Daughter is in town and my wife and I took her out to eat. She wanted some Texas BBQ and it sounded great, figured I could get away with a turkey burger or something and still enjoy a meal that wasn't too bad for me considering I've had two super thick T-bone steaks in the past 7 days. My daughter trash talked me into ordering the brisket, the one with the fatty pieces on it. It looked great, tasted great, literally melted in my mouth. I knew I would regret it, but my baby girls in from VA so what the hell. I woke up this morning and have a headache from hell, walked past the mirror and looked smooth as a baby's ass cheeks. Definition looks shot to hell and took a gianormous crap that was laden with brisket aroma! How can I expedite this shit outta my system???? Pepto? Castor oil? Just puke it out like I'm bulimic? I've already pushed a gallon of water and ate some toast in hopes of soaking this crap up. I love me some food, but damn, the right foods that agree with my metabolism.