
Andarine vision sides question!!!!


The vision sides hit me super hard yesterday when I woke up in the am, but slightly subsided after an hr or so. Woke up in the middle of the night it was a greenish/yellow color. Now woke up for work and same thing!!

It's a little freaky if you ask me. So is it normal to wake up with the vision tint in the A.M only to have it subside SLIGHTLY a few hrs later? It didn't hit me until I upped the dosage from 50mg to 75mg
Yes the yellow green tint is normal. But if it gets to be too much just cut it back to 50mg per day and you should be good to go. I ran it at 50 for 12 weeks and the sides were marginal at the worst.
The vision sides hit me super hard yesterday when I woke up in the am, but slightly subsided after an hr or so. Woke up in the middle of the night it was a greenish/yellow color. Now woke up for work and same thing!!

It's a little freaky if you ask me. So is it normal to wake up with the vision tint in the A.M only to have it subside SLIGHTLY a few hrs later? It didn't hit me until I upped the dosage from 50mg to 75mg

This is normal and will go away once use is discontinued. I became accustomed to the sides and just lived with it.
why would you up the dose that much in one shot? what exactly did you expect man... thats WAY too much of a jump and now you have pretty much screwed yourself in terms of how the vision will effect you.. thats why i made a PRECISE dosing protocol for everyone... you might have to eventually go to dosing 5 days on and 2 days off...
No brother it was 25mg dosed over 3x a day. Was at 50mg for a month (no sides), but then wanted to squeeze 1 more 25mg dosage in. As always, solid info gents!
No brother it was 25mg dosed over 3x a day. Was at 50mg for a month (no sides), but then wanted to squeeze 1 more 25mg dosage in. As always, solid info gents!
what im saying is, you jumped from 50 to 75 far too fast... you have to take it slower... you go to 60 first and then you do that for a week or so before you consider moving forward, otherwise this happens bro... im just trying to help you so you dont have to miss any days on the cycle...
I actually don't even mind the vision sides. Let's me know that the S4 I have is legit and on point with dosing.

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The vision sides hit me super hard yesterday when I woke up in the am, but slightly subsided after an hr or so. Woke up in the middle of the night it was a greenish/yellow color. Now woke up for work and same thing!!

It's a little freaky if you ask me. So is it normal to wake up with the vision tint in the A.M only to have it subside SLIGHTLY a few hrs later? It didn't hit me until I upped the dosage from 50mg to 75mg

It would have been better if you would have went to 60-65mg first before jumping to 75mg to let your body adapt to the new dose.

However to answer your question, it's perfectly normal to experience the sides more when first waking because your vision is adjusting to the light after being asleep with darkness for several hours. The vision side effcts are most prevelent when going from dark to light and vice versa
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Agree follow the 5 days on 2 off. The vision side will lesson, then it will go end up going away. I had the vision sides and following this I was able to get them to go away.
please follow my dosing protocol that i linked you... i hate to see a good s4 cycle wasted...
Thanks for the information guys. Still waiting for the vision to return to normal. Still including my next cycle with s4, rad, and lgd but this time I won't be so quick to jump the gun.

Definitely going with 5days on 2days off or SLOWLY increase the dosage
Thanks for the information guys. Still waiting for the vision to return to normal. Still including my next cycle with s4, rad, and lgd but this time I won't be so quick to jump the gun.

Definitely going with 5days on 2days off or SLOWLY increase the dosage
absolutely bro... you made a mistake, now you are learning from it and thats what its all about!
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