Hey Dylan, so I am 22 years old, 5ft9, 12% body fat, 150 lbs, a Pro Soccer Player. I've decided to jump on gear. I want to gain as much strength as I can with as little mass as possible. I want to improve my speed and explosiveness. So I've been thinking of taking, Test Enanthate for 9 weeks @250mg. My will use aromasin in cycle. I am thinking of starting HCG weeks 3-7. For post cycle, I will use Nolvadex and Clomid. Does this sound like a good plan? Reason I want to run at 9 weeks only is to avoid side effects. I have read studies that say, the longer leydig cells remain inactive the more likelihood there will be problems for recovery. Question: Are the strength gains permanent? Will i keep at least 60% of the strength I gain from steroids? Would appreciate your advice.