Hi. 33, male, 5'7, 180. Goals are strength And lean mass for powerlifting. I do have to stay in a weight clsss. I was on TRT for 2y, dose of 190-200-220, each for about 6mo when I would drop and doc would raise me. Started anastrazole about 9mo in, when estradiol spiked to 54. It went back down and stabilized around 25, then it went to 0 suddenly next test and he had me cut dose in half. Went back and hung at 25 until I did my first cycle. It was 12 weeks test-c @ 420, 40mg tbol ED for 4wk. Took tudca and "cycle support" liver multi. Increased my AI from .5mg/wk which was my TRT dose to .5 EOD. Clomiphene 40/40/20 was my only PCT, but I also went back to 220 TRT. eGFR was a little low on post cycle tests but estradiol was in range and liver values were fine. I'm sorry I don't have exact values on those. Cholesterol has always been in range. BP and LDL elevated somewhat on cycle but stayed reasonable and dropped after.
In a few months I'd like to entertain a test/bold cycle but for 2nd cycles doses seem to be all over the place. I'm not greedy or antsy. I just want to be smart and reasonable. I'm not sure how to dose arimidex for a bigger cycle either. Last time I just guessed. Also not sure if my pct needs more than clomiphene after bold even going back to TRT doses.
I was thinking 500 test/300 bold.
Bonus Q: is there any advantage to running a low sides oral like proviron or tbol on a cycle like that? I'm not looking to overcomplicate things.
If there's any other background info I've forgotten that would help just let me know.
Thanks again.
In a few months I'd like to entertain a test/bold cycle but for 2nd cycles doses seem to be all over the place. I'm not greedy or antsy. I just want to be smart and reasonable. I'm not sure how to dose arimidex for a bigger cycle either. Last time I just guessed. Also not sure if my pct needs more than clomiphene after bold even going back to TRT doses.
I was thinking 500 test/300 bold.
Bonus Q: is there any advantage to running a low sides oral like proviron or tbol on a cycle like that? I'm not looking to overcomplicate things.
If there's any other background info I've forgotten that would help just let me know.
Thanks again.