Senior Member

Hello boys and girls!!!!
I am so sorry for such a long silence but we had major set back here in our household. Well Mrs biglexi had an unfortunate accident and I wish I could tell u she was lifting massive amounts of weight but that’s not a case at all. Well she tore her ACL and meniscus and underwent reconstructive surgery of her knee last week. Bottom line it sucked still does and it will for a while now. On a positive note she is already walking with full weight bearing on it with the brace. I’m in a business of it so I’m helping her with rehab daily so hoping for fast recovery. We will be implementing GH starting next week to aid recovery. It’s safe to say that past 4 weeks have been nothing but hell and it has been a one man show. It’s rough.
Anyway I did not miss a bit training whenever I can staying on the diet like a good boy but I’m sure cortisone levels are off the charts!!!! In the pix it’s my update that I sent to my coach and he is very happy how things are coming. Currently sitting at 284 the weight finally stabilized which is great so he scheduled a weekly cheat meal for me which is great. At this point only hitting test cyp and deca and 4 ius of gh on training days. That’s it. !!! Pretty happy with the strength and off season look. Very happy with gear from IWGF. Always on time and on point. Very excited with new line up that he has for us. Can’t wait to hit new compounds. I hear they are awesome ... my day will come soon until then hitting weight hard and heavy and working with Mrs to get her back in track. I should be more consistent with my updates from now on. Sorry again for such a long break.
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