so my oldest (not mine by blood but my fiance's) is giving us tons of trouble.7th grade, 12 years old.Failing school with 50's. wont do homework.wont get up for school.Late for school even when he leaves on time.Almost everything is school based.We have talked to him so many times, punished him.Use reward systems.Even she hits hit sometimes ( i wont i dont feel right doing it, he isnt mine by blood).We are lost and confused
we are looking into tudoring but we arent even sure he will go or try. It costs a pretty penny
anyone else go or going through this? any advise? much appriecated.Its such a headache and heartbreaking especially for his mother
we are looking into tudoring but we arent even sure he will go or try. It costs a pretty penny
anyone else go or going through this? any advise? much appriecated.Its such a headache and heartbreaking especially for his mother