Im 18 and ran a cycle of Mk2866 and then just got done with LDG 4033. The results have been amazing. Self esteem went through the roof. Dylan truly changed my life and I can not thank him enough for what he is doing for us.
I want to lose a couple pounds and also am curious to test this new sarm. So has anyone actually taken it? I have heard that it messes with your biological clock, basically messing with sleep schedule, response to darkness and lightness, sleep production would all be messed up.
If you guys could confirm that SR9009 does not do this i would really appreciate it.
Also do i need to take a PCT with SR9009 or should i take anything with it like Mk-2866?
How long should i run it also? 4-5 weeks then stop for about a week and so on?
Edit* i know i wrote a lot, basically i just want to make sure this new sarm is safe.
I been taking it a month at a high dosage havnt had any of those things you asked about. All good