Dear Friends
Firstly I want to say no I’m not natural and have not been for years (in case the title confused you). My stats atm are - 174cm, 88kg @ ~8% body fat.

Been training hardcore for almost a decade now and on gear this is the end of my 3rd year. I’ve clearly achieved and surpassed my natural potential, gaining muscle up and slightly beyond that ‘mark’ is easy for everyone and anyone when on gear. I want to know your opinions and recommendations on how to get giant like say slightly less than the size of a 212 bodybuilder. My goal is to get as big as possible whilst remaining shredded (don’t get me wrong I normally do a bulk + cut combo year round (and have rest months) where I’ll go on a bulk for 3 mins get fat 15-20% bodyfat and gain muscle aswell, and then cut for the same duration and get sub 8%.
What sort of dosages do you recommend/ you think an advanced user like me should be using to achieve that goal (now look I know on the surface that seems like a stupid question, as everyone is different and what might be a low dose for me might be a high dose for muscle, for what might build 5kg of pure muscle with me might only build 2.5kg of muscle on someone else even with all other limiting factors (such as gear dose, training and diet) remanining the same). But I want to know what it takes, and what the ‘average’ so to speak dosage you’d expect for someone like me to get even significantly, bigger I’ve heard a lot of hubub about growth hormone and insulin, opinions? Opinions on which gear you think is best, good stacks and best compounds. Started Anadrol just last week and feels good, seeing big improvement in strength so far (starting at 50mg/day, will up to 100mg on week 3). Thank you for your time and apologies for the length of the message, I have problems when it comes to trying to be concise!
Firstly I want to say no I’m not natural and have not been for years (in case the title confused you). My stats atm are - 174cm, 88kg @ ~8% body fat.

Been training hardcore for almost a decade now and on gear this is the end of my 3rd year. I’ve clearly achieved and surpassed my natural potential, gaining muscle up and slightly beyond that ‘mark’ is easy for everyone and anyone when on gear. I want to know your opinions and recommendations on how to get giant like say slightly less than the size of a 212 bodybuilder. My goal is to get as big as possible whilst remaining shredded (don’t get me wrong I normally do a bulk + cut combo year round (and have rest months) where I’ll go on a bulk for 3 mins get fat 15-20% bodyfat and gain muscle aswell, and then cut for the same duration and get sub 8%.
What sort of dosages do you recommend/ you think an advanced user like me should be using to achieve that goal (now look I know on the surface that seems like a stupid question, as everyone is different and what might be a low dose for me might be a high dose for muscle, for what might build 5kg of pure muscle with me might only build 2.5kg of muscle on someone else even with all other limiting factors (such as gear dose, training and diet) remanining the same). But I want to know what it takes, and what the ‘average’ so to speak dosage you’d expect for someone like me to get even significantly, bigger I’ve heard a lot of hubub about growth hormone and insulin, opinions? Opinions on which gear you think is best, good stacks and best compounds. Started Anadrol just last week and feels good, seeing big improvement in strength so far (starting at 50mg/day, will up to 100mg on week 3). Thank you for your time and apologies for the length of the message, I have problems when it comes to trying to be concise!