying lol why would he? He has fucked up so many lives of young kids I don't even want to think about it. He should have his ass beat.

Phurious Pharma Rep
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