I am confused here about the aromasin dosages and the way it should be used. In most
places I see, it is recommended to use it every day, or every other day. But what got me
puzzled is the following. This seems logical with such AI's as Arimidex, which only works
while it is in the system, and as soon as it is out, the estrogen will rebound back. But
Aromasin's greatest advantage is that it is a suicide inhibitor, and the aromatase should
be permanently deactivated. In such case, what's the need of taking aromasin so often?
Won't it crush the estrogen levels? Sorry for the silly question, but I think that my
reasoning is logical.
places I see, it is recommended to use it every day, or every other day. But what got me
puzzled is the following. This seems logical with such AI's as Arimidex, which only works
while it is in the system, and as soon as it is out, the estrogen will rebound back. But
Aromasin's greatest advantage is that it is a suicide inhibitor, and the aromatase should
be permanently deactivated. In such case, what's the need of taking aromasin so often?
Won't it crush the estrogen levels? Sorry for the silly question, but I think that my
reasoning is logical.